
Naruto: Blessed

Naruto dies because of mob attack and meets Kami. Kami gives Naruto 3 wishes. No more stupid Naruto.

Kulark · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 6

In the middle of a forest in the mainland, Naruto and Steve were in a carriage and two wagons following them. They have just arrived an hour ago and Naruto could have been at the rebel camp in just a few seconds but he thought about the merchant's safety since he was now a part of his guild.

Naruto was silent and just wandered his eyes on the road, while Steve was just sleeping due to him being unable to sleep on the ship.

'System Status.'


[Name: Naruto Uzumaki (Namikaze)]

[Age: 12]

[Powe-] 'Simplified version!' Naruto cut off the System's long boring information.

[Name: Naruto Uzumaki (Namikaze)

[Race: Human]

[STR: S] (This is to show how strong you are.)

[INT: SS+] (Chakra/energy/mana level or capacity)

[WILL: S+] (Chakra/energy/mana regeneration)

[AGI: A+] (Reaction speed or reflex)

[SPD: S+] (Determines the speed)

[END: SS] (Determines the toughness and resistance.)

[LUCK: ???] (Luck, everybody knows that)


[Wind: S+]

[Water: B+]

[Earth: C-]

[Fire: A-]

[Lightning: S]

[Chakra Control: S-]


[Chakra Manipulation: A+] (The more control, the less handseals]

[Fuinjutsu LVL: Uzumaki Rank S-]

'Hmm… That should be alright, I managed to rank my chakra control up by a little bit…'

Naruto thought things during the travel and came up with something, 'Inventory'

The blonde channeled chakra to his tattoo on his shoulder and a cube appeared in front of him.

[Expand cube?]


Clicking no, a screen then popped out. 'All I have here is a bunch of ryo and stacked rocks…'

He then got 4 diamond rings that stood out of all the rings in his inventory. One had the color black on it, the other red, yellow, then blue. He then planted a telecommunication seal on the rings and duplicated it a bunch of times except the black one.

He named this 'Cellular Telepathic Transmitter' or 'CTT, this was a finished product he had from the prototypes he made using Alucard as the experiment. However, Alucard's version needed the system because he directly planted the seal on the vampire's skin with nothing to act as the sender/receiver.

The rings serve as the purpose of ranking in his guild.

Black – Alpha

Red – Betas (Apprentice or students of the Alpha), Sentinels

Yellow – Assassins, Lead Warriors

Blue – Hunters, Scouts

Naruto then wore the black ring on his finger, signifying that he was the alpha, the Leader of pack. He then kept the rings on his inventory except one red ring. "Steve…"






"Huh? AH! U-" Steve woke up and got into a fighting stance despite being in the carriage, sitting.

This scene made Naruto sweat dropped, was this guy really an anbu? "I saw a fly landing on your cheeks, I got irritated and smacked it…"




"Ehem… I wanted to give you something as to identify you being a member of the guild, here…" Naruto gave Steve the ring he kept on his hands, "From now on, you will be the Sentinel of the pack, the second in command."

The merchant was astonished and was in awe at the red diamond ring that was now in his hands, "N-Naruto-sama…"

"There's a benefit in wearing that," Naruto smugly said, "I planted a seal that can make the people who wear that ring, telepathically communicate. Don't worry about privacy as you can only communicate to people with their permission."

"Wo-Woah…" The merchant was speechless once again, this blonde enigma is surprising him more and more every day. "If this goes to the market, then this would take over the world, but…"

Naruto grinned, "Yes, it may lessen the time people need to communicate, but some villages would take this as an advantage to attack others." The blonde then continued, "That's why this will only be available to the guild members, if the owner of the ring dies or plan to sell it, then the ring will quickly decay the moment it senses the bearer's ill-purpose, making it useless."

Steve then wore the red diamond ring and got surprised when Naruto telepathically talked to him.

'It also feels luxurious right?'

'Wow! We're actually communicating without speaking!'

'Of course.'

With that, the journey to Kirigakure rebel camp was a peaceful and quiet one, they then arrived at least 500 meters near the camp by the night to which, as Naruto can see through his eyes, two guards were watching outside the camp, the first was almost sleeping, while the other was REALLY sleeping.

Both the merchant and blonde were now walking on foot since they were now near the camp. Steve and Naruto were slightly annoyed in seeing two useless guards that can even be killed by a genin due to their carelessness. 'Steve, go back to the carriage and pretend to look like a really rich business man.' Naruto said to Steve telepathically, 'I'll act like I'm an enemy for a moment…'

Steve sighed and went to the carriage, not questioning Naruto's orders.

The blonde was now wondering what he should do to make all the people here notice his presence… ah, wait… That's it!

Naruto dashed towards the gates and unleashed his killer intent and channeled a 'little bit' of chakra to support it. "Hooooo…." He exhaled.


The land was now shaking and people of the rebel camp were now fully awake and panicking because of the density this killing intent had. The leader of the rebel camp, Mei Terumi, was trying to think what had happened… This energy didn't feel like Yagura, it felt like someone at the same level or even stronger! "Ao, use your byakugan and try to locate where this person emitting this killing intent is!" She ordered her subordinate.

"Hai!" with that, Ao then tried to locate the source of power only to locate at the entrance to the west side of their camp, opposite to where Kirigakure was. "Mei-sama, the person emitting this dangerous killing intent is already at the west gate!"

"Let's go!" Mei Terumi commanded and ran through the gate as fast as she could and saw a normal looking guy with a dark hair complexion.

"The security's disappointing, by the time you've arrived, this camp would have been obliterated if it was raided by a group of chunins!" Naruto said mysteriously.

Mei couldn't go near the man as the pressure was really terrifying, it felt like one more step and she'd be pulverized by the pressure alone. "Wh-who are you? Why are you doing this?"

Suddenly, the pressure stopped like it wasn't even there. "Yo, the name's Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said.

"I'll be helping you to win this war of yours…"