
Naruto : Black Rinne-Sharingan at the start

God's child killed a boy who was walking on the road of Manhattan. God realising it's his child's fault,so he gave 5 lucky draw to reincarnate the boy without any memories. Ding - Congratulations you have won the world 'Naruto' Ding - Congratulations you have won two Kekkei mōra (1. All killing ash bones.& 2. A pair of Black Rinnesharingan)

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Twin Brothers.

It's been 4 years since Kyouske and Sasuke were born in the Uchiha Clan.

Two four years old was playing in the garden.

Sasuke was very close to his older brother Itachi but Kyouske was different a little, he was a little chubbier than Sasuke and he also spent more time with his mother.

Mikoto adored her three children all the same but for Kyouske she has a soft spot because that child is always with her. She takes fewer missions nowadays because of Kyouske.

As two children were playing in the garden, One was lean another one was a little chubby and cute. Fugaku and Mikoto were watching them play.

Mikoto asked, " Is there still unrest in the Hokage's office?"

Fugaku who was sipping tea said " Yes, I don't think there's much time, we're already like an outsider for them, Itachi's early graduation didn't do us any good but he's a good spy"

Mikoto with a concerned look watched the 2 boys play.

Sasuke who was running ahead and Kyouske was catching up to him, Sasuke suddenly tripped and fell on his knee.

Kyouske seeing his brother fall came closer and asked " Sasuke are you okay? "

Sasuke who was now tearing up because of the pain in the knee didn't answer.

Mikoto came closer and picked the little Sasuke and saw bleeding on his knee.

Kyouske seeing his brother crying and blood on his knee, started to cry as well and his black eyes spinned a little and from his body enormous amount of chakra came out.

The chakra volume was so enormous that the walls on the side got a little cracked.

Fugaku seeing this activated his 3 tomoe Sharingan but when he looked into the eyes of his son he felt danger, so he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan.

Fugaku came closer to Kyouske and picked him up and looked into his eyes.

Kyouske's eyes now had three circles with a little purple touch.

First circle now has 3 tomoe activated.

Fugaku seeing this thought 'what's this? is this Mangekyo? no, but such an enormous amount of chakra '

Kyouske who was in his father's hand stopped crying and soon fell asleep after releasing all his chakra.

Fugaku and Mikoto discussed this on the night.

At night.

Mikoto who was lying naked on her husband asked " so what will you do about Kyouske?"

Fugaku groping her boobs said " I'll talk to him tomorrow about this "

Mikoto smiled and jumped on her husband.

Fugaku seeing this said " Looks like I've to teach you a lesson first"

In the morning.

Kyouske and Sasuke were sitting in the dining room with their whole family.

Mikoto gently smiled and gave food to everyone.

Fugaku while eating said " Kyouske after eating don't go playing with Sasuke immediately, I have something to say "

Kyouske nodding his head said " Yes father"

Itachi as if in hurry finished the breakfast as fast as he can and runway.

Sasuke seeing this pouted and said " He's always like this, he doesn't want to play with us at all"

Kyouske who was happily eating said, " No he wants to play with us but he's busy with his duties, isn't that right mother?"

Mikoto smiled at her child and said " Yes, big brother is a busy person "

After they finished eating Mikoto took Sasuke somewhere in the house and left Fugaku with Kyouske.

Fugaku who was sitting asked " You have activated your Sharingan it seems Kyouske "

Kyouske who was sitting upright said " Yes father, from yesterday I felt I can activate my eyes "

Fugaku asked " Did you tell anyone? Sasuke or Itachi?"

Kyouske shook his head.

Fugaku smiled and said, "Don't tell anyone about this, father will teach you how to use them properly, Not even Itachi and Sasuke can know about this."

Kyouske confusedly said " But father they are my brother's "

Fugaku said " Yes they are but our village has some suspicious person, so it's better for them as well to not know, and our eyes are precious. "

Kyouske nodding his head said " I understand father"

Fugaku seeing his boy a little awkward with him, he let him go and thought ' this boy is too attached to Mikoto and genius beyond compare, he is the saviour of our Uchiha Clan '

Mikoto who was playing with Sasuke in the garden saw Kyouske appearing and asked " Did you finish talking with your father?"

Kyouske seeing Mikoto ran up to her and said " Yes mother" then opened up his arm.

Mikoto seeing this smiled and said " You're a big boy now Kyouske" but still picked him up to her embrace.

Sasuke seeing this said " Heh, little boy"

Kyouske hearing this retorted " who's little boy?" then jumped from his mother's embrace and chased Sasuke and Sasuke also ran ahead.

Mikoto seeing her two children smiled, one was a little arrogant, and another one was a little naughty, but both of them were cute.

After some hours Mikoto finished her cooking and came to the garden only to see two children sleeping together in the grass.

Mikoto came near them and combed their hair with her hand and woke them up.

After waking them up she said " Let's go, we're going to see the flower garden in our village, you can also make some friends"

Both brothers left their home with Mikoto.

Kyouske was holding Mikoto's hand and Sasuke was walking alone with them.

2 days ago flashback.

It was evening and most of the Uchiha Clan members were busy with this and that.

In the Uchiha general library today two little figures entered.

One said " Kyouske, mother is going to kill us "

Kyouske replied " No, we're gonna go back after seeing some jutsu "

Sasuke was still scared but followed Kyouske. Kyouske was a little naughty and Sasuke always followed his brother in his pranks.

Kyouske and Sasuke after entering the Library saw huge amount of books but Kyouske saw a Book called ' Strongest Uchiha '

This picked his interest but he can't reach that height as it was in the upper section of the shelf.

Kyouske said " Sasuke, we have to see the strongest Uchiha, come take me on your shoulders"

Sasuke refused to take Kyouske on his shoulder, Kyouske reluctantly agreed to take Sasuke on his shoulder as he wanted to see the strongest Uchiha.

Sasuke got down with the book in his hand and both brothers put the book down on the floor.

Kyouske opened the first page only to see a man with red armor holding a gunbai in his hand and his eyes were black.

Kyouske and Sasuke seeing the majestic man together said " Sooo cool "

Kyouske said " I want to become like him "

Sasuke reading the last line of the picture book said " Look, he founded our village with the first Hokage"

Kyouske said " He was the rival of the Shinobi God and look he had a brother, Sasuke it seems like I am Madara and you're the brother"

Sasuke angrily said "I am Madara, you're the brother"

At that moment the sliding gates opened and a female figure was standing there with an angry face.

Kyouske looking back said " Alright you're Madara, defeat her brother"

Mikoto seeing this pinched both of their ears and dragged them away. Uchiha Clan's men seeing this laughed.

Flashback ends.

In the Garden.

Mikoto entered with her two children and went towards a group of ladies already present.

The Ladies in the garden were talking but seeing her they stopped and greeted her.

Seeing the two, four-year-old babies they complimented them on how cute they are.

Mikoto said "Alright both of you go play, don't hurt anyone, mother will be here with these aunties"

Before Kyouske could say anything Sasuke runway far.

Kyouske smiling at his mother said " Alright mother"

Kyouske who was wearing a black shirt with the Uchiha logo on his back was searching for Sasuke who was wearing a blue shirt.

The garden was big and many children were playing in the sun but the weather was not hot, so it was an ideal time to play for the children.

Kyouske while searching for Sasuke saw a big tree and got closer.

The tree was enormous and it had pink leaves.

Seeing this he stood there watching the leaves fall.

From his side, he heard " This is Called Sakura tree, Beautiful isn't it?"

Kyouske nodded his head and saw a girl similar age as him. She has short platinum blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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