
Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback

A young man transmigrates into Danzo a few years after the Nine-Tails Incident. The original Danzo was incompetent and never achieved his dream of Hokage, but now with the knowledge of the plot and a simple system as help, let alone Konoha even dominating the whole world is not a problem. And it all starts by throwing the world in another war.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Uchiha Obito, I choose you! (Part One)

"Okay, stop wasting time. What about Eight Tails? Shisui is already waiting outside, let's do it now."

After a while Danzo interrupted the joyful atmosphere and got back to the topic.

"Ah, I was waiting for you to come back, Lord Danzo.

But your idea is really interesting hehehe, eating Eight-Tails, I wonder how it tastes."

Regarding this idea, Orochimaru was very surprised at first, because he does not clearly understand the potential Devil Fruits have, so even though he already used the Munch Munch Fruit many times, it was only to produce special alloy.

And this ability alone was enough to shock him.

In science it is often the lack of suitable material that stumps theories, but now he has no such bottlenecks at all.

Dragging the unconscious Killer B out of laboratory to an open area, Orochimaru quickly formed a few seals and easily unblocked the sealing jutsu on Killer B.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time that Orochimaru let the Eight-Tails out.

Konoha's sealing jutsu originates from the Uzumaki clan is not comparable to the trashy techniques in other villages.

This is also the reason, why he could successfully infiltrate Kumogakure and release Eight-Tails in the past.


With an angry roar, the huge and ugly octopus body of Eight-Tails appeared infront of Danzo and Orochimaru. Shisui was standing at the side, with Mangekyo already opened.

"Damn humans, you killed Killer B, I will never forgive you!"

It got out of the seal, that means Killer B is completely dead.

Under extreme grief and anger, Eight Tails just wanted to destroy anything, but sadly before it had the chance, its eyes turned into a Mangekyo shape and it quieted down instantly.

Licking his lips with his Lady-killer tongue, Orochimaru approached the tailed beast and then opened his mouth to an unhealthy degree, swallowing the Tailed beast without hesitation.

Danzo saw this grotesque picture and was disgusted.

'Munch Munch fruit is really perfect for this snake.'

Shisui watched with amazement as Orochimaru swallowed the hill-sized body bit by bit.

Until ten minutes later, Eight-Tails had completely disappeared into the body of Orochimaru.

"How is it? Are there any adverse reactions?"

"No, Lord Danzo. I feel that it went smoothly. My chakra seems to be changing and the change is huge hahahaha!

I need about two days to digest it, I believe by then I will also be someone with Chakra amount comparable to tailed beast, maybe even Tailed beast bombs are possible!"

With an excited face, Orochimaru quickly reported his observations.

He believes that he can rename himself to Senju Orochimaru in a few days.

"It works? Very good, but I believe that there should be more effects. Enhanced self-healing and a chakra mode may be possible too."

Hearing this Orochimaru's eyes lit up.

"Yes that's right, that would make sense. I need to dissect myself immediately! Usually I experiment on others and now I need to experiment on myself hehehe"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Danzo didn't intend to stay with Orochimaru, who has gone into pervert mode any longer.

"Shisui go back yourself."

Then he made a quick circle in the air and a portal appeared.


Root Base.

The next day.

Danzo waved his hand and one of his Root subordinates appeared in front of him.

"Go, dig the grave of Rin Nohara and bring me back some of her flesh. After that erase all traces.

And bring me a prisoner. Alive."

"Yes, Lord Danzo!"

'Even such an absurd order will be carried out without hesitation. Training subordinates into emotionless machines does have it's perks.'

The items on the weekly list this time are too amazing, so Danzo decided to go a bit crazy.

He needs draw opportunities urgently!

And that means that some people are going to be unlucky.

'Obito, I choose you!'

He already knows that Orochimaru is already able to use Edo Tensei. Of course, at the moment it is far from the level of the fourth ninja war.

The resurrected people can only use a very small part of the power they had, when they were alive, but for his next actions this is enough.

Only ten minutes later his subordinate was already back with a bag full of rotten flesh in his hand and an unconscious figure dragging behind him.

Taking the bag and the prisoner, Danzo drew a portal to the laboratory again, only to see Orochimaru sitting on a chair stabbing himself repeatedly.

"What are you doing you idiot?!"

Without stopping his actions, Orochimaru answered naturally.

"Of course I'm trying my changed body, Lord Danzo.

It is truly remarkable, the flesh heals very fast, extremely toxic poisons only bring pain but no real damage and my body is still changing."

Danzo sighed at Orochimaru's work ethics, if there was a worker of the month award at the Roots, then he would definetely give it to Orochimaru.

Not caring about it anymore, Danzo threw the bag in his hand to Orochimaru and ordered.

"Okay you can continue with that later, now help with something. Use Edo Tensei and resurrect the girl with this flesh. By the way, don't let yourself get seen by her and quickly control her."

Hearing that Danzo needed his help for something, Orochimaru caught the bag and stood up without hesitation.

"Yes, Lord Danzo. Leave it to me."

A few minutes later, the miserable wails of the prisoner sounded a young girl with brown hair and cracks on her face appeared.

Giving her no chance to collect her mind at all, Orochimaru put a kunai with a sealing technique on it, into the head of the girl.

'Obito, I hope you like the gift I prepared for you hahaha'

Smiling slightly, Danzo patted Orochimaru on the shoulder and praised him.

"Good job! You are as reliable as always."

"Thank you, Lord Danzo. But I don't really understand why you resurrected this little girl? Isn't she one of the dead students of Minato Namikaze?"

Orochimaru was really confused, what's the use of this girl? Does Danzo have a special taste? Necrophilia?

This kind of pervert can catch up with himself.

"Hahah of course because she is very useful. The initiator of the Nine-Tails incident three years ago is a masked man, who calls himself Uchiha Madara.

In reality that guy is Uchiha Obito, who witnessed the scene of his beloved Rin being killed and activated Mangekyo Sharingan with Space abilites."

This made Orochimaru very interested and he kind of understood what Danzo wants to do.

He has researched Sharingan a lot and knows that to activate Mangekyo Sharingan, a very close and beloved person has to die.

So Rin must be very important to Uchiha Obito.