
Naruto: Blind Hyuga

He was a transmigrant from Earth and was born in the Hyuga branch family. To avoid being controlled by anyone, he willingly became blind. But with his blindness came his cheat that is template of Fujitora from One Piece. Patreon Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY

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199 Chs

Ch-187 Rinnegan isn't yours.

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After leaving for five minutes, Kisame returned and said to Obito, "He is nowhere to be found."

Obito nodded, although he felt quite regretful for not being able to capture Killer B. Right now, he had more important things to do, so he ignored the escape of Killer B. And there was no problem with the sealing process, so without Eight-Tails, Killer B was of no value to Obito.

After that, the Gedo statue disappeared from the place, and the 'Deva Path' said, "Now that the sealing process is complete, we will meet again in Amegakure."

Obito nodded, and after that, all the 'Paths of Pain' left the temporary hideout.

After all the 'Paths of Pain' had left, Obito said, "Kisame and Deidara, you two will intercept the 'Paths of Pain' in between, and Uchiha Sasuke will also join you."

"Are we really going to do this?" asked Deidara, quite hesitant, considering Nagato had played the role of leader for a long time.

"He is just a pawn whose worth is now gone. And now I don't need him, but he has something that I need, which obviously Nagato will not give me. I myself don't want to lose such powerful people, but they are not my puppets who will listen to me. So they have no other option but to die," said Obito.

Hearing this, Deidara nodded, and following Obito's orders, Kisame and Deidara left to intercept the 'Paths of Pain'. The main reason for intercepting the 'Paths of Pain' was that they were heading towards Nagato, and if Nagato obtained the 'Paths of Pain', he would certainly be more difficult to kill.


"The sealing process is complete now, so we should leave," said Konan to Nagato, her voice tinged with urgency.

Nagato nodded solemnly. "You are right. As soon as the 'Paths of Pain' arrive, we will leave immediately."

"But what is the rush to leave for Amegakure?" asked Obito, his sudden appearance catching them off guard as he materialized behind Nagato and Konan.

Konan spun around, her eyes narrowing at the unexpected intrusion. "Obito? What are you doing here? Didn't we agree to meet again in Amegakure?" As she addressed Obito, her stance subtly shifted, prepared to defend Nagato at a moment's notice.

"I came to take something that doesn't belong to you," replied Obito, his tone cold and calculated.

Konan's expression hardened, her suspicions growing. "I don't think we have anything that's yours or that belongs to us," she retorted, her gaze unwavering as she braced for whatever confrontation might follow.

Obito replied while walking towards Nagato and Konan, "Rinnegan. I came here to take the Rinnegan that doesn't belong to Nagato."

"What do you mean?" said Nagato in a cold tone.

"You were never born with the Rinnegan. The Rinnegan was awakened by Uchiha Madara, who later implanted it into you because you are an Uzumaki. The Rinnegan requires a large amount of chakra and vitality, for which an Uzumaki was perfect," explained Obito.

Hearing this, Konan was shocked. From the very beginning, she, Nagato, Jiraiya, and Yahiko had believed that Nagato was born with the Rinnegan, but this revelation had never crossed their minds.

Nagato was also surprised, but he remained quite calm about the matter.

"Now, if you calmly give me the Rinnegan, then we can still work as colleagues," said Obito. "But if you don't, then I will have no option but to kill you both," he added, his body emanating killing intent.

"You know my answer. I'm not going to give the Rinnegan to you because only with the Rinnegan can I fulfill Yahiko's dream of world peace," said Nagato firmly.

As soon as Nagato mentioned Yahiko's name, Obito scoffed in disdain and said, "You're talking about that naïve Yahiko who was manipulated to death by that old Danzo. Every time I remember his ambitions and the way he sought to achieve world peace, I can't help but laugh. What did he achieve in his life? Nothing. He lost his life, and not to mention all the Akatsuki members who trained with the ambition of achieving world peace died by my hand. You know, I didn't even break a sweat when I killed all those weak and pathetic Akatsuki members."

"Did you kill everyone from the 'Old Akatsuki'?" asked Nagato, his tone growing chilling.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry. They didn't die in pain; I killed them swiftly, so they died without suffering. You should be happy about it," replied Obito.

Although Nagato and Konan understood that Obito was just trying to provoke their anger in order to find flaws in their demeanor, both Nagato and Konan felt anger raging within them.

"Universal Pull," said Nagato, his voice resonating with power as he unleashed his technique. Obito immediately felt the force of attraction pulling him towards Nagato. Konan, positioned strategically nearby, swiftly launched a barrage of 'Paper Shuriken' toward Obito, aiming to strike him down. However, just as the deadly projectiles were about to make contact, Obito activated his 'Kamui' ability, causing his body to become intangible. As a result, the 'Paper Shuriken' passed harmlessly through him, leaving him unscathed.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)