
Naruto: Before the War

He was reborn normal in the Naruto Universe and wants to do his best to make the future better. He has no system, no bloodline, no gold finger. All he has is small bits of knowledge of the future to try and make it better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The artwork on the front cover is not mine and all and full rights belong to the artist. I simply chose it because it looks amazing and it fits what I had in mind. If you are the artist message me if you feel like it and il change it. Thanks!

OvercookedChicken · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Meeting Of Change

Jin wakes up the next morning feeling refreshed yet also at the same time anxious considering he has to befriend/"fool" people that then grow up to be part of the strongest group of people that can be counted quite easily. Yet he feels that he has to do this as he is in a situation where he knows what will happen and has the capabilities to do something about it, to try and make the future better when he has never attempted to do anything like this even in his previous life. He feels like he owes it not just to himself but also to the lives of people that he can not just improve but also save. He feels like he would never be able to forgive himself if he did not give his all, trying to do something he knows is almost impossible but still in the end, better than if he just let things play out as they would.

He shakes his head to bring himself out of those thoughts and starts his daily stretching and yoga poses. In the past 4 years since he had started doing these exercises, the results are starting to show. He is much more flexible than he has ever been if he can admit it and he even found out that training his body also both expands his chakra volume as well as improves his chakra recovery rate. It's not that big of an improvement yet it's enough to be noticed.

(Hmm, looks like I was right, the better and more trained the body is the better and more chakra it can handle. While it's not a huge improvement, many small increments can eventually surpass one big increment. And besides, I'm going to focus on taijutsu as well so being flexible is a must in this case.)

Once he is done he starts to head downstairs and meets his parents there eating breakfast. He joins them and they talk about all sorts of things, but the topic that is most often brought up is the war. It finally ended with Tobirama dead and Sarutobi made Hokage shortly after, with most people finally at peace since they don't have to fear losing and the consequences that may bring. Unfortunately, this peace is short-lived as Jin remembers that the 2nd shinobi world war starts within the next 2 decades and the fact that it was started by The Hidden Leaf Village makes it even more bitter as the 1st Hokage was an advocate of peace.

It was also the 2nd world war that was started by The Hidden Leaf Village that ironically broke the sannin, with Orochimaru growing tired of all the death and destruction and dreaming of immortality and it corrupting him. With both Tsunades brother and her lover dying in the war spiralling her into trying to forget everything through drinking and gambling. And Jiraya becoming cynical and distancing himself from the village by knowing the fact that every death out on the battlefield can all be blamed on the Hidden Leaf Village and the Hokage with his council who rule it.

This is the future that Jin is trying to change, he knows that it's next to impossible to try and stop the war itself as the decision to go to war has to be accepted by the majority of people on the council. Jin knows that he cannot change the council's decision as he has no political power yet and he doesn't have the legendary talk-no-Jutsu that Naruto has. Instead what he can do is to try and change what happens to the sannin and the paths that they take.

"Looks like I have my work cut out for me" whispers Jin to himself on his way to the academy.

When he arrives at the academy early he notices several other kids already there, as he looks through them one by one trying to find the iconic trio. He eventually finds them as far apart as they can get, he then decides to strike a friendship/"fool" Jiraya first. Orochimaru is a bit of an introvert and is generally alone and quiet due to his snow-white skin and snake-like features. Meanwhile, Tsunade is hard to get to since she is so popular both among the boys but especially among the girls that it's hard to approach her. That only leaves Jiraya which Jin slowly starts to make his way towards.

"Hey, what's up? My name is Goto, Jin Goto!" says Jin as he approaches Jiraya and offers him a handshake.

"Huh, Goto huh, do your parents own the Goto Armaments shop?" asks Jiraya as he stares at Jin without shaking his hand.

Seeing this Jin replies still holding his hand up trying to shake it with Jiraya.

"Yeah how did you know? Btw it's a bit rude to let a man hanging you know"

"I know because I've bought a few shurikens from there and noticed the great quality on them, still your either crazy or you just talk really weirdly"

Seeing this Jin smiles "You know it's even weirder to not shake someone else's hand when they offer you one and introduce yourself".

"Whatever, your crazy then dude," says Jiraya yet still shakes his hand with Jin.

"I'm Jiraya, just Jiraya"

"And you call me crazy when your only called Jiraya"

"I never knew my parents, all I ever knew is the orphanage I grew up in. So just Jiraya is enough..."

"I'm sorry man, didn't know, but don't worry since I'm here let big brother take care of you" replies Jin comically trying to defuse the dreary atmosphere.

"Who are you calling big brother, just so you know I was the oldest in my orphanage," says Jiraya clearly more positive than before

"Hey don't worry your pretty little nose about it, since I'm the older brother here ll be magnanimous and take care of you" replies Jin with gusto while swinging his arm around Jirayas neck as they start to head towards the academy.

"Hey il take care of your ass if you keep talking like that," says Jiraya sounding furious yet a small smile is starting to appear on his face as he is being dragged towards the academy.

What do you think about Jirayas backstory and personality? There is very little information about the 3 iconic trios so I came up with something I thought appropriate. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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