
Naruto: Blood Control in Naruto

A guy from Earth is sent to Narutoverse. Watch how he changes the Narutoverse. Warning- Grammer is going to be bad but will still be readable. If you want perfect grammar FUCK OFF Also, support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/BiggestDE

BiggestDE · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Fighting Sasuke

An:- I am a bit sick so I wasn't able to post on time.

"Are you both ready? 3, 2, 1, Start."

Sasuke immediately rushed towards me. He threw a punch towards my face but I dodged by stepping to his right. He pulled back his arms and tried to elbow my stomach.

I noticed it on time and blocked it with my palm. He didn't want to give me any time to relax and immediately threw a head kick.

I did a black flip to create some distance as well as to show off. I smiled and looked directly at his eyes.

"I will help you awaken your eyes, so come to the forest later in the evening."

"What.." He was about to say something but I didn't give him a chance.

I rushed towards him at full speed and threw a hook towards his face. He didn't have time to dodge the punch so he blocked it with his arms.

But right was the punch was about to land I changed the trajectory in the last second and hit him with a liver shot. Change the direction of the punch in the last second did decrease its power but it was still able to knock down Sasuke.

He fell to the ground and started coughing and gasping in pain.

Iruka sensei came forward and stopped the match. "The winner of the match is Ruki Sato."

"With this match all of today's matches are complete. The current ranking of the 1st year's students is posted on that board over there."

"If you are not satisfied with your ranking you can challenge someone ranking higher than you, if you are challenged by someone you must fight them within a week, or else you will be declared the loser of the match."

One of the students raised his hand.

"What is it Dream?" Asked Iruka sensei.

"Is there any benefits if we rank higher."

"Good question. There are some benefits, for starters, you will get a lot of respect and admiration the higher you rank but that's not all.

"If you are ranked in the top 10 you can skip classes for a long time if you have a good reason. You can ask for personal guidance from any teacher in the academy if you are in the top 5.

"You can also apply for early graduation if you are in the top 3 and if you are ranked number 1 you can meet with Hokage sama once every 2 months to ask for guidance."

I was surprised and worried when I heard that. As far as I knew it was not like this in the original story, was this an alternate universe, or did my presence in this world somehow created this change.

After thinking about it for a while I sighed and decided to forget about it for now.

I raised my hand to ask a question to Iruka sensei.

"What is it Ruki?"

"Since I am at the 1st place when can I meet with Hokage sama."

"We have already informed Hokage sama about today's test, so he has made time for you tomorrow evening."

I nodded my head and didn't say anything. I went towards the board to see the rankings of students.

1) Ruki Sato

2) Naruto Uzumaki

3) Sasuke Uchiha

4)Shino Aburame

5)Hinata Hyuga

6)Kiba Inuzuka

7)Sakura Haruno

8)Shikamaru Nara

9)Choji Akamichi

10)Ino Yamanaka.

The ranking was supposed to show the strength of students but it was wrong.

I think Naruto can beat the current Sasuke that's correct but Shino is not the 4th strongest kid in our class and Sakura is not stronger than Shikamaru. I shook my head and looked at Naruto who was also looking at the rankings.

"Hey, second place let's go back home."

Naruto easily became angry when I called him second place.

"You bastard, don't look down on me I will beat you within a month, no not even a month in a week. In fact, I am gonna challenge you right now.

"Sensei, I want to challenge Ruki for the number one position."

Iruka sensei nodded his head. "Ok Ruki, you have one week to fight him if you don't you lose your position."

"Can I fight him right now?"

Naruto panicked. "Wait no, that's not fair, fight me exactly after a week. I am going to train till then."

He ran off after saying that. He was probably going to train either substitution or clone jutsu because they handed us a training scroll of 3 techniques, substitution, clone, and transformation.

Even though they gave us a training scroll for 3 techniques a lot of people wouldn't be able to master it because of their low chakra control.

But that was not a problem for both me and Naruto since we both had high chakra control.

The class was over and everyone started heading back home one by one. Now that naruto left I didn't know what to do. I was planning on going home with him, eating some lunch, and coming back to the forest to meet up with Sasuke.

I sighed and started walking back alone. Suddenly, a girl came in front of me. She was looking towards the ground and her cheeks were red out of shame.

I looked at her carefully and realized she was the same girl that was looking at me during class. I looked at her and asked. "How can I help you?"

"Umm… mmm… I...I love you, please go out with me."

I would be lying if I said I didn't see this coming.

"Well, I love me too, as for going out with you I don't know about that after all, I don't even know your name."

Tears filled her eyes when I said that, she looked like she was about to cry any second. She also looked kinda cute, I sighed when I saw that.

"Please don't cry, how about this, I will go out and eat something with you right now, but I will not be in any romantic relationship with you or anyone for that matter."

She wiped the tear off her face and slowly nodded her head.

"So where should we go?"


An:- I can't use my brain right now to come up with something creative so I won't.

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