
chapter 1: the nirvana of the creed

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 – 1524) was a Florentine nobleman during the Renaissance, and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a Master Assassin and the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, a title which he held from 1503 to 1513. He is also an ancestor of William and Desmond Miles, as well as Clay Kaczmarek.

A member of the House of Auditore, Ezio remained unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when he witnessed the hanging of his father and two brothers, Federico and Petruccio. Forced to flee his birthplace with his remaining family members—his mother and sister—Ezio took refuge with his uncle in the Tuscan town of Monteriggioni, at the Villa Auditore.

After learning of his heritage from Mario, Ezio began his Assassin training and set about on his quest for vengeance against the Templar Order, and their Grand Master, the Spaniard Rodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the execution of his kin.

During his travels, Ezio managed to not only unite the pages of the Codex, written by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Mentor of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins, but also to save the cities of Florence, Venice, and Rome from Templar rule.

He ensured the future travels of Christopher Columbus to the New World, liberated Rome from Borgia rule, and prevented the rise to power of Ercole Massimo's Cult of Hermes, helping spread the Renaissance and Assassin ideals of independence and free will throughout Italy.

In the years that followed, Ezio began a quest to rediscover the lost history of the Order. Travelling to the aged fortress of Masyaf in order to learn more of the Assassins before him, he discovered it overrun with Templars and made his way to the city of Constantinople to uncover the location of the Masyaf keys which, as he discovered, would unlock the fortress's fabled hidden library when brought together.

A decade later, Ezio had retired and resided in a Tuscan villa with his wife, Sofia Sartor, and his two children; Flavia and Marcello. Sometime after helping teach the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun the ways of the Order, Ezio died of a heart attack at the age of 65, during a visit to Florence with his wife and daughter.

well, you think that the end of Ezio story of course, no that but the beginning of a great adventure for him , a new life filled with mystery, battles, love and a lot of killing in a world where the weak ones don't have the right to demand justice and the strong ones rule the world with iron fists.

Ezio found himself in total darkness, all you see is darkness, an eternity of darkness, not a single speck of light in sight, even for men who lived his whole life in the shadows of the world is sick of seeing the same dark picture around him.

"Ezio, my name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze" the men kept saying in his mind, for the men feared losing himself in the darkness.

That right. the men I'm talking about is Ezio, the nemesis of the templar order, a great assassin who lived his life killing corrupted Nobels even king sometimes. he was a Witty man, charming, and mischievous, he was a person who buzzes with life and personality, from his younger days brawling on the streets of Florence to Revelations' moving final scenes to his death at the age of 65,and what pain him the most was the reason of his death, all of his brother in arms died in a mission or while fighting for their Nobel reasons, and he died to a heart attack of all thing.

"sigh to think I Ezio Auditore da Firenze died in my bed after all the thing I did in my life, truly a pathetic way to die". while most men cry in their dying moment, Ezio just wanted a more honorable death. After what felt like an eternity a bright light descended on the ocean of darkness cutting it in two halves,

"light, finally some light in this hellhole "Ezio nearly cried when he saw the light and opened his nonexistent hand to embrace it and the next thing he saw was a large hand pulling him upward,

" miss Urahara, it healthy boy," the doctor said after verifying the gender of the child and hearing the boy cry his lunge out, after that he puts the boy in his mother's embrace.

"my baby, my cute sweet baby you look so much like your father," miss Urarhara said after taking a close look to her child,

"hmmm, Urahara Yami, yes your name will be Yami "kitsune Urahara said after noticing the deep black intelligent eyes of the child looking to her. while the mother is happily cuddling her child, the said child nearly died of mental breakdown.

Ezio mind is in turmoil, After all, he knows he died, then how the hell did he become a baby again.

"Is this what comes after death, a new beginning, a new life...??" he though. Ezio, after all, saw a lot of supernatural things in his life as an assassin, he himself had The Apple of Eden, a near-arcane piece of technology that allowed him a few supernatural powers, most commonly confused for witchcraft and arcane magic.so he calmed himself quickly and started analyzing what hell happening to him now, from his death to the eternity in that dark space, to what happening know.

" Valhalla, in the Codex, written by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, there was a mention of Valhalla being the next adventure for the Brotherhood, "Ezio thought after pondering for some time.

"so this is my Valhalla, I think I am in some foreign country, I cant understand a shit of what they talking" after a hard session of thinking Ezio felt tired

"urgh, my undeveloped brain can't handle all this thinking I am doing now, so let go to sleep" after that Ezio slept in his mother embrace, and that was the first time he slept soundly in ages. the warmth he felt in his sleep forced him to dig deep in his childhood memories to the days he slept in the hand of his dead mother Maria Auditore.

the next time Ezio woke up was after 1 year from his birth, you ask why 1 year , well that because his underdeveloped mind couldn't handle the thinking capacity of an adult so his mind shut down automatically until it mature enough, and Ezio was running in an automatic mode based on instinct, and that is sleep , eat , nature calls.

the first thing Ezio saw after he woke up in the face of his mother, a very beautiful woman in her mid-twenties with black hair reaching her shoulders, shining blue eyes, round face with a small nose and pink lips, wearing some kind of green robs.his mother was smiling down at him saying something he couldn't understand then he saw her reaching to her robes untie them well it clicked in his mind.

