
Naruto: Challenger system

Nathan Hunt, orpah and entrepreneur. Who never knew his parents, and never cared to look for them. Died and reincarnated, where? You already know that.

Mauritany_DL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The 'yoink'en-ing

While Matsuo was enjoying his wine, Madara had been turned into a dark blob by black zetsu.

Matsuo was getting prepared for Kaguya by trying out the things he got out of the infinite tsukuyomi, he also bought something...

[Clone urn (12.36 bill)

An urn with a bloody meaty 'soup', when the bound individual dies the 'soup' will coalesse into the boud individual's form and take in the bound individual's soul instead of it going to the pure lands.]

Matsuo needed some insurrance, and he was happy after throwing it into the tungsten thrown room.

Matsuo tried a few techniques from everysingle world he had, the funiest thing was that the xianxia ones all worked if they were ones that didn't use spirit qi.

Matsuo quickly took out a few steel bars and ate them, mysteriously his entire body gained a slight metalic luster.

Matsuo wondered what his mangekyo could do, but he didn't have the time for that.

The still wind below Matsuo shifted, pointing at Obito. A burst of chakra, internal energy and the power of a metallic body resounded. Quickly Matsuo appeared next to Obito with a hero landing, He put his hand above Obito's sharingan, and took it in a few moments "Yoink!" He gained an un-akward smile, he put his sharingan into the inventory and enjoyed his wealth increasing.

He suddenly jumped and did a flip, dodging Naruto's punch. Matsuo didn't know why he did it and didn't care why, he just threw another bar of metal into his stomach, his body became even more metalic looking.

Matsuo made another air platform and choose to buy something.

[Yin release (7.6 bill)]

Matsuo felt great pain but he would've bought it anyways, so he wasn't too sad. He put a platform above him and launched himself down, grabbing a truth-seeker orb in the process "Yoink two! Revolutions!"

With all 7 nature releases together as one he could touch and control truth-seeking orbs, though he just got yin release so its still pretty crude on the 'control' part.

He just had one of naruto's truth-seeker balls now "Loser." Matsuo didn't have the ability to float like Naruto so he grabbed ahold of the orb and swung upwards dodging Kaguya's attack.

Matsuo had no idea how he even predicted that, but his right eye spun a bit at that moment.

With Matsuo doing a hand stand on the orb, he jumped up and brought the orb with him right after. He also popped a metal bar in his mouth again, you know what happened.

He boosted off of a air platform to get next to Sasuke, Matsuo knew what to do "I don't know why you people hate me, and I don't really care anyways. But let's talk all that out later, when the world isn't in danger! Now lets seal, kill, or get that chakra ancestor out of our hair and into the hair of another planet!"

He popped another few metal bars into his mouth and chewed this time, getting a greater effect "So? Chop, chop! Kaguya isn't going to wait for us, if you ain't gonna do shit! I might as well steal your sun and moon seals!" He put another metal bar into his mouth.

His EMS spun a bit again, and he put his hand behind him blocking Sakura's punch "Uselessness, Uselessness. Can't you be useful in any way? Like talking about how working with an enemy to fight an even greater enemy is smart? Or will you always be a dissapointment?" He launched her backwards with his chakra "Well, I'm shouldn't be surprised. You were a dissapointment the last time I saw you on Naruto bridge too."

They suddenly appeared in a world of flames, Matsuo landed on his truth-seeker ball and the losers landed in their own unique anime way. Matsuo didn't really care, he just popped even more metal into his gullet.

He also tried to make a stabler platform from the orb, though it didn't really have an effect. Matsuo just had to try though, it was tradition for a great king god to try anything he could. More metal too, it was ridiculous how much he had put in already.

Again his mangekyo swirled, always his right one, and he jumped backwards. He brought his orb too, can't live without it. Where he just stood was an ash-killing bone from Kaguya, it was Matsuo's fault for not paying attention to her and the losers's conversation about how she'll get back her chakra.

He again swung up from his orb, and then put his orb below him while eating metals.

Matsuo quickly used a jutsu on a kunai and threw it at Kaguya, the moment it landed, since she didn't try to dodge. It exploded into ice, it was the size of a small glacier. That's what all his chakra can do, though he got it all back right away "Heh, that what you get loser!" He smiled arrogantly, but was jealous in the inside at how Naruto easily used his truth-seeker orbs, he even tried to use one as a weapon! The jealousy was supreme.

