

I wake up early so that my father doesn't come wake me up, I leave my room and I leave the house, I find myself outside at dawn, and I go to train and practice Chakra modeling because in our village there are trees in some places near my house, I go to a nearby clearing and start doing some light physical training so I don't get exhausted during the mission with my father.

After some push-ups, sit-ups and a light jog, I stop and I start to focus on my Chakra and mold it into a ball shape in my palm.

'As I thought, I still can't develop the Rasengan with my current Chakra and my Chakra control must be possible, which prevents me from being able to perform the technique, every time I try to generate the Chakra Ball, I know, i do not have any plastic ball with water or rubber but I believed that with my talent, I could do it'

I thought

"Damn, I was too hasty instead of skipping everything and going straight to the Rasengan, I could follow the step by step, even without a rubber ball if it still doesn't generate any results I'll just recreate the Kamehameha"

I said in a pose thoughtful as the statue of Auguste Rodin (The Thinker)

Focusing again on my chakra, I first direct the chakra to the palm of my hand and start to shape it in a circle which then I move it in one direction giving the impression that it is rotating for a few seconds and then it falls apart.

'This is going to take time and I don't have anything to limit my Chakra to keep in a ball, I'll have to get used to it anyway'

I think

I practice like this for a while until the day starts to lighten and I make my way towards my house. Entering the house I can see my father talking to the supposed contractor of the trip and the same one who was desperate in front of our house asking to speak with my father.

"I'm glad you arrived, go and change your wear so we can leave, in the meantime I'll finish my conversation with the contractor and then I'll talk to you"

says my father looking at me

"Excuse me, why we are taking a child on this mission he won't be of much help he will hinder you and me anymore"

says the man who counters my father's speech almost instantly

"My son will not disturb us, he is stronger than you, in fact you are weaker than my wife"

says my father looking at the man who looks at me and nods his head

Understanding that this conversation had nothing to do with me, I go out to change clothes. As soon as I finish changing clothes in my room I hear the door open looking in its direction I see my mother who has a very worried look.

"My Baby, promise me that you will be safe and that you will not leave your father's side, Mom has a very bad feeling about this mission that your father has accepted, I understand it's your job as a mercenary, but he doesn't should take you with him when you're still just a little boy"

My mom says in an unusually sad low tone

"Well mom, we already talked and you heard from dad I'm stronger than you think and this will serve me as a very important lesson, I know it can be dangerous, but what really matters is that you will be safe here in the village"

I said looking into your eyes

I approached her and I gave her the most loving hug possible, because this was really a moment when anything can happen and it's dangerous, and we end up dead.

"I love you mom

"Me too honey, be a man who keeps his promises and come home safe and sound"

"I'll be back"

I walk out of the bedroom towards the living room to talk to my dad before we leave and my mom follows me

When I arrive in the living room, my father was already alone waiting for me and as soon as he sees me, he opens his mouth to speak.

"I will summarize the mission in a few words, That man is a merchant and when he was on his way to our village he says that a group of 2 men stole his goods and when he arrived yesterday in the village he heard rumors about me and came to sign a contract your conditions were simple we will rescue your goods and eliminate the thieves however i have a warning to give you this mission could be much more dangerous than you think we could be getting involved and creating enmity with a group of thieves or this could be an ambush and he wants to ambush us at the behest of some Clan if you know what I mean. Never believe these stories, many people pretend to be merchants and ambush many mercenaries and few come back alive"

says my father who had a very serious face and emphasized the ambush because in fact it was a very common situation

There is a high possibility due to the fact that when Clan ryu's subordinate smiled at me mischievously.

"I GET IT" I said out loud

My mother approaches my father and opens her mouth to speak.

"Take care of our son or I'll kill you"

says my mother with a scary tone and a scary face

'Mom can be pretty scary sometimes' I'll remind myself to keep my promises.

"I will"

says my father walked out and nodded at me to follow him.

Outside we walked to the village gate where the merchant was waiting for us as we approached he started talking to my father.

"Everything is ready so let's go it's not far from here"

"hum" replies my father

We walked for about 5 hours, my father was still talking to the merchant, when in a clearing we came across the wreckage of a wagon.

"This is where they robbed me, they took everything from me"

says the resentful and sad man

"Which way did they go?"

says my father

Pointing towards the forest the merchant says

"Those 3 went that way" says the merchant

I was looking at my father when the merchant answers my father's question, then I notice a disturbance in his gaze when without hesitation my father moves closer to the merchant and I approach my father, who puts his hand on his sword and cuts the merchant's head sending it flying into the air spurting blood on my clothes, with the merchant's body falling to its knees and swaying towards the ground. I didn't know how to react to this act of my father who looks at me and says


says my father screaming to make me stay on alert

Getting into a state of alert, I hear a noise of movement between the trees, when I notice a figure jump in the air and perform some hand movements


says the shadow when a 2 meter fireball comes towards us that by instinct we dodge to the side, separating my father and I

"He really brought the little boy this might be a problem"

says a laughing voice he had white skin and looked like a murderous maniac, he wore gray colored battle clothes he was approaching between the trees coming from the direction of the man who performed the Jutsu was

"It really matters a lot let's kill the child at once, even if he is talented he is not worth our resources so much" says the person who came next to the laughing and scary man he had white skin and was smaller than the laughing man wore clothes Battle like laughter while looking at me with bloodlust

At the same moment the man who had performed the Jutsu drops to the ground and says

"If we can capture the little boy alive, it would be better, but if he resists too much we will kill him"

says the man who was now wearing the same type of clothes, but had a symbol of a dragon's claw in red

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