
Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback

A young man transmigrates into Danzo a few years after the Nine-Tails Incident. The original Danzo was incompetent and never achieved his dream of Hokage, but now with the knowledge of the plot and a simple system as help, let alone Konoha even dominating the whole world is not a problem. And it all starts by throwing the world in another war.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Obito's breakdown

After taking a deep breath, Rin stepped through the portal and arrived in the country of Rain.

Danzo immediately closed the portal behind her while wishing her good luck.

"Now just wait. If I get chances to choose items during the next few hours, then it means that my plan was a success."

Although Danzo is a bit disappointed that he can't personally witness the historic moment between Rin and Obito, but it doesn't actually matter.


Akatsuki base.

The moment Rin walked through the space portal, Nagato who looks like a Naruto version of Brook immediately sensed it and spoke to himself.

"How did that person suddenly appear? Space-ninjutsu? And why doesn't it seem alive, but still has chakra of a human?"

If you don't know, check it out.

Without hesitation Deva path flew into the air, speeding towards Rin.

With its fast speed, tens of kilometers were crossed in a short time and Deva Path landed in front of Rin.

Rin wasn't surprised or afraid of Pain's arrival. She is already dead and Danzo had already told her, that she would be found soon.

"Who are you? What are you doing the country of Rain and what's the matter with your body?"

Pain questioned her emotionlessly. Rin's chakra amount was tiny, so that Pain wasn't worried in the slightest, just confused.

"My name is Rin Nohara. I came here to find the masked man Uchiha Madara, if you contact him and tell him that Rin is looking for him, he will definetely come. The reason my body is like this, is because I was resurrected with a ninjutsu called Edo Tensei."

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Rin answered all questions honestly in one breath.

"Uchiha Madara? Although you say that, why should I call him here?"

Pressing her hands together, Rin begged in an humble posture.

"Please, please call him here. I can tell you his true identity and even the limitations of his space ability. Please, I just want to meet him."

This time Nagato was a bit shocked.

"You know his true identity and even about his strange dojutsu?"

Nodding her head repeatedly, Rin didn't hide it at all.

She doesn't care in the slightest, if leaking this intelligence will make trouble to Obito.

Thats why she is here. She hopes that Obito will be in trouble.

"Yes, his true identity is Uchiha Obito, he was my teammate during the Third Ninja world war.

His ability comes from his Mangekyo Sharingan and is call Kamui, he can transfer his body to a different dimension, making him impossible to hit.

The limitation is that he cannot attack others when he transfers his body and the duration is only five minutes.

If someone attacks him for five minutes straight, then his Kamui will fail."

To be honest when Rin told him, that she knows the weakness of 'Uchiha Madaras' ability, Pain didn't believe it.

For so many years, he and Konan have repeatedly tried to analyze Kamui's weakness without success, but when she talked with so much detail, Pain still had some trust in this information.

Rin scratched her head and then her eyes lit up.

She remembered something else from the illusions.

If you fuck Obito, fuck him roughly.

"Ah yes, he also has a ninjutsu called Izanaki. By sacrificing a Three-tomoe Sharingan, he can come back alive after being killed.

Usually he keeps one such Sharingan in his hidden eye-socket at all times."

Watching Rin rambling on, Pain was bit confused.

"Do you have a grudge with this Uchiha Obito? Did you not say that you are teammates?"

A look of extreme disgust flashed on Rin's face. She remembered what she saw in the illusions.

"Yes, I hate him."

This expression was easily captured by Rinnegan. It is almost impossible for such weak ninjas as Rin to lie infront of Pain.

Now Pain quite believes Rin's words and decided to contact Uchiha Madara. He is really interested what she wants to do.

"Okay, I'll call him over, wait for a few minutes."

After speaking Pain directly contacted Uchiha Madara and Konan to come to the base. He didn't mention Rin, instead he just said there is something very important.

After that he grabbed Rin by her arm and flew back.

Five minutes later, Konan arrived, while they waited for Obito, Pain explained Konan what happened, making her stunned.

And another ten minutes later, a vortex finally appeared in front of them, revealing Obito's masked figure.

'Why did Nagato call me here? And he said its somet-Wait what the hell?!'

