
Naruto: Blind Hyuga

He was a transmigrant from Earth and was born in the Hyuga branch family. To avoid being controlled by anyone, he willingly became blind. But with his blindness came his cheat that is template of Fujitora from One Piece. Patreon Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY

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199 Chs

Ch-79 If I can Summon him.

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Three years later, somewhere near Sunagakure.

"Finally, I am able to showcase my art to the world. After the leader fought that Jiryoku guy, he just restricted our freedom of movement. We were only sent on important missions," said the yellow-haired Deidara.

"Shut up and focus on the task given by the leader," said Sasori.

After that, they continued moving, and the next evening, at 5 o'clock, Sunagakure was attacked by Deidara alone and Sasori remained at the gate of Sunagakure. Diedara succeeded in capturing Gaara at the cost of his own hand in the fight. Afterward, Sasori and Deidara left Sunagakure that same night.

Sunagakure's Jonin Baki immediately sent a letter to Konoha, asking for help and informing them about the Akatsuki organization's invasion. Since they were allies, they had received information on the Akatsuki organization from Konoha.

"They were completely different people from the ones we had information on. Even though we were on alert, we were unable to do anything," muttered Baki in frustration after sending the ninja away.


The next morning, Team Kakashi gathered, and Naruto, who had returned from three years of training, was causing a commotion, demanding a C-Rank mission.

"Naruto, I am giving you this mission so that you can become accustomed to teamwork. After all, you haven't participated in any missions in these past three years," said Tsunade.

"Don't worry, Lady Hokage. We will execute the mission perfectly," said Sakura while holding Naruto down.

"Hmph. Grandpa, the Third Hokage, was better than you," muttered Naruto. As soon as Sakura heard it, she covered Naruto's mouth.

"What did you say?" asked Tsunade aggressively.

Just at that moment, a woman came running with a paper in her hand. She was from the deciphering corps.

"Hokage-Sama, this is the urgent letter sent by Sunagakure this morning. I have deciphered it. Please take a look," said the woman.

Tsunade took the paper from the woman's hand, read it carefully, and said, "So they've finally made their move."

"What is it, Hokage-Sama?" asked Kakashi.

"The Kazekage has been captured by the Akatsuki, and Sunagakure has requested our assistance," said Tsunade.

"Give us your orders, Grandma Tsunade. We'll head to Sunagakure immediately," said Naruto.

"Hmm," Tsunade nodded.

"Okay, Team 7, I'm assigning you an S-Rank mission to rescue the Kazekage," said Tsunade.

"Yes," said Kakashi.

Just as they were about to leave, Tsunade stopped them and said, "Take Team 10 with you. Although Asuma is not in the village, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio will be very helpful to all of you. We don't know exactly how powerful the Akatsuki members who kidnapped Gaara are, so tell them to postpone their preparations for the Chunin exams."

Kakashi nodded and turned towards Sakura and Naruto, saying, "Both of you, go and inform Shikamaru about this. Tell them to meet me at the Konoha gate as soon as possible."

Both Sakura and Naruto nodded and left the Hokage building to inform Team 10 about their mission.

Within an hour, Team Kakashi and Team 10 were assembled.

"It's nice to see you again, Naruto. After so many years, you've grown taller," said Ino.

"Nice to see you too," replied Naruto while scratching the back of his head.

"You all take care, and Kakashi, I'm entrusting their lives to you. Take care of them," said Tsunade.

After that, they departed, and at that moment, Jiraiya appeared beside Tsunade and said, "Is it a good idea to let Naruto go to the Akatsuki organization when they are actively searching for him?"

"I have no other option. This is an emergency, and they are capable enough, you know that," replied Tsunade.

Jiraiya nodded and said, "We can only hope for the best."

Tsunade also agreed with Jiraiya.


The next day, Tsunade won the gambling match, which was clearly a bad omen since whenever she won, something bad would happen.

"Shizune, we need to send reinforcements to Sunagakure. Team Guy was supposed to arrive; have they arrived?" asked Tsunade.

"Yes, they are about to arrive. They should be reaching Konoha anytime now," replied Shizune.

Shizune wanted to ask if sending reinforcements would be excessive, but then she remembered the power of the Akatsuki members and refrained from asking any further questions.

At this moment, Tsunade thought of a blind boy in a white overcoat and muttered, "Should I call him too?"

"Did you say something, my lady?" asked Shizune in confusion.

"Nothing. Let's go. We will meet them at the Konoha gate," said Tsunade. After saying this, Tsunade began walking in the direction of the Konoha gate, with Shizune following behind.

Soon, Tsunade and Shizune reached the Konoha gate, and after a few minutes, Guy and his team arrived. They saw Tsunade lost in thought.

"Hokage-Sama, are you waiting for someone?" Tenten asked.

"Huh? Oh, I was waiting for you guys. I have an S-Rank mission for all of you, 'Team Guy.' The Kazekage has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki organization. I've already sent Team Kakashi and Team 10 ahead of you, so you guys should follow them," said Tsunade.

"Don't worry, Hokage-Sama. We will definitely complete the job successfully and demonstrate the power of youth," said Guy, giving a thumbs-up and displaying his teeth.

"Yes, we will show the world the power of youth," added Lee, also giving a thumbs-up and displaying his teeth.

"We will depart right away, and we should be able to reach Sunagakure within a day," said Might Guy.

"Actually, hold on a moment. I will see if I can summon him. If he joins you on this mission, I will be less anxious," said Tsunade.

Everyone present was confused, but Neji and Shizune had a hunch about whom Tsunade might be referring to.

"Rajin no Jiryoku."

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)