
Chapter 59 : Truths (2)


Sasuke entered the academy with Sai and Sakura, the three of them ready for the Chunin Exams. He had been training with Naruto since the mission to the Land of Waves, and he was ready to see how much he improved.

The genin of Team Seven walked in silence, an understanding between them. They were ready for this, more so than they thought they'd be.

Sai, of course, was not at all worried, his lack of emotions helping him. He had been putting himself through the training to rid someone of emotions when they came back from Wave. He never wanted to feel such fear again.

Sakura was surprised with herself. She thought she'd be reluctant to do this, but she was actually eager. She was upset with Naruto at first when he told her she was a weak little girl that needed to toughen up. And when he said that she would never get Sasuke's attention unless she took being a kunoichi serious, she had promptly gave him a dirty look and walked away.

After some thinking though, she had understood what he was saying. She never really took her, at least the physical side of, kunoichi training serious. And it made sense that Sasuke wanted to be with someone that… well, wasn't like her. So she went to Kakashi and asked for extra help. Ever since then… she's never trained harder in her life.

Then there was Sasuke. The young Uchiha had never been more confident in his life, yet, for some reason the usual arrogance that came with it was nowhere to be seen. He knew what he wanted now, what he really wanted, and he'd do anything and everything to get it. He could already feel it happening.

He was becoming a monster.

Team Seven came up to a door crowded by genin. There were two people 'guarding' the door, not letting anyone pass. When they got into hearing distance, Sasuke had to smirk.

"No. This is the Chunin Exams, brats like you guys don't have what it takes to be chunin," one of them said with a smirk of his own on his face.

"Yeah, look at it like this, we're helping you. You're all so weak that you'd all die if you competed," the other said.

A girl with her hair in two buns gave him a pleading look. "Come on, please let us in."

Sasuke just shook his head and continued walking, already seeing the genjutsu, even without his Sharingan. That his team was following him told him that they knew, too. His smirk returned. Team Seven was ready. While he walked away, to the real place they were told, he decided to listen to Naruto.

As he walked passed the genin he knew, he tapped them, letting them know – secretly – that they weren't at the right place.

We protect and defend Konoha, and all of her citizens.

"So we're both proctoring the second exam?" Anko asked curiously.

"Yeah," Naruto said a little awkwardly. "Are… are you okay with that?" He asked. Anko sighed and gave him an exasperated look.

"Look, Naruto." She looked him in the eyes. "When you told me that you loved someone else, too, I was just really shocked." She smiled. "You may love her, but I know that you love me, too, and right now, that's enough."

She crossed her arms under her breasts and gave him a playful smirk. "And I won't lose to anyone. Am I totally fine with it? No. But can I deal with it until we can make a decision? Yes. It's not like you're with anyone yet, so you're not cheating. And like I said, I'm just going to act like she doesn't exist until I actually meet her. So please, don't make it awkward around me. That would suck because I really want to be with you."

Naruto gave a small smile. Apparently she had thought a great deal about this since then. She was less hurt, and more eager to not lose to Mei. She still wasn't totally happy, but she knew what she wanted, and she was going to try her hardest to get it. "Alright, sounds good to me."

Her cheeky smirk returned before she leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips. "Good. Now, let's go meet the little genin." He felt her excited mind. "I've got a surprise for Ibiki."

Naruto smiled. "Ah, I almost forgot, Ibiki-san was tasked as the proctor for the written exam." His smile grew. "Let's see this surprise of yours."

The genin of multiple Hidden Villages were very surprised when something crashed through the window to their left. When a very sexy lady clad in clothing – if it could be called as much – that left very little to the imagination, they were even more surprised, and the male portion of the genin were very excited.

She had a banner above her that read "Mitarashi Anko, Very Sexy and NOT Available!" across it in bold letters. Oh, and the Bringer of Hope was standing behind her with a very amused look on his face.

"You're a little early, Anko." He looked towards Naruto and nodded his head, receiving the same from the blond. "A little extravagant and over the top, too," he said seriously, looking at the broken window and banner.

Anko gave a sheepish look, which then turned into something more confident. "You can never be too over the top." She smirked. "Wow, Ibiki, there's a lot of them left this year…" She looked at the head of the T&I department. "You getting soft on me?"

Ibiki gave her a look that was the same as always, but it somehow seemed to be colder than usual. "Did you ever think that we just might have a good crop this year?"

"Oh. And is that the case?" She asked, looking the genin over.

"Yes." He replied simply.

"Yeah, well not even half of them will be here after the second exam." She said, making the genin of the room nervous.

"Indeed." Naruto finally joined the conversation. "The genin in this room will be at Training Ground 44 tomorrow at eight in the morning." He gazed over the remaining genin. "Mitarashi and I are the proctors of the second exam, so you'll see us there."

"Mitarashi and… who are you?" A random Kusa-nin asked, looking at the blond teenager who couldn't be too much older than most of them.

Anko smirked. Wrapping her arms around his neck from the back, she let the genin know exactly who he was. "This is Uzumaki Naruto, the Bringer of Hope." Most of the room froze.

"Training Ground 44 at eight," he repeated. No one said a word, but Naruto knew they understood. "You're all dismissed." He gave Sasuke a look that said "stay here."

As the Genin filed out of the academy room, Sasuke stood and walked to stand near Naruto and Anko, who still had her arms around him. He wasn't going to complain though. He actually liked it.

"Report," the blond ordered.

Sasuke nodded. "I've only seen one person that seems odd," he began. "His name's Yakushi Kabuto and he's a Konoha-nin." Naruto nodded, already knowing about the spy. "Other than that nothing strange really happened." He smirked. "Well, some kid wearing green spandex tried to fight me before the exam."

Naruto smirked. He knew Lee would try something like that. "Even when I declined he tried to initiate the fight. It was stopped before it could start by his sensei." He gave a strange look. "He was wearing green spandex, too."

Naruto just shook his head, and Anko laughed at the look Sasuke gave when talking about Gai.

"I wouldn't jump to conclusions about those two, Sasuke." Naruto decided to warn the Uchiha now. "Out of all the genin I've met, Lee is the only one who has a serious chance at beating you."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, both confused and doubtful, but knowing better than to outright dismiss his sensei's words. Naruto never said anything he didn't actually believe.

"And out of all the jonin in this village, Gai is the only one who could, if he truly wished it, kill me." Even Anko looked surprised at Naruto's words. Gai? Maito Gai was that strong?

Naruto smirked at the two shocked expressions. "Don't underestimate the Green and Blue Beasts of Konoha."


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