
Naruto : Black Rinne-Sharingan at the start

God's child killed a boy who was walking on the road of Manhattan. God realising it's his child's fault,so he gave 5 lucky draw to reincarnate the boy without any memories. Ding - Congratulations you have won the world 'Naruto' Ding - Congratulations you have won two Kekkei mōra (1. All killing ash bones.& 2. A pair of Black Rinnesharingan)

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Borders of The Land of Earth.

[ A little longer Chapter, Yesterday I uploaded a shorter one that's why ]

Kyouske and the team reached the borders after 2 days did some recon and took a break. The Girl left them saying her family was still around.

Hinata and Kyouske were walking together in the forest, Hinata was looking around for anything to report back.

Kyouske was just walking around.

Hinata while walking asked " Kyouske, You're so strong "

Kyouske smilingly said "Sometimes it's better if you're not strong"

Hinata shook her head and said " I want to become strong, but I can't"

Kyouske ruffling her hair said, " You're strong, how about I train you?"

Hinata with a star in her eyes asked " You'll do that?"

Kyouske smilingly said " Why not? I find you very cute " then he pinched her cheeks.

Hinata with a red face sat down on the ground crouching and said while stuttering " b...b...but you like ...I...Ino, right?"

Kyouske sitting down with her said " Yes, but I like you as a little sister so don't worry, I'll teach you, Look what you found" Kyouske grabbed some yellow soil where they were sitting down.

Hinata seeing the soil didn't find anything unusual.

Kyouske smiled and said " Touch it "

Hinata touching the soil from the ground didn't feel anything special, she said " I don't understand"

Kyouske smiled and said " It's very light, it's as if someone created using Chakra, for something we don't know, and such proficiency only Ninja's from Hidden stone, not just any ninja could do it "

Hinata's eyes glowed and she said " Wow, you can guess that much, from such little soil? "

Kyouske smiled and with his clean hand ruffled her hair then said " In time you can also do this, let's report to Sensei"

Hinata nodded her head and they went to find Kurenai.

Kyouske and Hinata founded Kiba with his dog.

Kyouske seeing him alone asked " Where's sensei? "

Kiba just pointed at a location and said " She went that way "

Kyouske nodded his head and said " Hinata wait here I'll bring Sensei" then he left them towards the direction Kiba pointed.

While walking Kyouske heard water, Kyouske understood it was a river while walking Kyouske saw something his face turned red and he mumbled: " It's... it's big... at least an apple, no big apple, 2 big apples" then he hurried back toward Hinata and Kiba.

Kiba seeing Kurenai didn't come back inquired" Where is sensei? "

Kyouske sitting down on the ground said " I don't know, let her come back "

Kiba stood up and said " I'll go fetch her "

Kyouske holding Kiba's hand said, " No, don't worry, she'll be back, so...so how is your training?" Kyouske started a weird and awkward conversation.

After some time Kurenai returned and Kyouske explained how Hinata found this light soil and how he deduced it was from a powerful Ninja from Hidden Stone.

Kurenai smiled and touched Kyouske's head and said " You're very good Kyouske" Kyouske's face turned red.

Kurenai thought ' He is a boy, after all, a little bit of praise will make him blush '

Hinata was also happy for Kyouske and Kiba had a jealous face.

Kurenai said " Alright, let's report this back, remember we already did unimaginably, it was a mission without any risk but we already fought, we'll return after eating and taking proper rest "

Everyone agreed only Kiba wanted to go in further but Kurenai stopped him from being impulsive.

After they finished their food and were taking a rest, Kyouske smiled and said " Sensei, 3 people are coming"

Everyone stood up and hid, All of them knew Kyouske's detection ability.

A little later they saw three-person, One man and two women, The man was huge and both women had black hair.

All of them were wearing a brown flak jacket and Hidden stone headband.

They checked everything to search for Kyouske's team and they found a clue left by Hinata.

Hinata left her Kunai. Kurenai seeing this gestured for them to prepare for battle at any moment.

The big man standing on the ground loudly said " I know you're hiding, come out "

Kurenai gestured for her team not to move.

Kyouske was near Kurenai and as she was gesturing this and that, he saw something he shouldn't have, he saw a fishnet, and inside it was a deep ravine.

Kyouske's face flushed red, as he was admiring the view his leg suddenly felt painful.

Looking at his leg he saw a shuriken has pierced his legs.

Kurenai seeing this said " All Right we're going out "

Then all of them faced each other.

Kyouske just sat down Infront of them and pulled out the shuriken and said " You bastards, I was enjoying something and didn't pay much attention, now I am pissed"

Kyouske stood up and flashed Infront of one of the women and punched her stomach so hard she just blasted away and took down 2-3 huge trees.

