
Naruto: Blessed

Naruto dies because of mob attack and meets Kami. Kami gives Naruto 3 wishes. No more stupid Naruto.

Kulark · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

Location: Forest near the farmlands of Konoha

The once dead body of Naruto regained its life, and woke the soul of the sleeping child of prophecy.

"Where am I?"

Naruto noticed the sun was rising, meaning it had to be at least five in the morning. He sat up sluggishly and looked around to see a campfire near him and a cloaked man across sitting on a chopped log.

"You've finally woke up" the man said.

Naruto couldn't help but feel a little bit intimidated by the man's aura, it was full of maliciousness yet it also felt so empty.


"The name's Alucard, some know me as the devil…" the man stood up and took a pot hanging on a self-built wooden structure above the fire and poured some warm liquid on a bowl. "Some also call me the God of carnage, but many know me as a vampire."

Alucard then went near the blonde and offered the bowl to the blonde, "Here, have some soup."

Despite the deathly vibe Alucard releases, Naruto nonchalantly received the bowl and calmly consumed the soup.

"So kid, why were you chased by people?" Alucard asked as he put the hood of his cloak down, Naruto could see his face screaming 'EVIL', his eyes were also covered by glasses that were tinted black but could not hide the crimson glow that radiated power, "Did you steal or something?"

"No!" Naruto quickly replied. "I don't steal!"

Looking down at the soup, a streak of tear fell and dropped towards the soup. "I… I don't know, I've never done wrong except pulling pranks. I don't know why they punished me so hard as to kill me."

"Wai- So you did die!" Alucard slightly yelled. "Tell me, how did death feel like?"

Naruto was in an awkward situation, some stranger actually asked him how death felt like excitingly, "Umm… It felt weird to be honest, especially that God" he said but muttered the last part.

But Alucard being the vampire he is, he clearly heard the last part and it peaked his interest but decided not to pry.

"By the way, boy," the vampire asked, "What's your name? I already told you mine." He could read the blonde's memories but where's the fun in that?

Naruto grinned and proclaimed, "I am the great Naruto, the soon-to-be strongest shinobi in the world!" He formed his right hand into a 'peace' sign and punched the air facing the vampire.


"Hey! Don't laugh at my dreams!" Naruto yelled.

"Oh no, no." Alucard stopped laughing and said, "I just find you a little bit interesting."

"Don't believe you!" Naruto snorted, "one shouldn't laugh at other's dreams" he then sighed.

What should he do now?

He would just die if he'd go back to the village.

"Hey kid, why don't you go with me?" Alucard suddenly said with a blank face shocking Naruto, but the blonde thought about it and hesitated.

All he knew about this man before him was his name and nothing else. Like yeah, Naruto also knew this guy was also strong from the density of the aura he was currently giving, but that's just about it.

However, this guy helped him more than anyone ever have for the past few years.

Naruto's thoughts were getting complicated until he heard Alucard speak.

"I'll promise to teach you a thing or two on your road to become the strongest." Alucard grinned.

This cleared any doubts Naruto had on his mind, "Let's go! Where are we headed? Can you teach me some cool jutsus? Like the fire that turns intro dragons?"

Naruto was about to go on and on about jutsus until Alucard raised his hand signaling Naruto to stop. "First of all, I don't know any jutsus or techniques insects have."

Naruto was about groan but was cut-off by Alucard's continuation, "Second, I'm only teaching you what I can which is physical enhancement and experience in fighting, unless…" Alucard smirked

"You become a vampire"


"Eh?" Alucard was dumbfounded, he was actually rejected when he offered Naruto to become a vampire which in his time, many would kill to become.

"No offence Alucard-san, I just don't want to burn the moment my skin is exposed to the sun" Naruto sheepishly said as Alucard wanted to laugh but held it in.

"Hmm… you read too much fantasies I see" the vampire said, "so be it then, go with me and I'll train you."

"Then what are you waiting for!? Let's do it now!" Naruto excitedly yelled.

"Under one condition…" Alucard then stared at Naruto's eyes making the blonde think that this vampire was looking through his soul.

"A single complain and I'll stop training you."

Silence passed and wind blew the hair of both individuals as Naruto sighed and scratched his head (AGAIN), "Not like there's anything I can do about it if I want to get stronger."

Alucard smirked and laughed, "Good! As expected of the soon-to-be strongest." He then went to the fire and took it out.

"Come on, let's get going."


