
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 67 : Uchiha or Monster (5)

The Genin of the room went up in an uproar. "But we just spent five days in a place called the Forest of Death!" One of the boys from Mizu shouted.

"Let us have a break!" Tenten shouted.


Most of the other Genin were whispering their dislike for the idea among themselves. This continued for five seconds before Naruto cleared his throat. Usually, this wouldn't have made much of an impression in the noisy arena.

This, however, was from the Bringer of Hope, and Naruto never did 'unimpressive'. The chakra he sent to his throat magnified the sound twenty times, making it sound like an angry roar more than a simple cough.

The room went silent, and Hayate nodded his thanks to his little brother. "These preliminaries will be one-on-one matches. The winner is decided when an opponent can no longer continue or forfeits. I also have the ability to end a match at any time.

Failure to obey my commands will result in disqualification." Hayate pointed to the large screen on the wall that sat in the center of both balconies and coughed. "Your names will be randomly selected and shown on that screen.

When you see your name, make your way down here and ready yourself to fight on my mark." He paused for a moment. "Before we start, is there anyone who wishes to forfeit now?"

The room was silent for a moment before Yakushi Kabuto raised his hand. "Yes. I'd like to forfeit, Proctor. I'm too exhausted."

Hayate nodded. Two ANBU appeared at either side of the spy.

"These ANBU will take you out of the forest."

Naruto kept his eyes on the Genin below, but he was internally fighting himself. He really wanted to kill Kabuto and be done with it. Anko must have noticed his anger through his tensing body because he felt her deliberately rub her chest against his back.

And just like that, Naruto wasn't mad anymore.

"Anyone else?" Hayate asked. When no-one raised their hand, he continued.

"Alright then. Please, make your way to the balcony above, and we'll start the first match of the preliminary exam." As the Genin began to file to their designated area, Naruto warned the Sandaime in their chakra burst code.

Yakushi Kabuto is a spy for Orochimaru.


Otogakure is affiliated with Orochimaru as well.

I see.

Sunagakure is planning something with them, too.

Sounds about right.

You don't seem too worried about any of this.

That's because I'm not.


We have something that they don't.

And what's that? Naruto smirked, already feeling his Jiji's amused and totally serious mind.


"Will Temari and Tenten please enter the arena?" Hayate called out.

While Naruto and the Hokage had their secret conversation, the first match had already been decided. Naruto sighed. He knew that Tenten was a skilled Kunoichi, but he also knew that Temari was already at Chunin level.

He had never seen the battle fan-wielding Kunoichi in action before, but he could tell that her Wind affinity was strong. He already knew who was going to win this fight before it even began.

Like he predicted, Tenten had used her signature techniques off the bat.

She only had amateur Fuinjutsu, so going up against someone who could already use elemental Ninjutsu was not very successful.

Anything she threw at the blonde Suna-nin was pushed away with a swing of her fan. Tenten had used a technique he had never seen before as well, but even then she wasn't able to match the winds of Temari's fan.

The match ended with Temari tossing Tenten around like a ragdoll.

"Winner, Temari."

Hayate stated. Medical-nin rushed out and collected the downed Kunoichi. She hadn't been injured very badly. A good night's sleep and she would be fine.

You know… Hiruzen began while they waited for the next names to be called. …I don't see what all the fuss is about you. Naruto smirked. I mean… you're only twelve…

Naruto wanted burst into laughter. The Hokage, the God of Shinobi was… pouting. It's the blond hair and blue eyes, Jiji.

The ladies can't resist it. He listened to Anko's strong heartbeat. That, or there really is such a thing as the 'Namikaze charm'. He chuckled to himself.

In my day, there was the 'Sarutobi charm'…

It's rare that I get to see the Hokage pout. What would everyone say if they could see the mighty Sarutobi Hiruzen in such a sorry state?

The Hokage almost huffed. Before or after I had you assassinate them?

Naruto shook his head. He was quiet for a moment before he started again. It's not as glamorous as it seems, you know.

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow. And how in Kami's name is it not glamorous?

Again, Naruto was silent before he replied. When you love two women, it kind of tends to get complicated.

This time it was the Sarutobi who was silent before he began. Love?


Hiruzen's eyes gazed at Anko for a moment before Naruto nodded. And the other?

… The Godaime Mizukage.

"Will Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino please enter the arena?" Hayate called out, interrupting the two most powerful Shinobi in Konoha.

Naruto gave Sakura and Ino his full attention. He could feel Ino's mind. The girl was still obsessed with winning Sasuke, and saw Sakura as a rival for that affection.

She saw this fight as a way to prove herself more worthy for the young Uchiha. Naruto shook his head and sighed.

He then felt Sakura. He saw her speaking with Sasuke a moment before her name was called. Whatever Sasuke had said had totally blown the pink-haired girl away.

She felt so much more confident. She felt like if she died today, she would be content. What did Sasuke say?

Whatever it was, it had changed Sakura remarkably. Naruto really needed to know what was said between the two. His curiosity got the best of him, and before anyone knew it, he was beside the Uchiha, Anko and all.