"the hell are you doing women stop right there ummmmmmmm"

time skip 1 year

today Ezio is two years old, and with his intelligent mind, he finally learned the language of this world and with it, he learned a great deal about his new world or how his mother called it the elemental nation, oh his name is Yami Urahara, and his mother name is kitsune Urahara, they are living in a village called Konohagakure which means the Village Hidden in the Leaves" or "Hidden Leaf Village", his father name was Akashi adamitchi, he was what his mother called "a ninja" which was a group of people who could do a lot of impossible thing in his old world like walking on water and building walls or use what she called "Jutsu" to vanish or shot fire from their mouth, and this ninja is like the soldiers who protect the village

Ezio or now Yami was astonished from the stories he heard from his mother, at first he was excited because the ninja in this world sound exactly like the brotherhood of assassins from his old world ,then feer crept to his mind because from his experience, power corrupt the human mind, after all, in his old world a lot of wars was fought because of the near-arcane piece of technology that was scattered in the world , he didn't feel fear for himself but for his mother , he was afraid of losing his mother again , so he vowed to become strong enough to protect his only family, and what comes like fresh air to his lungs was all his skills from his old world was brought with him, he was so excited because this skills will help him greatly in his new life after all his skill was the thing that brought him his legendry Assasin reputation in his old life.

He was born with the ability to use Eagle Vision, a form of supernatural sixth senses. With this, Ezio could instinctively differentiate friend from foe. He could even detect faint auras that have been there for weeks and even have a psychometric sense. He is the only Master Assassin to evolve his "Eagle Vision" into an "Eagle Sense".

Ezio was both a highly skilled Assassin and an adept Mentor. He learned and developed a vast array of skills, such as picking pockets, blending into crowds, armed and unarmed combat, alternative or multiple weapon attacks, stealth and public assassination techniques, free-running and long-range combat.

Due to the decades of him constantly going through rigorous training, specialized diets, meditation & his iron willpower, he is physically advanced to the point where he is the only assassin to evolve to practically superhuman limits. These seemingly inhuman physical abilities were lost after several years of retirement, likely due to him not keeping rigorously active anymore.

His strength is such that he is able to harm armored templars by punching them through their armored suit as well. One strike on their armored suit even kills most of them.

He has shown a great deal of mobility, agility & speed, as he could easily take on an army of opponents all by himself. He was able to kill many of them before they could even see him coming to them, as he moves with such great speed.

He also has a great deal of durability, as an arrow shot to the chest barely stunned him for a moment. He was even able to land on his feet, after falling from several stories, without any signs of struggle or lack of comfort. Greater extents of his durability were when Rodrigo Borgia stabbed him in the stomach and he endured the physical trauma to keep on to fight the Borgia. He was even capable of surviving being shot multiple times and falls from a great height

He can even fight an entire army without showing any signs of fatigue.

His metabolism is also superior, as he recovered from being shot in the chest with an arrow within several moments. This has also allowed him to retain his inhuman physical prowess in his advanced age as well.

Due to his many years of war against the templars alone, his combat skills developed to the point that, when combined with his seemingly inhuman strength & speed he was able to take a whole legion of templars without effort. This was seen during his arrival at Masyaf, as he was able to kill so many templar soldiers, some of the best-trained fighters, without any effort. He has also a profound swordsman & marksman, which combined with his highly developed senses, made him a one-man army.

He was also able to use a variety of weapons and gadgets, including two Hidden Blades, a sword, throwing knives, smoke bombs, a short blade, and many more. He usually possessed: Hidden Blades, poison blade, Hidden Gun, sword, climbing glove, Crossbow, with bolts and darts, smoke bombs, battle dagger. After talking to his captive father, he later inherited his father's Assassin robes, which he would upgrade with various armor and dyes throughout his life.

He is also an incredible marksman, capable of using throwing knives or using long-ranged weapons with peak proficiency. Even after reaching extremely old age, he as able to utilize the Hidden Gun with absolute accuracy.

He is well adept in blending in his surroundings as well as sneaking around heavily guarded places. He would usually blend into dense crowds and mimic their activities. He is extremely skilled in espionage, stealth, infiltration, disguise, thievery, and eavesdropping.

He was able to escape after being held hostage by a legion of templars and even from a noose tied to his neck.

Like any Master Assassin, he is a remarkable free-runner, parkour master & mountaineering expert. These abilities combined with his seemingly superhuman strength & speed, made his acrobatic prowess far more profound than all the other Assassins, before and after him,

He is equally deadly with a blade, able to use a multitude of countering, blocking, slashing, and parrying techniques. His abilities with a sword are extremely dangerous and could allow him to combat legions of enemies by himself. His training from his uncle and years of experience has furthered his abilities.

During the events of the Renaissance, he took unofficial command of the remnants of the Brotherhood and transformed it into a powerful organization bent on creating peace through free will and destroying the Borgia Family and their Templar allies. Such leadership rendered his followers to declare him the Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood.

well the only thing left for him to do is to train like crazy to relearn some of his old skills

Next chapter