Kyouske then looked at his team and said " You guys deal with her, I'll deal with the fatso "

Kurenai knew the woman Infront of her was skilled so she didn't argue and commanded " Hinata, Kiba with me "

Kyouske looking at the huge man Infront of him said " Fatso, you chose the worst time to piss me off "

The man said " My name is Akatsuchi, not fatso Brat"

Kyouske had an evil smile on his face then he said " No matter, I'll beat you to a pulp "

Kyouske then flashed Infront of Akatsuchi and punched in return Akatsuchi also punched with tremendous speed.

As both of them clashed, a huge wave was created, as they were very strong.

Akatsuchi smilingly said " You're not bad for a kid "

Kyouske also smiled and said " You're not bad for a big fatso "

Then Kyouske while pinching [ Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu] without any hand sign and so close in range.

The fireball melted Akatsuchi, but Kyouske knew it was an earth substitution.

Akatsuchi appearing a little further from Kyouske said " You're a dangerous brat "

Kyouske smiled and did a hand sign [ Light Clone ] a clone appeared, which looked the same as Kyouske.

Akatsuchi frowned his eyebrows and asked " This is [ Shadow Clone] right? "

Kyouske shaking his head said " Almost, but it's not, it has the same concept but it's made with fire element chakra "

Akatsuchi frowned again.

Kyouske wanted to use something but at that moment he heard Kurenai saying" Don't kill him, we'll take them back "

Kyouske nodding his head said " You're lucky "

Then Kyouske and His clone both did the same hand sign and [ Fire Style: Fire Prison]

Akatsuchi also did some hand signs but Kyouske's hands were so fast that Akatsuchi was captured without casting his Jutsu.

Kurenai and the team also brought the other 2 women and locked them inside the prison.

It was a huge prison made of fire.

Kurenai smilingly asked " Won't it deplete your Chakra Kyouske "

Kyouske shaking his head said " I have enough to make them stay there forever " then he went inside and bound them with rope and blinded them with folds.

After he came out, Kyouske sat down and said " Sensei why are you protecting them ?"

Kurenai said " A war will break out if we kill them, you see that girl, she's the granddaughter of the current Tsuchikage "

Kyouske nodded his head.

Kurenai ruffling his hair said " I did that because we're strong enough"

Kyouske nodded his head and said " I understand "

Then took a rest again, these days were hectic.

Kyouske while fishing in the river said to Hinata " You have to change your diet a little Hinata, Your diet is good but not for your body, your body is more of a soft type, your diet plan is a strong body type "

Hinata while sitting beside Kyouske asked " So, I've to change the food? "

Kyouske shaking his head said " Food is one of the things, You have to change your practice schedule, your Chakra is at its fullest when it's night, so practice on the night, when there's a full moon, empty your reserves of Chakra each day, don't focus on speed, you're not speed type "

Hinata was just digesting information, Kyouske was helping her to train.

Kyouske smiled and said" Don't worry about your strength Hinata, you see I've so much strength but I couldn't save my parents, my mother she was so kind that...that" as he was saying this tears fell on the ground from his eyes.

Hinata seeing this just patted his back.

After Kyouske calmed down, they went back with lots of fish, Kiba brought rabbit, and they almost had a feast.

The Fire Prison was now in smaller form, but it was still very bright.

They even fed the prisoners.

The next day they started the journey of going back.

They faced some ambushes of ordinary bandits In the way as the prison was too eye catchy.

But they made it to Konoha on the 6th day they started the mission.

Kurenai took the prisoners with her to the interrogation building and explain to Hokage their whole trip.

Kyouske smilingly said " Hinata you can come to my house anytime if you feel lonely or sad " then he rubbed her head.

Kiba snorted his nose and went away with his little puppy.

Hinata with a red face nodded to Kyouske.

Kyouske didn't go back to his home, he went to Hokage's office and issued a mission for little Genins, to clean his house.

It took some time but they cleaned his house well.

Kyouske relaxed a little while making himself a cup of coffee.

As he was about to go into his reading room, he heard the doorbell ring.

Opening the gate he saw Mrs.Yamanaka smiling at him.

Kyouske smiled back but his eyes were searching for someone.

Mrs.Yamanaka said " She's on a mission"

Kyouske had a disappointing face but Mrs.Yamanaka made some dinner for him so that's a piece of good news.

After eating dinner he bid farewell to Mrs.Yamanaka.

Then he went back to his reading room, and slowly took out a book from his chest, he purchased this book this afternoon.

' Make out Paradise '

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