The orb missed and Matsuo rushed over and stole the orb that was actually a pin-thing now that was stuck in the wall, he tried to walk on a moving bridge of orbs. But it failed, he needed three truth-seeker orbs for that in his state.

He was sad not being able to walk right now, and an idea popped into his mind 'Is a truth-seeking orb considered a metal?' Matsuo shook his head 'I'll look into it when I steal more from Naruto.' Limited stock should be perserved.

One of his new orbs went a bit behind his back, and sharingan dodge caused him to fall onto that while eating more metal letting an ash-killing bone pass by. He quickly turned around and swung back onto an orb, when he looked back he saw that the others had vanished.

Matsuo frowned, but this was a good time to see what his two mangekyo abilities can do. Since Sasuke didn't get Tsukuyomi when he stole Itachi's eyes, so Matsuo guessed he wouldn't get four eye powers.

And he was correct, he took his time feeling what his right eye could do, he got a name but he changed the name since it was trash "Predestined change, what great name." Matsuo said, praising his own naming sense.

"My eye just activates on its own when i'm in danger and tells me what would happen, and my instincts eat it up and tell me what to do." Matsuo liked his new ability, as long as he could dodge he had a high chance to dodge.

He had no idea what his left eye could do, but he did know it wasn't 'the right time' for it 'Man, the mangekyou or whatever is so mysterious, not even telling me what it does.' Matsuo felt indignant and angry while putting a bunch of metal into his now weirdly undislocated jaw, it should've definently dislocated with how wide the opening is.

He played around with his new truth-seeker ball, though he felt dead inside at how much money he's spending on metals 'But the steel dragon art was always expensive, well the foundation is worth it anyways.' He thought while tears were running down from his eyes, he had already spent more than a few tens of millions and he wasn't even half-way there.

His pain turned into hatred and he put in Obito's eye in his left eye socket, it wouldn't help too much with survival right now. Matsuo remembered how Obito brought Sasuke out of a desert area with kamui, so he did that and went into a desert.

He put his entire chakra pool into his kamui sharingan a few times to activate it, he opened up a portal to the desert realm. A white light slowly grew into a portal with a desert behind it, Matsuo jumped it after seeing a certain personage with an edge factor.

More metal, more luster, more spending. This was Matsuo's current thing, he just sat next to Sasuke while talking about stuff "Don't worry that Obito guy will open up a gate to teleport you over to the battle, just relax and enjoy your freedom from the evil Naruto's hypocrisy."

"Actually," Matsuo thought of something and asked "Why do you people hate me? I've been in a coma for the last two years, and had a week of lucidity then was in a coma before that since the naruto bridge incident. My clone has been doing everything for me." Matsuo thought for a second before saying "Also, if someone with my visage ever says 'I don't have enough chakra' or 'I'm out of chakra', it's wasn't me."

He needed to make sure people didn't slander him with things like him 'Running out of chakra.', disgusting. How dare those losers portray him as a chakra pauper!

Matsuo's rightious fury caused him to eat even more metal, he was totally reasonable in his anger. He also took out his kamui eye and exchanged it for his original left eye.

The eyes did seem to be made of a white metal, but Matsuo wasn't done yet. His rightious fury caused him to eat diamonds, they were actually quite cheap. They were cubes of diamond without artistic intent, making it pretty cheap.

Matsuo saw the start of a gate with his spinning mangekyo, he stood up and said "It was only a matter of time." Matsuo ran forward, you could overlap his metalic body with a train and it wouldn't look to out of place.

Suddenly Sasuke saw a white portal opening up, of course he was shocked that Matsuo could sense its appearance before him. But he didn't hesitate and ran over too, both jumped through the portal made by Obito before it closed like in the anime.

"Hahaha! Uselessness! No, Sakura!" Matsuo said while looking at Sakura who had an acid wound on her right arm "You overcame your uselessness this one time! Good job!" Matsuo put in his kamui mangekyo and poured in a few of his chakra pools, he put his hand infront of him and opened a kamui portal "Lets go and save the world! If I can, I'll help too, not like I can die!"

And as such from a red rocky time-space, Matsuo and friends transported into a glacier-ey time-space. Matsuo saw Naruto get impaled with an ash-killing bone, though it was a shadow clone. There were thousands of clones.

