
Naruto : Black Rinne-Sharingan at the start

God's child killed a boy who was walking on the road of Manhattan. God realising it's his child's fault,so he gave 5 lucky draw to reincarnate the boy without any memories. Ding - Congratulations you have won the world 'Naruto' Ding - Congratulations you have won two Kekkei mōra (1. All killing ash bones.& 2. A pair of Black Rinnesharingan)

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

War or Not?

" Tsuchikage old man, don't get hyped up at your age, this is totally our village's problem, " Kyouske said while looking at Ino and Hinata.

" Brat, you're showing me a tailed beast and an ' S' rank rogue ninja and telling me not to get hyped " Tsuchikage's face was red with anger.

" You can retreat Tsuchikage Dono, it's our problem, My problem to be exact, I'll settle it with my own strength " Hokage declared.

Tsuchikage with his bodyguards retreated, and Kurotsuchi was looking at Kyouske while retreating with Tsuchikage.

Orochimaru just smiled.

Kyouske in a blinding speed vanished from Orochimaru and Hokage's sight.

Orochimaru gestured to everyone and four persons including that red-haired girl that was capturing went towards Orochimaru but at the last moment, her head got beheaded.

Orochimaru's face changed a little but he continued with his plans and 3 people waiting for his orders.

Hokage was ready as well, he was wearing his battle outfit underneath his Hokage's uniform.

Orochimaru and Hokage were facing each other with 3 anbu on Hokage's back and Orochimaru had 3 people on his back too.

It seems he had some plan with four persons in total.

Kyouske just went towards, Ino and Hinata, and taking them into his arms he vanished again.

Placing the unconscious girls on his bed he cast a Jutsu with his Rinnesharingan " Take care of them Yasaka " then he vanished and came to the battlefield.

Hokage was fighting with Orochimaru and Tsuchikage and his troops were watching the show.

" Let me correct my mistake Kyouske, don't interfere" Hokage yelled.

Kyouske nodded his head then vanished from there and appeared behind the three henchmen of Orochimaru and beheaded them before they can even notice Kyouske's presence.

Orochimaru and Hokage were emanating their chakra, it was so great that Anbu was just crouching down just to maintain their balance.

Kyouske just stood with the anbu and watched them.

First Jutsu Hokage did was [ Tiles Shuriken Jutsu ]

" This is... Kage level " the Anbu yelled.

Kyouske just shook his head at their stupidity.

Hokage overpowered Orochimaru at first but Orochimaru summoned two zombies to fight Hokage.

Hokage was at disadvantage now, Kyouske just vanished from there and took down the Kage that got summoned out of nowhere, It was the first Hokage.

First Kage was coming back again it was like he was an emotionless immortal.

Kyouske just put a hand on his head and then did [ Time Reversal ] First Hokage's soul was extracted from that paper-like body as if it was turning back in time and a boy's corpse was under that paper-like body.

Kyouske then went towards Orochimaru and stabbed him in the belly, It was a [ Substitution Jutsu ] from Orochimaru who escaped from Kyouske's clutch.

" Kyouske don't interfere" Hokage yelled again.

Kyouske just stood there silently, Hokage and Orochimaru were fighting and Orochimaru was happy that Hokage was holding back Kyouske from fighting.

Kyouske just jumped, It was an attack from the beast, Gaara has turned into.

His tail just went past where Kyouske was standing.

Kyouske looked at the huge beast Infront of him focused on him because his Chakra was continuously rising.

Kyouske looked at the head of that beast, the tiny red-headed boy was as if unconscious.

Kyouske's first thought was to kill him.

" Don't kill, we have to calm the situation from more escalation, Tsuchikage is watching us, we can't show our weakness" Kyouske heard Kakashi's voice.

Kyouske nodding his head ran to that boy, He was so fast that even the beast was not able to see him clearly.

Punching in the stomach he woke the boy up, but the beast turned into a huge sand golem and crumbled.

The chakra on that boy was also as if getting sealed.

Kyouske just took the unconscious boy with him, Temari and Kankuro wanted to stop Kyouske but they were not his match at all.

Kyouske took the boy to the nearby Jōnin Commander Shikaku, who also joined the battlefield with his friends.

As Kyouske was looking from a top building he saw a three-headed snake rampaging through the village, Kyouske wanted to go and help but a huge frog jumped on it and cut its head with its blade.

Kyouske didn't look back in that direction because he felt a powerful Shinobi was there and this Shinobi was more powerful than even Hokage.

Kyouske looked at Hokage's fight, Hokage was fighting with that Snake lady, She looked like Orochimaru but her appearance was different a little.

She was laughing creepily. Then Kyouske understood why the pervert wanted a little boy or girl, he can extract his soul and take over someone else's body, he was like the devil himself.

Kyouske frowned at this, Hokage was strong but Kyouske didn't think he could defeat Orochimaru, Orochimaru was almost Immortal.

As Kyouske was about to do something, Hokage did a Jutsu that he himself was in pain doing it.

Kyouske with his Rinnesharingan saw a creepy dude appearing behind Hokage who just pierced his hand through Hokage's stomach and then grabbed Orochimaru's soul or something.

Both of them were in a weird position and the monkey made it worse by lying down behind the Hokage.

Kyouske seeing the tug war wanted to laugh but was also very concerned about the old Hokage.

" Ufufufu, this my our chance attack " Tsuchikage also joined in the fun.

Kyouske just stands Infront of the Tsuchikage and his team.

Looking at Kyouske who has tremendous pride and unrivaled eyes Tsuchikage was also intimated.

" Your eyes, you're an Uchiha after all, you look like that man from the past boy"

Kyouske raising an eyebrow looked at Tsuchikage.

" But It's our chance to deal a big blow so we won't back down little boy "

" But grandpa, is it necessary? we can have a peaceful time "

" You don't know anything, their Village killed thousands of us in the previous war, that fourth Hokage, alone killed a whole battlement of a thousand men," Tsuchikage said while casting a [ Earth Style: Jutsu ] towards Kyouske.

Kyouske seeing this his face changed and he lost all respect for Tsuchikage.

Kyouske just slapped away the Jutsu that was coming his way like it was nothing.

Tsuchikage seeing this smiled [ Dust Release ] a white square box appeared in front of him but Kyouske felt a little danger from that so he prepared himself.

That little box went fast and it was not aimed at Kyouske it was aimed at Orochimaru.

Kyouske was confused.

" Brat, ufufufu, don't worry I am helping as a fellow Kage " Tsuchikage smiled at Kyouske.

" Why? you said you'll attack us? and we cost you a lot of lives? "

" That's exactly why, if we show you how kind we are you'll bow to us ufufufufu "

Kyouske just facepalmed at the Old man's antics.

" Grandfather you almost break my heart " Kurotsuchi wiped her fake tears.

Power Stone!!

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