
Naruto : Broadcasting The Future, Starting With Kaido ( Finished )

Traveling through the world of Naruto, Ken gains access to the ‘undercover creation system’. As long as the undercover gets enough influence, he can get rewards. Ever since. Ken creates a light curtain and begins to broadcast the future. Let the big guys in the shinobi world think that they finally understand the truth about the world. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Who is Kaido and why can he replace Kakashi and become the teacher of Class 7?" Orochimaru: "What? I founded Academy City?" Zetsu: "It turns out that the biggest culprit that prevented me from resurrecting my mother was the Pirate King Roger!" Pain: "Thanks to Gin, otherwise I wouldn't have known that our Akatsuki organization would have so many undercover agents!" The Fourth Ninja War. Impure World Reincarnation's Uchiha Madara looked at the allied ninja army and felt numb. Is this still the ninja world I know? ------- This is a Chinese fanfiction I am just translating it. ----- if You want to read Chapters in advance join my Patreon ↓ https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs

chapter 8

The moment Kaido turned into a dragon, there were various exclamations from all over the ninja world.

Many people gasped.

Paired with goosebump-inducing BGM music.

I was speechless and shocked.

Onoki: "What is going on? Could it be that the old man is dazzled?"

Rasa: "I saw it too."

Fourth Raikage: "We can't all be dazzled, right? Sarutobi, please come out and explain. Isn't it the Jinchūriki that you Konoha Shinobi hid?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "...I don't know!"

Rasa: "No, if it's a Jinchūriki, which tail beast is sealed? How come I've never seen it before?"

Onoki: "After the transformation, there is only one tail, so it is One Tail Jinchūriki (Confirmation)!"

Gaara: "???"

If he is One Tail Jinchūriki, so what am I?

Jiraiya: "Look, after Kaido transformed, the Fire Nation's combat power value changed again! From the original 821061, it increased to 831061. In other words, Kaido's combat power value after transformation doubled, up to two A hundred waves now!"

Rasa: "I was not allowed to use the Kingdom of Waves as a unit of measurement for combat power, but you ended up using it yourself. Double standards, right?"

Might Guy: "That's cool! Kaido, please teach me how to transform!"

Mitarashi Anko: "Coach, I want to learn too!"

Kaido: "I really want to learn it, but I really don't know how to do it. It should be a special ability that I learned from somewhere in the future."

This is the truth.

Compared with other undercover puppets, Kaido was in Konoha like Ken and could provide immediate support when in danger. Ken invested more in him and exchanged him for Junior Conqueror's Haki and Thunder Eight Trigrams.

As for Devil Fruit, because it requires too many creation points, Ken can only put it down first.

even so.

Kaido also possesses Jōnin strength.

Logically speaking, he should have become the mainstay of Konoha.

Who would have thought that before Ken created the light screen and played the movie viewing video to the public, Kaido with such strength was just an unknown special Jōnin.

Except for Kakashi, Might Guy, Sarutobi Asuma and a few other classmates, almost no one knows about his existence.

can only say.

Konoha is just too curly.

At the same time, the light curtain switches the camera and changes the perspective to Uchiha Sasuke.

[Concealing aura and hiding are the basic skills of a ninja. ]

[As an outstanding graduate of the Ninja School, Uchiha Sasuke hid in the thick grass the moment Kaido announced the start of the test, and had a panoramic view of the battle between Naruto and Kaido. ]

[That Jōnin...]

[So strong! ]

[Even when fighting Naruto, he didn't show any flaws. ]

[ Sasuke was secretly anxious in his heart. ]

[At this moment, Naruto went berserk and entered the half-tailed beast state. In order to suppress the Nine Tails Chakra, Kaido entered Naruto's spiritual world. ]

[The battle taking place in the spiritual world is unknown to Sasuke. ]

[He only saw. ]

[ Kaido exposed his defenseless backside to himself. ]

["good chance!"]

["Finally revealed a flaw!"]

[Sasuke leaps into the air and throws six shurikens at the same time, blocking any possible space for Kaido to dodge from different angles. ]

[even so. ]

[After seeing Kaido's tyrannical strength. ]

[Sasuke, who still felt that it was not safe enough, quickly formed seals with his hands. ]

"This is..."

As a member of the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Itachi recognized the ninjutsu that Sasuke wanted to release the moment he looked at his hand, and a pleased smile appeared on his lips.

["Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"]

[ Sasuke's body suddenly leaned back, and a huge ball of flaming fire burst out of the air. ]

[moment. ]

[He swept Kaido away. ]

Sarutobi Asuma: "Well done! Oh, no, don't slap me in the face!"

Battle Master Fourth Raikage commented: "Although it is suspected of taking advantage of others, this combo is good. If the opponent is Genin, or even Chūnin, it is almost 100% accurate."