Matsuo quickly put back his original mangekyo and ate even more metal, Matsuo threw another ice infused kunai at Kaguya. Matsuo threw his two truth-seeker balls into his inventory, in preperation for the next time-space teleport.

Matsuo felt nice having gone through the anime, really happy 'In a bit Kaguya should teleport us to the high gravity time-space.' He also ate more metal, though that was already an established thing that he did at every moment.

His sharingan spun and bled a little, sadly even the EMS still bleeds with overuse. Though blindness isn't a problem, and Matsuo also squated on one leg. Suddenly the gravity hightened a lot, everyone else fell down and was highly effected by it, including Kaguya. And the truth-seeker balls fell to the floor with a 'tink', Matsuo nodded to himself for his wisdom.

Matsuo bought a few layers of gloves and put them on his hand, he walked towards Naruto and Sasuke who were fighting. He was going to delay the ash killing bone that would kill Obito to take the other eye, this was one of his bigger goals, since he really wants more mangekyos to himself.

He was going to use a lot of gloves to maybe slow down that bone and, steal that sharingan. Kakashi would get the mangekyo for a bit anyways he would just lend them to him.

Matsuo got ready to pounce, and he saw an ash killing bone coming out of Kaguya with his right eye spinning giving way to more blood. He started to move and Obito got into position a few seconds later, when Kaguya shot out another ash-killing bone?

'Looks like this is the perk of my right eye, I guess?' Matsuo thought to himself, not giving any lee way for the evil ash-killing bone. He held it with his glove covered arm right before Obito, Matsuo gave him a smile, and put his perfectly open hand into Obito's still filled eye socket. And stole his mangekyo, Matsuo wasn't worried in the slightest about Kakashi dying, his ash-killing bone was already kamui-ed. Though he said one thing while he stole his second mangekyo eye "Yoink! this is mine now!"

He took this as if it was a game, which was weird. But Kaguya is scary, really scary, probably a way to keep his sanity. Not gonna judge, but I am going to judge anyways since that's my job. It was creepy, acting like life is a game in high pressure situations is horror game/movie material.

But Matsuo didn't care, he released the ash-killing bone from his grip leaving the gloves with it, since it may infect him with the ash plague. That's what he calls what happens to people hit with ash-killing bones, it was... A name, though it didn't make much sense since it couldn't be transmited like a virus or bacteria.

Obito died like he shoul've, and he had his nice speach about how Naruto should become hOKaGe. Before which he accused Matsuo of 'evil deeds', which Matsuo easily refuted saying "If you die your mangekyo would be gone and that's a real waste, like a huge waste. I'm just recycling stuff before it is no longer recycleable." Matsuo said these reasonable things and there wasn't any back talk since Obito knew Matsuo wouldn't give it back no matter what.

Without caring for Obito's speach he put in even more metal, dying on the inside. His right eye spun again and he got situated in to a good squating position again since quickly getting used to a new gravity level from a standing position is, not as easy as Naruto and friends make it out to be. He also took out his two truth-seeker orbs, they'd be able to float normally again after space-time teleportation.

Sasuke said something like "My visual prowess has returned!" And teleported next to Kaguya with his rennegan, doing no damage and getting dodged when he attacked. The space-time did it, not me!

Matsuo though, he still took in even more metal. There were a few big bangs around but Matsuo didn't really care, he did see Kaguya again after half a minute. She... Turned into a weird-white-bunny-beast-thing.

Matsuo calmly accepted the situation and ran away on his two truth-seeker balls, though he still threw out a kunai filled with a chakra pool's worth of glacier ice.

He knew when to stop, he can't fight against, let me think. the tailed beasts 1-8 are 50%, tailed beast nine is 50% but half of it was taken away into Minato then brought back to Naruto. So about 75% of the chakra that comes from the tailed beasts combined with the chakra of a lot of people all around the world.

Matsuo saw the big beast get kamui shuriken-ed, it was cool, and Matsuo remembered that he should have a susanoo too. But there wasn't time for that right now, because that bunny monstrocity just turned inside out and showed a truth-seeker orb bigger than a small mountain.

Matsuo gained a cold sweat everywhere on his body, and he felt shivers rolling up his spine. Though he now threw a shuriken with flames inside it, ready to burst out, at the new Kaguya that had come out of the white hair left over from making the truth-seeker orb.

