
Naruto: Bringer of Light

Henry Galahad was a knight without purpose, and the most wanted man on the planet; and somehow, he had managed to get this title in only 17 years. After his village was burned to the ground, he vowed to never let someone face the same injustices he faced, and worked very, very hard to achieve this dream. However, he soon learned that the world isn't as black and white as he believed. Faced with a choice between kneeling down to the powers that be, or tearing them down to achieve his goal, his choice was obvious. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. Just as he fell into the cold, dark arms of death, something changed, a light at the end of the tunnel, and he didn't hesitate for a second to accept its embrace. Though... "I'm... alive?" -one can only imagine how little he knew. --------- *Things to expect and consider*: 1) I am not an expert in Naruto-ology (per-se), and I am not trying to be. This story is based on Naruto with many new characters (most returning). It will use a lot of the same systems, categories, villages, and maps, just with a few (more like a lot) of changes. 2) No stupid MC moments (HUZZAH!!!) 3) Romance will be there (tag not misleading); but NO HAREM (HUZZAHHHHH!!!) 4) New and Old arcs 5) Training will happen 6) 1300 - 1500 word chapters *Discord: https://discord.gg/ycgY9mwWnz ^includes: - Character pictures (no spoilers) - General chat - More coming; I made it in like 5 minutes so be patient *I do not own the cover art

Oediuss · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Entrance Exams (fin)

First, and most important for his safety, is "Mana Sense". By sending out a pulse, or continuous stream of neutral mana to his surroundings, he is able to sense the location of people or animals with enough mana (i.e. living creatures of the animalia phylum). Some plants, at least in his old world, had enough mana to pop up on searches, but they were rare.

The second and third spells that would drastically increase his rate of development physically are the spells "Heal" and "Basic Stamina Recovery". "Basic Heal" was available to him when he had 1 ring, but it had no capability of healing internal injury, so it wouldn't help with physical exercise. Thankfully, the process that lower level Light Magic uses to heal isn't purely magical. It basically overcharges the body's natural healing process.

This means, however, that scars are left on the body. Up until "Perfect Heal" (which is only possible if one has seven rings), all healing spells (or adjacent ones) have this one flaw. 

Basic Stamina Recovery does just as the name implies: it recovers one's stamina. This stamina is (obviously) only the physical kind, and thus is a way for Light Mages to exchange their mana for physical stamina. 

Typically, this is a good tradeoff, because skilled Light Mages' magic is one of, if not the most efficient kind, maybe only being tied with wind mages due to the natural abundance of their element. 

So long as Hatada has nothing else to practice, he is planning on focusing entirely on physical training for a while- essentially trading all of his mana for stamina.

This mode of training is not something he did often in his past life due to the abundance of spells he needed to master in addition to his sword training. However, now that he has mastered (or is close to mastering) both, he is able to employ this training method. 

In addition to granting him a great increase to his muscle fiber recovery time in addition to allowing him to train for longer at a time, it also drains his mana, which opens up the door for him to continue his grind for more rings.

At the pace he will go, he might even be able to reach the 7 ring stage by the time he is 16, maybe earlier! A feat only to have been done once by the aforementioned Mage guild's guildmaster himself!





"Well, little sis, How'd it go?" a young Hyuga asked his sister.


Nisi spun around and began her walk home, ignoring her brother's shit-eating grin. He shook his head and followed her. "So does that mean that you didn't get in?" he teased.

"No, I pas-" she looked back, noticing the teasing expression he had, "Y-you!"

She began a fury of harmless swings at her brother, all of which he dodged by a hair's breadth. 'She seems oddly worked up… oh well! All the more reason to continue to tease!'





"So, how did you do Ume? Meet any new friends?" a roughly 40 year old-looking Hyuga lady asked in a tone that almost reached desperation.

"(mumbles) so confusing…"

Ume didn't even notice his mother's presence, let alone her question. He had diverted too much of his brain power on attempting to figure out why Nisi reacted in the way she did.