Just as Obito was thinking he noticed Rin standing beside Konan and his brain shut down for a moment.

Then his eye widened to the limit, his body started shivering and he kept mumbling like an idiot.

"Rin? Rin? How can you be here Rin?"

Rin saw Obito's reaction to herself and she was now 100% sure that all the illusions were real.

The mask, the disgusting way he says her name, the eye that seemed to devour her, completely obsessed.

Everything is exactly the same as in the illusion.

Trying her best to temporarely hide the disgust in her eyes, she started speaking.

"It's me, Obito. I was resurrected with Edo Tensei.

Lets...let's talk somewhere alone, Obito. I missed you."

Obito has Mangekyo Sharingan, so he didn't even think about the possibility of illusion and he has indeed heard about Edo Tensei from Uchiha Madara.

But all analyzing stopped, when he heard Rin's voice.

I missed you. I missed you. I missed you.

Rin's words kept repeating in his mind, making him feel like he is heaven.

But now is not the time to fantasize, the godesses plea must be carried out!

As a super simp, Obito didn't ask who resurrected her, why she knew his identity or what she is doing here.

He just simply threw his mask aside and made a smile that he thought was handsome.

But in Rin's eyes the current face of Obito and the demon who masturbated to her grave seemed to overlap.

"I missed you too Rin. I missed you so much!"

"Obito, let's talk alone somewhere."

"Yes, yes of course Rin, right away."

Just as Obito flashed in front of her and was about to transfer her into the Kamui dimension, Pain spoke.

"No, why don't you guys talk here. Are you trying to hide something from us, Uchiha...Obito?"

Usually Obito wouldn't want their relationship to be too bad, so he would sometimes give in, but now when it comes to his godess he became super tough.

"Fuck off, do you not see that I have something to talk about with Rin? Damn cripple."

Before Nagato and Konan had the chance to rage, Obito had already disappeared with Rin using Kamui.

In the Kamui dimension.

Rin and Obito where standing face to face.

Rin was expressionlessly looking at him, while Obito looked a bit silly, waiting for his goddess to speak.

"Obito, did you kill Minato-Sensei and Kushina?"

But the first words that came out of Rin's mouth were not the happy reunion words that Obito expected.

The question made his face difficult to look at. If anyone else questioned him, he wouldn't care, but in front of Rin he felt very guilty.

Rin didn't wait for him to answer, his expression told her everything and also shattered the last bit of hope she had in her heart.

Controlling her face to look kind, she slowly reached out to his face while comforting.

"Obito, I don't blame you. My soul was following you the whole time and I know that you did everything for me.

You suffered all these years, Obito."

Obito froze and then huge happiness surged up in his heart. Sure enough, sure enough! Only Rin understands me in this world!

I only need Rin!

"Yes, Rin! I just want to create a wo-UGHHH"

His words haven't finished, when Rin abruptly stopped carressing his face and instead ruthlessly gouged out his Mangekyo Sharingan.

Without hesitation Rin threw the eye in her mouth and crushed it with her teeth. For the safety of the world, she can do such disgusting things.

Every time she bit on the eye, Obito who was in pain felt his heart being crushed with it.

After she felt that the eye was completely destroyed, Rin laughed maniacally.

"HAHHAHAH You demon! You have comitted so many sins in my name, but now...Maybe losing this eye can't completely stop you, but without it you are no threat anymore ahahhaha! You will go to hell Obito, I hope you suffer for eternity!

And I never liked you Obito. I like Kakashi. He is much cooler and more handsome than you.

By the way your dick is so small, that even if I were together with you I would need to cheat to get sexual satisfaction. Disgusting scum.

You like me? Dream, I would never love a demon like you hahahaha!"

After Rin confirmed that Obito really has done all these things, she was filled with deep guilt. Obito did everything 'for her'.

Now she destroyed his overpowered eye and redeemed herself a bit, making her release a bit of pressure.

Seeing Obito who seemed to have lost his soul, because of her words, she felt extremely happy.


With a complete breakdown, Obito was in his knees, the pain from his eye was completely forgotten by him, because the pain in his heart was much much worse.