Fourth Raikage: "However, it is really ridiculous to use it against Jōnin. Under normal conditions, with Jōnin's speed, a Body Replacement Technique can easily resolve it."

Jiraiya: "It's not that simple."

Kakashi: "Sasuke has obviously calculated that the positions of him, Naruto and Kaido are in a straight line."

Kakashi: "Under normal circumstances, if Kaido dodges, Naruto will be the one who gets hit."

Onoki: "Are you using your companions as bait?"

Ninja school.

With a large circle around him, Naruto jumped onto the desk and glared at Sasuke behind him: "You guys, are you planning to kill me too?"


Sasuke crossed his arms and glanced over his shoulder.

An arrogant expression that says, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, have done what I do all my life, so why should I explain it to you?"


[Kaido, who sensed the situation using Observation Haki, left Naruto's mental space. ]

[Open your eyes. ]

[What comes into view is a huge ball of flames. ]

[With his speed, it is more than enough to avoid it. ]


[Behind him is Naruto who has released his half-tailed beast transformation. ]

[If he is in the half-tailed beast state, even if he receives the Great Fireball on his face, Naruto will not be harmed at all. Even if he is injured, he can heal quickly. However, at this moment, Naruto was forcibly released from the half-tailed beast state under his intervention. , it is a period of weakness. ]

[Think of this. ]

[ Kaido didn't hesitate. ]

[Open his arms directly to protect Naruto tightly behind him. ]

[The huge fireball collided with Kaido's strong back, exploding into red sparks that filled the sky. ]

[It set off a wave of noise that swept all directions. ]

[Fires soar into the sky and thick smoke billows. ]

At this moment.

The entire ninja world fell silent.

There was no message under the huge light curtain, and everyone fell into a deathly silence.

The Great Fireball Technique is a highly difficult ninjutsu created by the Uchiha clan.

It is widely spread in the ninja world.

There is no other reason than practicality.

The attack range and lethality are very large, and the distance is also very far. The learning difficulty is only C level, and the power can be determined according to the caster's own ability.

Even Jōnin.

A Great Fireball hits you head-on, and you will either die or be seriously injured.

Everyone in the ninja world realized what happened and sent messages to commemorate him.

Iruka: "Kaido-sama, I take back what I said before, you are a well-deserved good teacher!"

Fourth Raikage: "You are a real man, I approve of you!"

Onoki: "Oh, what a pity."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Kaido-sensei!!!"

Might Guy: "No! Kaido won't die so easily! His youth is just about to start burning!"

Sarutobi Asuma: "Okay, for the sake of your bravery, I won't hold you accountable for beating me this time. Be careful next time, no... why are you still beating me?!"

Tsunade: "I believe that with Konoha Mirai's medical methods, it will definitely be rescued."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Kaido is an outstanding Konoha Shinobi person who is dedicated to his job. During his tenure, he worked diligently and never left late or left early. I hereby announce that Kaido will be awarded the title of Hero of Konoha and will be engraved on the commemorative monument as an exception. In recognition."

Countless viewers expressed their regrets.

Looking at the screen full of candles and tearful emoticons, Kaido's face darkened.


I am not dead yet!

[Looking at Kaido being swallowed up by the fire. ]

[Uchiha Sasuke, who is the caster, suddenly buzzed in his mind. ]

[Staggers back a few steps. ]

[Because of the powerful impression Kaido had left on him before, this Great Fireball consumed all his Chakra and was the strongest ninjutsu he had ever released in his life. ]

[But he never expected that Kaido would not make any defenses. ]

[now. ]

[ Sasuke's mind went blank. ]

[Shocked by this scene to the point of incoherence: "I... I killed Teacher Kaido?!"]

[However. ]

[At this moment, a familiar voice came from the smoke. ]

["Come on!"]

[Kaido walked out of the smoke unscathed and glared at Sasuke with a stern look: "It's just a Great Fireball Technique, you still think I will die from this? Are you daydreaming?!"]

[At this time, Sakura on the side finally came to her senses. ]

[Jumped up ecstatically and said: "Mr. Kaido, are you okay?"]

[ Kaido dusted himself off. Although Sasuke's Great Fireball Technique did not cause any harm to Kaido, it burned all the clothes on his upper body, revealing muscles that seemed to be made of iron bars: "I am fine. "]

["But if you have something to do, it's not certain!"]


[Hearing this, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura froze in place. ]

[ Kaido slowly raised his head. ]

[Looking at the sunset that has completely sunk into the valley. ]

["time up!"]

[Kaido picked up the bell around his waist, squeezed it into a copper piece, and showed a "kind" smile on his face: "you have failed the assessment , your dinner is gone!"]

["Go directly to the special training session."]

["Prior declaration."]

["My training standard is... as long as you are not dead, practice to death!"]