
Meeting Law

In Konoha Minato (The 4th Hokage) was very happy to be with his family. His wife Kushina and his daughter Naruko, everyone in the village was very especially to the Uzumaki Family.

Most people lived their lives not seeing the try form of their home, especially children. Those people are the lucky ones, unlike the five-year-old Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto was hated and despised by everyone in the village including his so family. Since Naruto could remember they called him an abomination, 9 tailed fox and a disgrace he didn't even know why.

The only person that didn't say that stuff was Hinata Hyuga and she admired him from a distance as she was a very shy girl. Just yesterday she confessed her feelings to Naruto which he felt very pleased about as it was probably the first kind gesture he has ever had in his life.

He had to turn down Hinata as she could do so much better than someone like him. Currently, Naruto is sitting on a rock playing with a Kunai in his hand staring at nothing Pacific just thinking of he made the right decision turning down Hinata. Naruto was very skilled for his age and was a very fast learner that enjoyed to learn new things.

Naruto heard rusting to his right and saw a tall man come out he was wearing a black robe with what looked like a smiley with six protrusions coming out from it on the bottom. He was wearing light blue trousers with black bits in them; he also had a white hat with brown bits on it. What really caught Naruto's attention was the long sword the man was carrying it was bigger than him.

Naruto didn't sense any rage or digits from the man but he had a playful smile on his face so he knew he wasn't in danger.

"Hello Naruto," said the strange man

"How do you know my name?" Questioned naruto holding the kunai tighter ready to kill if he needed to.

"I've been watching you for a few weeks on how your family and village has been treating you" The stranger let out a strong killing intent after saying that.

"Why would you care!" Shouted Naruto agrily.

"I really hate the way this village is treating you their saviour also known as the 9 tails cage" The man answered Naruto.

"What do you want from me?" Aked naruto curiously.

The man looked serious and looked Naruto in the eyes before saying something that will shock Naruto.

"I want you to join me Naruto and leave this village behind think it as a fresh start"

Naruto didn't stop to think of the consequences of his actions and straight u

Agreed to go with this man now know as Trafalgar D Water Law.

"Im glad that your coming with me ill give you some time to gather your things and meet me back here then we will leave" the man now identified as Trafalgar D Water Law or Law for short.

Naruto snuck up into his room from the window so because he didn't want to see his OLD family. He stepped in his room and could hear laughter downstairs he knew they were celebrating his twin sisters birthday Naruko.

No one would ever celebrate his birthday he got used to that growing up with no one liking him only despising him. He looked around his room it didn't have have much only a bed, draws and a desk. Naruto went under his bed and took out a backpack. He went over to his draws and took out some of his clothes and packed them into his bag. He went over to his desk and started to write a letter to his family.

This letter was for his family.

Dear, Uzamakis

. I am leaving this horrible village for something out of my control. You are not my family anymore you are just a family that let me stay in your home nothing more. I am no longer an Uzumaki and DO NOT come looking for me.

Sincerely, your former son Naruto Uzamaki.

Naruto finished up his letter and left it on his desk and went over to his bag and put it on ready to leave once and for all, he got ready to jump out of the window when the door opened to reveal his twin sister Naruko.

"Naruto what are you doing?"Naruko asked Naruto in a gentle voice.

Naruto didn't say anything instead he turned his head away and jumped out of the window and continued running without looking back. Naruto arrived where he met Law. Law was leaning against the tree with his sword on his shoulder.

"You ready Naruto?" Law asked.

"Yes Sensei" Naruto replied

Law and naruto started walking way together through the bushes that Law came through and that is where the new journey of Naruto D Water Law started.