"What the-" Anko muttered. She looked at the back of Naruto's head and back at the spot they were at just before and shrugged. She was kind of getting used to all the weird shit her soldier boy could do.

Sasuke nodded to Naruto in respect. "Shishou," he greeted.

"What were you and Sakura discussing?" He asked suddenly. He didn't care if he was being blunt. He really wanted to know what was said between the two.

Sasuke was silent, somewhat embarrassed with the topic. "She wanted to know…" He looked to the right. "Why I looked at her right before I was about to cut my eyes out…" He finished in a whisper. Anko's eyes widened, but she stayed silent.

Naruto smiled, already knowing why he did it. He had felt it when it happened. Still, it was good for him to say it.

"And what did you tell her?"

Sasuke sighed. "I wanted the last thing I saw to be an Angel…"

Now, Sasuke was by no means a romantic, and he didn't mean it in the way Sakura probably took it, but Naruto had to admit, he was going to use that one.

"I see…" Naruto felt Anko's growing desire to open her mouth.

"That's all then."

He finished before he Shunshined (Body Flickered) back to the Hokage's side. Anko didn't even react this time. She was more interested in the little Genin lovers. Naruto shook his head.

"They aren't loves, Anko." She didn't react to him almost reading her mind either. She was used to that.

"Yet, soldier boy. Yet." The smirk on her face would have scared most people, but it only made Naruto return it with one of his own.

He hadn't been paying much attention to the match, so when he heard Hayate's voice, he was a little upset with himself. "Since both participants are unable to continue, both are disqualified."

"Ugh, all these girl fights are boring. Even the girl you fought was weak." Kankuro said loud enough for everyone to hear. "These Kunoichi are so weak…" He muttered with a sigh.

When the screen showed the next match up, Naruto smirked.

"Will Hyuuga Hinata and Kankuro please enter the arena?" Hayate called out. Hinata narrowed her eyes. The young Heiress was not very violent, but even she couldn't stand when someone belittled Kunoichi.

As Hinata made her way to the stairs that led to the arena floor, she was stopped by Neji. "Hinata," he didn't use his usual 'Hinata-hime'. He only ever did that when he was his most serious. "This Suna-nin claims that our Kunoichi are below him." He looked at Kankuro, and then back at Hinata.

"Show him his folly. Show him why the Hyuuga are the greatest clan in Konoha."

With that said, Neji moved to the side, letting Hinata pass. The young Hyuuga Kunoichi nodded. A determined look was in her lavender-white eyes.

When the two were next to Hayate, they took their stances. Naruto couldn't see anything wrong with her form.

He guessed working with a genius like Neji helped her more than Naruto thought it would. She was ready to defend her fellow Kunoichi. It was time for everyone to see that Kunoichi were Ninja too.

As soon as Hayate signaled for them to begin, Hinata activated her clan's Dojutsu. "Byakugan!" Hinata smirked. The clown's tactic wouldn't really work on someone who could see through walls…

With excellent maneuvering, Hinata pivoted, sending a single thrust of her open-palmed Juken (Gentle Fist) strike at whatever was wrapped up in bandages on 'Kankuro's' back.

The Hyuuga Genin kept her face the picture of calm as she turned her back on the sexist Suna-nin. As she began to walk towards the stairs, 'Kankuro' fell to his knees.

When the Suna Jonin-sensei appeared at Kankuro's side and began undoing the bandages on his back, everyone could see what had happened. Apparently, Kankuro was a puppeteer.

He had been controlling his puppet from where his puppet should have been. With her Dojutsu, Hinata was able to see this immediately, so delivering the single blow to his head was very easy.

She had made sure she didn't use enough chakra to kill him, though. At most he would just have the worst headache he would ever have in his life when he woke up.

"Winner, Hyuuga Hinata." Hayate announced. All of the Kunoichi, even the Jonin, smirked. Hinata had just fought a battle for every female Ninja alive. Kunoichi were not useless.

Naruto noticed Neji's proud smile, even though he tried to hide it.

Have you noticed him, too? Hiruzen asked.

I've known where he's been since he entered Konoha.

Hiruzen smirked. As is expected from you.


Hiruzen frowned at the flesh his former student was wearing. For him to walk among us… I thought he was smarter than this.

Naruto was so busy with staring Orochimaru down that he didn't notice his hand rub the outside of Anko's thigh.

It was his subconscious mind at work, expressing his protective feelings for the woman he loved. Anko, however, noticed it. She stayed silent though. She very much liked the affectionate touch.

It matters not how smart he is. Naruto's eyes met Orochimaru's. He didn't care though; he kept his eyes focused on the traitor. He'll be dead soon. His intelligence means nothing now.

Once again, Hayate broke their conversation. "Will Uchiha Sasuke and Akado Yoroi please enter the arena?"


if it seems like I'm bashing on Orochimaru, I apologize. I don't hate him at all, I just can't really write nice things about him when I'm writing from a Konoha Shinobi's POV. I actually like the snake Sannin.

If he was a good guy he would be one of my favorite characters. He's very unique and different… unfortunately he's a little creepy. So please, don't think I'm trying to bash on him. If it seems like


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