
Naruto: Blood & Pleasure

In one moment, I found myself gazing at the sky on my terrace, contemplating life's purpose and adopting a philosophical demeanor akin to a wise sage. The next moment, as I continued to gaze at the unchanged sky, something felt different. So, I turned my head slightly towards my surroundings, like any normal person would, and noticed an unusually carved mountain nearby. What I witnessed could only be described as... indescribable. There was no reaction powerful enough to capture the essence of what I was seeing. Because what I saw was a Mount Rushmore! Not just any Mount Rushmore, but the one vividly remembered in my mind—the Hokage Rushmore that defined my childhood. It was then that I realized I had departed from my so-called modern world, entering one of the most popular and cliched worlds imaginable. However, what I beheld was not the Naruto World I remembered. It was a more cruel and cutthroat reality, filled with dirty politics, bloodline racism, genocides, and much more. But it was also adorned with one more thing, and that was beauties—yes, beauties of every variety imaginable: blondes, pinks, blacks, browns, tall, thin, thick; tsundere, yandere, kuudere. And let's not forget one more thing – I also possessed something unique that no one else in this world had. What was it? Well, you'll have to read the story to find out! What are you still doing here? [Author's Note: If you'd like to support the continuation of this marvelous endeavor, check out the link below.] Patreon: [patreon.com/NexusPrimodius] Discord: [https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter X: Psycho/Angel

Chapter X: Psycho/Angel


The room echoed with the symphony of pleasure and contentment.

"Mmm~" Hinata sighed softly, her eyes drifting shut in sheer delight.

"Ahh~" Hanabi moaned, savoring each delectable bite. "So good, brother!" they chimed in unison, their voices tinged with genuine admiration.

"I still can't fathom where he picked up these skills," Mother marveled, breaking the tranquil atmosphere with wonder.

"Why can't we have this every day?" Hanabi asked eagerly, relishing every mouthful.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, pleased to see her enjoying herself. "Having it daily might be a tad excessive, Hanabi," I replied with a grin. "But I'll certainly whip it up more often if it brings you this much joy."

"Really, brother! I love you," Hanabi beamed, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"So you're not upset with me for leaving abruptly?" I asked tentatively.

"When did you leave us? I have no recollection of such an event," Hanabi replied playfully yet sincerely, causing me to gulp nervously at her sudden change in demeanor.

"You're quite the chameleon, Hanabi. Just moments ago, you were airing your grievances, and now you've conveniently forgotten all the ire just because he dangled some food in front of you," Mother interjected, her tone tinged with accusation.

"Heh! And are you any different? Can you honestly say you wouldn't be swayed by such culinary delights, Mama? You devoured a whole plate before us, and now you're eyeing our portions," Hanabi retorted, her eyes flashing with intensity as if she were guarding something precious.

"Hey! Since when did you learn to talk back to your mother like that? And don't mock my appetite. Remember, I've been feeding you your entire life, so shouldn't I indulge myself a little now?" Mother shot back, feigning indignation.

As I listened to the playful banter between Hanabi and Mother, I couldn't help but reflect, 'Hinata is the epitome of gentleness and innocence in this household, while both Mother and Hanabi possess a shrewdness that's hard to miss. Yet, Hanabi's charm seems to soften the edges, and Mother, well, she's simply being herself.'

"Who did you go to meet so suddenly, Brother?" Hinata's sudden question interrupted Hanabi's argument with Mother as she too turned her gaze towards me, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

"...It was Suu-san. She invited me over for a meal at their place on Sunday," I confessed, and technically, it wasn't a lie. When Ino mouthed the invitation, she had caught her daughter's discreet gesture and had remained silent, indicating her tacit approval.

As for why I didn't say that I went to meet Tsubasa, because firstly, explaining how I came to know her would have been quite cumbersome. Secondly, her public personality could best be described as that of a cold, emotionless killer who wouldn't hesitate to inflict pain on anyone who crossed her path.

And for her to befriend anyone, let alone summon them to her personal office, would raise suspicion. Thus, any hint of friendship between us was carefully cultivated in secret, known only to a select few, like Torio-sensei.

As soon as the words left my lips, I observed a subtle raise of both Hinata and Hanabi's eyebrows.

"Why didn't she mention it when we were all together?" Hanabi inquired, her expression morphing into a slight scowl. It wasn't typical behaviour to extend a secret invitation to one member of a family while excluding the rest. She hadn't anticipated such exclusion from someone she thought of as a kind and mature lady whom she talked to before. It disappointed her.

"Suu isn't the type to single out just one person like that. It's more likely her daughter Ino's doing, wanting to spend time with Tatsuya. You know how your brother tends to attract attention from girls his age," Mother remarked, letting out a small giggle at the thought of some girls becoming instant fan-girls upon meeting her son. She was extremely proud of her son.

"Oh!, that makes sense, Mama," Hanabi nodded, grasping Mother's explanation. "That Blondie was giving you looks all the time, brother. But I didn't expect her to make a move on you so quickly. You're quite the catch, brother," she said, her expression almost beaming with pride.

[Hinata's POV]

Hinata, catching wind of their conversation, felt a small frown creasing her temples as an uneasy sensation stirred in her heart. 'Ino...' she mused silently to herself, her thoughts concealed from the others.

