
Naruto: Blessed

Naruto dies because of mob attack and meets Kami. Kami gives Naruto 3 wishes. No more stupid Naruto.

Kulark · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 10

"So that's what happened."

Naruto quickly explained everything from Yagura being controlled until the present where the shinobis camping just outside the village finally retreated back home.

Mei and the other Jounines couldn't believe what they heard. It was too good to be true, but still hoped that this was truly happening. "H-how can we believe everything you said? Back in my time, nobody believed in liars"

Ao, Mei's assistant said making Naruto sigh (Again), he wasn't good at these kind of stuff. He'd usually lean towards killing his opponents then leave, not caring about the collateral damage. But the missions given by the system was very important for him to be careless, the rewards given by missions were very beneficial for him and can't afford to fail since the system rarely gives him any mission at all.

"I know you wouldn't believe me through words, but I'll humbly lower my head in guilt as an apology for the things that I've done. I can accept if you'll execute me right now." Yagura said as he moved forward and knelt while bowing his head, accepting his death.

This time, Naruto wanted to intervene but saw Yagura's sincerity. As a man and shinobi, he couldn't help but respect the kage's decision. 'Such a waste of talent'

He wanted to have Yagura as a Sentinel of his guild, why? Controlling lands were one thing, but controlling the oceans were something else. With Yagura's talent and potential that was second to the Nidaime Hokage and with the help of the Sanbi, the guild could conquer the oceans. That includes the trading routes and everything else. Yagura was a really good candidate as a Sentinel, a beneficial to his guild.

Sadly, this man wanted to die. Stupid.

Silence once again entered the tent as Mei was having a hard time deciding on what to do. A big part of her wanted to kill the man right off the bat, but the other part wanted to give this man a chance.

"No, I'm not gonna kill you." Mei said as she stumped towards Yagura and held the collar of his shirt. "If you want to own up to your mistakes, then don't die escaping your problems!"

"If you want to own up to your mistakes, then don't be a pussy and help us rebuild our village, our home!" Mei continued before releasing her grip, making Naruto sigh in relief. (He keeps on sighing}

Tears were flowing out of Yagura's eyes as he looked down. Naruto on the other hand showed no emotion, but in the inside, he was fucking happy!

"Oh, so this was what you meant by 'turtle'" A voice said revealing Steve just by the entrance of the tent. 'Naruto-kun, you should have told me about this. I wasted all my time distributing all my weaponry.'

Naruto could only laugh awkwardly receiving confused looks from the people aside Steve. "Well let's not waste our time yeah? We have some relationship fixing to do"


Everything went well when the rebels went towards the village of Mizugakure. The rebels and patriots even hugged it out and cried.

Once again, Yagura was signing paperworks but you could see there were a 'bit' more stacks of papers for him to sign. 'I should really give this hat to Mei, he led her people and survived despite being always on-the-go. This should be enough to end this torture at the very least.'

"Yagura, how's a kage's life?" Naruto suddenly appeared on his office and sat on a couch, this earn him a shudder from Yagura. He still remembered that day when the blonde literally beat him without breaking a sweat.

"I'm planning to give the title to Mei, she's strong and capable enough to lead this village and make it prosper." The teenage-looking kage said, earning him a nod from the blonde.

"I agree, you've been a kage for almost a decade now. The village needs a new Mizukage" Naruto said as he grabbed an apple from the inventory's sytem.

They had a conversation for an hour when the door opened revealing Mei Terumi with her usual dress on. "Ah, Mei-san" Yagura smiled, earning him a smile in return.

"Mizukage-sama, you called for me?" Mei bowed slightly as to show respect, something may have happened in the past but now, Yagura was her leader.

"Please come sit beside Naruto, I have something important to tell you" Yagura said while Mei complied while smiling towards Naruto.

"I hope I'm not bothering you Naruto-san" The auburn-haired said, while the blonde just waving off his hands.

"Not one bit Mei, I can see your boobs clearer now that we're near"

This shook Mei as she couldn't come up with words to reply, but Naruto continued. "I know you're speechless right now. Tell you what, how about a date with me tonight?"

This time, Mei couldn't control her blush but was thankfully saved by a cough from Yagura, "Naruto, please. Don't flirt in my office, it's weird."

The blonde couldn't help but laugh, this time it was Yagura's turn to sigh. "Mei Terumi"

"As you know, the war for the past years have been gruesome and pointless. It was bad not only for our village, but also for our country. Because of your performance against me from the war, I was able to gauge your strength and leadership. You have made it possible for your faction to survive despite being on-the-run, you made it possible to lessen the casualties of your men. Not only that, You are a heck of a kunoichi. And for that, I pass on my hat and name you the Godaime Mizukage."

The scene was so dramatic.

Mei had her eyes wide open.

Ao was gobsmacked.

Naruto was trying his hardest to get rid of his booger.