His right eye spun and he had a.. Bad time, since he saw multiple black gates launch ash-killing bones in a way that weren't easy to dodge. His truth-seekers where tried in the illusion with blocking, it failed miseribly. But he saw it before it happened, so Matsuo just stopped and ran in another direction with a jump.

He still ate metal though, it was as if his life depended on it. But it seemed Kaguya predicted it and had attacked in a way that an ash-killing bone still hit him, or he was just really unlucky or hated by fate, The later of the two was more probable, though it only hit him on his left hand. Matsuo smiled, and ripped off his arm without hesitation after putting on a glove. The plague could've killed him!

He could get his arm back anyways with internal energy after a few years or decades, death was sort of permanent, and a lost limb is less permanent than death. And he wasn't totally sure the great plague would mess with his immortal soul, since there wasn't anyone revived after the plague took them from what Matsuo knew.

Filled with rightious fury Matsuo ate even more metal and threw even more glaciers and flames at Kaguya, he also came closer since he knew Kaguya was close to getting sealed again. He wanted too 'yoink' the giant truth-seeker orb and the other orbs Naruto had.

The moment he saw them starting their plan Matsuo rushed in with a few shuriken. He threw four of them, attacking with the five elements minus fire. It helped a bit, not much but made fate's life easier.

Sasuke was attacked, but... It was a clone! On the other side Naruto attacked with the sun seal, and was about to get attacked through a portal with a ash-killing bone, but kakashi used his hour long kamui loan to get rid of it. Then Sasuke used amenotejikara (The rinnegan teleport) to switch places with the dying shadow clone that got the plague, they both were going after Kaguya with their seals.

Kaguya went up with black zetsu stuck on the floor with two truth-seekers saying "There's not enough time to go into another time-space!"

Uselessne- temperarily useful Sakura fell from above, punching a litteral god, and getting an effect. Knocking the reason chakra is in the naruto world down into the two seals from the god's children's children's incarnations, the two seals casted 'Six-paths; planetary devestation' and started to create another moon.

Matsuo saw the giant truth-seeker orb start to crumble, and Matsuo gained a weird motivation to... 'Yoink' it, like planned.

He rushed over by jumping on his truth-seeker orbs, he came just in time for the giant orb to collapse. He tried his best to steal some truth-seeker orb, but no matter what he tried, "Come on! Just one! One extra truth-seeker orb! Plz!" He failed miserably.

Seeing the broken giant truth-seeker that could've been his, he fell on his knees. He did almost nothing and could only get two truth-seekers, after mourning for a bit, and a bit means a minute or two.

Then he remembered, black zetsu had two truth-seekers keep him stuck. But Naruto had already thrown black zetsu into the new moon, Matsuo steeled himself. And stood on his truth-seeker with his one arm, and rushed into the new moon.

Naruto and friends were summoned by six-paths guy, not Matsuo though. Matsuo didn't notice though, his truth-seekers meant more than getting out of the time-space.

After digging through the moon for some time with jutsus, since remember, he has extreme amounts of chakra regen. So he kept going for a while, and then he saw an arm. He smiled and got it out, he placed it in the hole he made.

Black zetsu was pleeding about freeing him, but Matsuo didn't listen. He stole the two truth-seekers, and filled the hole with earth by slamming the walls together, and filling the empty space left behind with earth Matsuo bought.

Matsuo cryed even more with his money lost, sadly. Matsuo again exchanged his mangekyo with the kamui and opened a portal again with a lot of chakra pools. He took a bit to do over 30 chakra pools, which took some time.

He opened another kamui warp gate, and jumped through with a cannonball posture.

And he appeared in the sky, barely being able to see the tailed beasts "Come on!" Matsuo said extremely angry, why was he in the sky anyways? Oh... He made the portal on the new moon.

Matsuo saw a few giant meteors far away at the valley of the end, he saw nothing else 'well'. But with his experience, Matsuo stood atop a two by two truth-seeker orb platform that decended at the speed of an elevator.

Matsuo had an idea, but it wasn't the right time to try it. Matsuo wasn't in a rush anyways, He wanted the Harashima cells from Madara, also Madara cells. And steal the talent embedded into it with cell injection, Matsuo may even get wood style!

Matsuo sat on his mini elevator made of four black orbs, and relaxed with another cup of alcohol. Matsuo was proud of himself, got out of a coma, and stole, or 'Yoink'-ed in his words, four truth-seeker orbs! That's more valuable than his entire fortune!