[Hinata POV End]

"I don't need your compliments from you about catching girls" I replied, shooting a playful glare at Hanabi.

"Hehe, is my big brother shy? Don't worry, I won't embarrass you, especially when you're with her," she teased, her grin widening.

I shook my head in exasperation at her unabashed behaviour. This girl was far too straightforward for her own good.

"Do you really think I'm the type to get shy? Seems like you're forgetting who the big brother is around here. Maybe you need a reminder," I said with a playful smirk.

"..." Hanabi fell silent, as she recalled just how devious her brother could be.

"So, are you planning to visit her house?" Mother inquired, breaking the moment with her curiosity.

I nodded. "Yeah, since she invited me, it would be rude if I didn't go," I replied.

"Take some of your home-cooked food, especially a dessert. I'm sure both Suu and Ino would love it. Suu was quite the foodie when she was young," Mother suggested.

"Good idea,q" I acknowledged with a nod, considering her suggestion. "I'll prepare a homemade dessert to bring along."

"It seems you know quite a bit about her mama," Hanabi remarked to Mother.

"Of course, I would know about her. We were the best of friends in our time. Me, Kushina, Mikoto, Suu were the besties," Mother replied with a chuckle, though a hint of bitterness tinged her tone.

Not wanting to reopen old wounds, I swiftly changed the subject to something else and engaged in some light conversation before I retreated to my room while Hinata helped Mother with the dishes, and Hanabi retired to her own room.

As I lay in bed, I pondered over the two pieces of information Tsubasa had shared with me earlier.

Retrieving the paper from my pocket, I scrutinised the details once more:


- Name: Yumiko Uchiha

- Parents: Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha

- Siblings: Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha

- Status: Alive

- Sex: Female

- Hair Colour: Black

- Appearance: Slim, beautiful, with long hair styled in spikes, and short in stature.

- Obsession: Revenge on the Perpetrators of the Uchiha Massacre

- Strengths: Possesses the same talent as her prodigious siblings. Affinities in both Fire and Water. Genius in Body Flicker and Genjutsu Arts. Above average in Hand-to-Hand combat and Weapon Arts.

- Weaknesses: [Undetermined]


"Yumiko Uchiha, hmm," I murmured under my breath.

As those words left my lips, an image of a beautiful and cheerful girl with the iconic onyx and blood-red eyes of the Uchiha clan formed in my mind—someone who had actually been quite good friends with me.

She possessed a cheerful and friendly nature, a stark contrast to the typical cocky and arrogant demeanour of most Uchihas, including Sasuke before the massacre orchestrated by Itachi.

Yumiko even befriended many students in the Academy, including those who were usually marginalised by their peers, the weak ones.

Not only was her personality commendable, but her talent also rivaled that of her twin's, and she excelled in some areas even more than him.

All of these qualities led the community to dub her as the princess of the Uchiha clan, a title she truly deserved.

However, the reason behind my request for an information report on my own friend was quite different. It revolved around her peculiar behaviour following the Uchiha Massacre—or rather, the lack thereof.

Despite the traumatic event, Yumiko displayed an unsettling calmness and maintained her friendly personality without any visible signs of distress or desire for vengeance, unlike her brother Sasuke.

It puzzled me greatly. No matter how composed one might be, such an event should have left some emotional impact unless they are an unfeeling psychopath. Yet, she appeared unaffected, almost as if the tragedy had not touched her personally.

As I pondered the possible explanations, a familiar ding resonated in my mind once again.


[Assigned Mission: 'Is She a Psychopath or an Angel?'

Your classmate and dear friend have exhibited quite contrasting behaviour in response to a gruesome and horrible incident, which defies logic. So now it is your job as a responsible friend to investigate and uncover the truth behind her actions and behaviour and then decide how to proceed—whether to help her or ignore her.


Successfully investigate her behaviour and deduce the cause & truth behind her bizarre actions.


+5% Affinity in Yin/Yang.

Massive Increase in Affection Points with Yumiko Uchiha.

+10 Physical/Spiritual.


-15% Affinity in all Elements.

-10 (Physical/Spiritual).

Massive Loss of Affection Points. (70% chance of becoming Permanent Enemies).

Time Limit: One Year.



Reading the mission details from the panel that had appeared in front of me, I was able to draw some conclusions.

Firstly, there was definitely a problem with Yumiko; otherwise, there wouldn't be a need for the system to give me a mission. Since there is a mission, there is a problem.

Secondly, after reading the title of the mission, I can conclude that either she has truly turned psychopathic or she truly is too angelic for this world.

Thirdly, as a result of my investigation into her situation, there are two possible outcomes: either her affection for me could massively increase or decrease, potentially even turning her into my enemy.

Lastly, considering the time limit, I can see that this is a long-term mission that either couldn't or shouldn't be rushed or completed too early.

After taking a moment to think and re-reading the mission panel, I decided to accept the quest. Since the time limit was not that demanding, and that sweet +5% Affinity to Yin/Yang was too tempting to refuse.

- x - X - x -

Guess Sasuke has a sister in this Fic. Which was obvious as my dear heart cant let Uchiha family die out with Sasuke's low Libido.

So you guys can expect, what to expect. hehe

Link: Patreon.com/NexusPrimodius