"..me… Ume!"

"Ah!" Finally, he snapped out of it. "Oh! Mother!"

He jumped on his mother with a little too much vigor, but Hyuga Anai wasn't surprised. Her son, in her opinion, was an angel too good for the world, and far, far too much energy for it. 

The kids around snickered at his "childish" actions, but neither he nor his mother cared.

"What's on your mind?" she asked. Naturally, his mother, an ex-kunoichi, could pick up on both his current distraction and hear his mumbling. "What's so confusing? Did you not pass?"

Ume shook his head enthusiastically, "No, mother, of course I passed! It's just…"

He paused for a while. She was used to this habit of his. He had a cute (at least she saw it as cute) way of talking: Instead of using filler words, he simply stopped speaking and patiently waited for the words to come to him.

So she waited until he spoke again.

"It seems that… Nisi doesn't want to be my best friend forever!" he finally said.

"...huh?" was all Anai could say. She was expecting he had passed, since he didn't look dejected (not to mention how much the boy trains), but Nisi not wanting to be his "best friend forever"? That took her off guard.

Ume was naturally a patient boy, so he waited for his mother's response. She was the "smartest person he knew" (not that he had a very high bar), so he was confident she could assist in solving his worries. 

'I know my Ume gets on Nisi's nerves a little, but I know she loves him like her little brother. Besides, she's dealt with his antics more than anyone in the world, so she must know not to shut him down completely…'

Anai, despite her earlier confusion, began to think of the different reasons why whatever happened… happened. 

Eventually, she just asked: "Tell me exactly what happened the last few days."





"Did you pass?"



Two Aburame clan individuals, a middle aged man, and a 6 year old girl had the shortest verbal conversation on the planet. Both their eyes were covered by dark goggles, and their mouths were covered by high-collar jackets, masking even more of their thoughts and expressions.

"...was there anyone interesting?" the man asked.

"...I guess…"




After a relatively long walk, Hatada returned to his orphanage, making his way into his room without paying attention to the looks he had grown accustomed to. 'I'll pack up all my belongings, and then train. Slacking off is a luxury I won't take lightly again.'

While he was being hard on himself considering how hard he worked in his last life, this feeling was not unfounded. In fact, he may have been far more fanatic about training had he known about how tumultuous his future would become. 

His task of packing up took no time at all. His belongings consisted of some bedsheets, notebooks, a few sets of clothes, and books he borrowed from the library. Humble to say the least.

His room, if one were to describe it, was untouched. No posters, plants, or furniture lined his simple wooden walls. The only evidence someone lived there was the lack of dust and… well… the fact that he was in there in the bloody first place. 

'I've got a decent amount of time left today. I'll spend it as I have been… no, I'll practice Mana Sense.'

Now that his training for the rest of the day was decided, he began the process of looking for a high up place to practice. 'Hmm… I haven't used the roof in a while. I'll do that.'

Little did he know that despite how careful he was in choosing his spot, someone was watching his every move.

-In the Hokage's office-

Hiruzen was spying on a certain blond-haired, sapphire blue eyed individual, one that after the report he received from one of the chunin that conducted the academy entrance exams gave him, he was suspicious of.

'I don't think he's a spy, but he could easily have been converted into one, or could unknowingly be one. I'll have to… hmm?'

He observed the boy as he entered his room. It was, to say the least, immaculate. Not a speck of dust or clutter was seen. His bed was made perfectly. His books were neatly stacked in the corner of the room, along with multiple notebooks and pens. He could see no snacks, candy, or toys in the room of a 6 year old! It was simply preposterous. 'Is this truly the room of a six year old, and an orphan at that?'

This made him more suspicious, but the boy's actions afterwards made him more confused.

The boy easily hopped up onto the roof without making much of any noise, and easily climbed up to the very top of the building. A small, flat section topped the roof off, giving him an easy place to… meditate on?

Although he could not tell exactly what was happening there, he soon would see.