It was almost evening on November the third and a teenager holding a map came out of a portal. The teenager was at least 5'5 feet tall which makes him look like a giant compared to people his age, and had a lean build but defined muscles.

The teen wore a long-sleeved polo that was overlapped by a black buttoned vest, black pants, black boots and black gloves. He looked like someone who didn't belong to this era. What made his clothes stood out was that all of it were tattered and was a mess.

This was Naruto. For the past four years, he had been trained by Alucard in the most impossible and gruesome way. Surviving in the wilds, beaten to pulp every single day, etc., mentally and physically tortured by a vampire by far was the worst thing that happened in his entire life. Mobs can't even compare to what Alucard did to him.

'Hmm… according to my map and the stars, I should be near Kiri…' The teen thought, looking at the stars then to the south-east. He was currently in the middle of a forest located between the Lightning country and the island near Kirigakure no Sato.


A loud roar came from the pits of Naruto's stomach. Looking around in search for animals, the blonde was disappointed as to not see a single living being.

He then closed his eyes and spread his sense for how many kilometers and sensed lifeforce at least a kilometer away from him. "Great…"

Naruto then dashed towards the location that had full of lifeforce at full-speed and arrived to a small-town seconds later, this was one of the results of Alucard's training, he became very fast, strong and resilient.

After arriving and entering the town, he quickly went to a tavern and called the middle-aged innkeeper, "Maam, what's on the menu?"

The innkeeper smiled not minding Naruto's haggard appearance, "We have Yaki Udon, Teriyaki Salmon, Omurice (Omelet and rice), and chicken for dinner menus tonight." She replied and Naruto ordered 'Omurice and chicken' despite having no money and sat at a nearby table.

A quick few minutes was all it took and the food was served right on Naruto's table, "Itadakimasu" he said half-heartedly.

"Hey, did you hear?"

"Kiri, right?"

"Yeah, rumor has it the rebels will fully attack any day now…"

"Really? They're just making it easier for the Mizukage to flush them out…"

Naruto heard two people eating at the table behind his', 'So they're moving now, the rebel leader's getting desperate.'


As he was about to finish his meal when the tavern's entrance door was kicked by a large bald man with his underlings at his back. (Not literally)

'Bandits…' Naruto thought, 'When I thought I could rest for the night.'

The bald man approached the innkeeper, "Lady Yashimi, it's been two months already." He said and grinned. "You have to pay up your tax or this tavern's gonna go down."

The innkeeper named Yashimi was horrified, "P-please… I just need a little more time" she was now in tears, "I will definitely pay up!"

"That won't do Lady Yashimi…" The bald bandit kept grinning the whole time, "I need to make an example as to take us and our tax seriously." He said as he signaled his underlings to start a fire.

The people inside the tavern were now in panic and escaped through the other door leading outside while Naruto was now calmly drinking water.


"Huh?" the bandits didn't see Naruto the whole time and got surprised this blonde never escaped.

An underling of the bald man walked towards Naruto and was about to grab his shirt when blood gashed out of the underling's hand and Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

The bald leader of the bandits widened his eyes, "Gari! You piece of sh-" he was cut off from what he about to say when he heard bodies dropping down. "Shit!"

"Bandits think they're strong and bullied a town? Stupid." Naruto said as he appeared just inches away in-front of the bald man causing the latter to drop to his butt.

"P-please… I'll give you money! Treasures!" he begged, peaking Naruto's interest.

"Oh? Where are these treasures located?" He asked while the bald man gained hope for surviving.

"It's in a cave just south of this tow-" He didn't even get to finish as his head separated from his body.

"Thanks for the info…" Naruto then looked at the window facing south. "But I don't like bandits."

He then looked at the innkeeper only to see her horrified at what he had done, "Are you okay ma'am?" he asked.

"M-m-monster!" The innkeeper yelled, "Killer!"

Sighing to himself, he can't really blame her.

'Well… to the cave then!' Naruto then ran at normal pace towards a deep forest and found the cave the late bald bandit leader said. Performing a single tiger hand seal, a ball of fire suddenly popped out of nothingness and floated above the blonde's head providing light for pathway. This was simple fire manipulation really, no biggie.

It took him a few minutes to find the treasure, slightly disappointed that there was only rocks and tunics and no ryos. Well at least he's rich. He then stacked up everything that was expensive, mainly gold and diamonds. Touching the stacked items, he then channeled chakra to his hand, "Yang Style: Duplicate"