
Naruto: Blood Control in Naruto

A guy from Earth is sent to Narutoverse. Watch how he changes the Narutoverse. Warning- Grammer is going to be bad but will still be readable. If you want perfect grammar FUCK OFF Also, support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/BiggestDE

BiggestDE · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

'Helping' Sasuke

If you are not then you will die."

I rushed towards him and punched him in the stomach sending him crashing into a tree.

"ugh," he screamed in pain. I didn't let him recover I took out a kunai and there it towards his arm. He moved a little when he saw the kunai coming towards him but was not fast enough to dodge it."

Kunai left a decent sized cut on his arms. Blood started dripping out of his wound. As soon as I saw his blood I felt some sort of connection to it. I tried to control it using blood control but I wasn't able to.

During that time sasuke was able to recover a little and stood up.

"I think I need a bit more blood, so sorry in advance Sasuke."

Sasuke wasn't even able to properly hear what I said I was already in front of him with a kunai. He was like a lamb ready to get slaughtered by me. I took the Kunai and made various cuts all over his body.

The cuts were sallow but still spilled a decent amount of blood. Then I kicked him in the guts and sent dropped him on the floor again.

I tried to control his blood again but was not successful. I touched his blood and sent chakra into it. I felt the connection becoming a little strong when I did that.

I tried to control the blood again and was able to move it a little. The movement of the blood was extremely slow.

I still couldn't even sense the blood inside his body but once the blood left his body I could sense it but I couldn't control it.

But if I touched the blood physically or infused chakra into the blood I was able to control it a little.

It was getting complicated and I wanted to test things more. I also didn't want the blood to go to waste so I took out a water bottle from my bag and started collecting blood inside it.

Sasuke had no idea what I was doing, he was still screaming in pain on the ground. "Sorry, Sasuke but I need a bit more blood."

I pinned Sasuke on the ground took out a kunai and started to cut open his arms and legs to draw blood. Sasuke started screaming even more because of pain. His eyes were wide open with tears and dripping out from them.

Then suddenly his eyes turned red and I saw the legendary Sharingan, I didn't want him to suffer anymore so I knocked him out.

I also didn't want him to bleed to death so I controlled some of his blood and tried to clot his wounds. It kind of worked buts wasn't perfect. I took out some bandage from the bag and bandaged him up.

I took the blood-filled bottle and placed it in the bag. Then it suddenly hit me. Why was I so calm during the whole situation?

I tortured an 8-year-old kid, I cut him open and collected his blood in the middle of a forest, and not once I thought it was wrong, felt sick or panicked

Why was this happening? Was this because I had blood control and didn't feel panicked because I was dealing with blood and it was natural for me?

No, I immediately rejected the idea. Then why was I so calm and collected? If this was old me from earth I would be traumatized by this situation.

I thought about it for a while and could only come up with one explanation and that was my regeneration. Because of the ability, my body was in a constant state of regeneration and it would immediately start to heal if any damage occurred to it.

So my regeneration ability must have taken me panicking as a threat and must have immediately healed my brain which stopped me from having a panic attack.

If my theory was correct then I would be immune to all the genjutsu. I didn't have any way to test my theory right now but I would try to test it soon.

I came to this conclusion because since I had reincarnated to this world, I have never panicked, felt extreme fear, or have any mental health issues.

When I thought about it I was kind of like a psychopath. By the looks of things, I didn't have a problem with death and murder.

But unlike them, I did have feelings like sadness, empathy, happiness, and a few others.

I reorganized my thoughts and looked at Sasuke who was still unconscious. I sighed when I saw that.

"Well, I guess I am spending the night in the forest today."

After all, I couldn't take Sasuke back to the village in his half dead state.

Except for a little inconvenience, I wouldn't have any other problems with spending the night in the forest because I had already told my parents that sometimes I may not be able to return home for few days.

And in case that happened, I told them not to panic and stay calm. I went around and gathered some wood and started a fire because I didn't want sasuke to freeze to death.

After starting the fire I started doing some training. I didn't do any blood control training because sasuke might wake up and see me which I didn't want.

I didn't sleep the whole night and just trained and monitored Sasuke's condition. If he accidentally died then my life would turn into hell. Itachi would hunt me down to the end of the world and kill me.

Besides not sleeping for a day wasn't a problem for me in the slightest. It was around 5 am and Sasuke finally woke up.

"Good morning Sasuke." I smiled and greeted him.

"Ahhh, don't come close." He screamed and backed away but as soon as he moved he felt pain so he stopped moving and screamed.

I felt bad when I saw that. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I did that yesterday to help you to use Sharingan and look you are using Sharingan right now."

I took out a new kunai and showed his reflection of his eyes on the Kunai.


An:- There are 5 advance chapters available in my P@treon currently and it's only 3$.

3$ might not be a lot for you but it's a lot for someone like me who is from a 3rd world country.
