
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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279 Chs

Chapter 56: Assassination! So Annoying, Ninja Brats!

 "Do you know what the mission is?" Karin's mother took a deep breath, instinctively shielding her daughter behind her: "May I ask, how many missions are there?"

 She was so thin and weak that it seemed a gust of wind could knock her over.

 "Two assassination missions! You'll know the rest when you get there." The Anbu from Kusagakure Village didn't reveal much.

 His gaze passed over Karin's mother and landed on Karin.

 He clicked his tongue: "You've raised your daughter quite tenderly! Maybe, she could be useful too."

 "No! Karin is still young!" Uzumaki Fushi hurriedly said.

 "She won't be young for long. We didn't take you mother and daughter in to let you eat for free here." The Kusagakure Anbu dropped this sentence and left directly with Karin's mother.

 Only Karin was left in the large room.

 She stared blankly at her mother's retreating figure and those ill-intentioned Kusagakure Anbu. The Uzumaki clan's innate perception ability let her know that those masked ninjas were all bad people.


 She couldn't do anything about it.

 "I'm so useless..."


 Late at night.

 In a rundown small town in the Grass Country.

 Naruto woke up in the middle of the night because he had another dream about that "Tailed Beast". The latter was still badmouthing his old man Whitebeard, which made Naruto argue with it in the sealing space.


 He was awakened by anger.

 "What an annoying stinky fox!" Naruto couldn't help but mutter. He had accepted the fact that there was a "monster" inside him, but that didn't stop him from hating it.

 For Naruto, as long as his pops didn't discriminate or dislike him.

 Even if there were nine monsters inside him.

 He didn't care.

 "Every time I dream of that stinky fox, it badmouths my pops and tries to trick me into tearing off that piece of paper." Naruto stuck out his tongue: "BLABLABLA! I'm not some big idiot!"

 Although Naruto wasn't quite sure what that piece of paper was.

 But he knew that the stinky fox meant no good.

 "Oh no, I drank too much."

 Naruto's face turned awkward, and he quickly crawled out of his bed.

 He opened the door to his room.

 And went out to find a toilet.

 "Wuwuwu! Finally found it!" After more than two minutes, he finally saw a building similar to a toilet. But just as he was about to push the door open, his face suddenly felt cold.

 "Eh? Old...umm umm——"

 "Hush! It's me! Kakashi!" Kakashi hurriedly covered Naruto's mouth to prevent him from making too much noise.

 As it turned out when Naruto woke up,

 Kakashi also woke up

 But Kakashi keenly noticed that something was wrong.

 The inn where they were temporarily staying was too quiet, so quiet that they couldn't hear anyone's footsteps at all.

 It was completely different from when they first moved in.

 As an Anbu Jounin from Konohagakure Village,

 Kakashi immediately became alert and followed Naruto all the way until Naruto entered the toilet. Then he finally revealed himself.

 "Naruto, listen!" Kakashi lowered his voice and said: "Someone might be after our lives. I don't know if those people are targeting you or me."

 He slightly loosened his hand covering Naruto's mouth,

 Naruto widened his eyes: "Uncle Kakashi, are we... encountering enemies?"

 "I don't know.

 Kakashi shook his head: "I hope it's not some enemy, but this idea might be too wishful."

 "Then, pops!" Naruto was worried about Whitebeard.

 "Don't worry!"

 "Whitebeard might have noticed something wrong even earlier than I did," Kakashi said,


"I found that he has a very special perception ability."

 In fact, what Kakashi said was indeed correct.

 At the time when his body suffering from hidden illnesses.

 Whitebeard's Observation Haki...

 Was sometimes effective and sometimes not.

 But after being treated by Tsunade and Shizune, Whitebeard found that his Observation Haki had recovered and reached a level where he could use it at will.

 Even a non-sensory type ninja like Kakashi could sense something was wrong.

 Not to mention Whitebeard, who has Observation Haki.


 At this moment, Whitebeard...

 Was resting outside.

 He couldn't squeeze into the small inns of the ninja world, so the innkeeper could only bring a lot of mattresses and piece together a large bed outside for Whitebeard to rest.

 Whitebeard was now lying on the pieced-together mattress, sleeping soundly, with his Murakumogiri at least several meters away from him.

 Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!!

 A barely audible sound suddenly rang out, and on each tree not far away, several hidden figures stood on their own.

 One after another, Anbu from the Kusagakure Village quietly appeared.

 They skillfully sealed off the entire inn.

 And their gaze fell on Whitebeard.

 Whitebeard's exaggerated body size made it hard for them to ignore him.

 Especially since Whitebeard was also sleeping outside the inn.

 That made him even more eye-catching.

 "Is this... the giant that our leader mentioned?" A Kusagakure Anbu licked his dry lips.

 He thought only he could hear his own muttering: "Indeed, this is really a giant! This guy has such a thick neck, how many cuts would it take to cut off his head?!"

 And this giant seemed to have not noticed their movement.

 So this was just an ordinary big man.

 At most because of his large size.

 His strength was a little bit powerful.

 But under the assassination of so many Anbu, how much does greater strength matter?

 Being a Ninja...

 It's all about tactics!

 One by one, the Anbu of the Kusagakure Village silently exchanged gestures.

 In less than ten seconds, they had decided on their next battle plan.


 A group of Kusagakure Anbu took several kunai from their ninja tool bags. Each kunai revealed a faint green glow under the moonlight, obviously poisonous kunai.

 One of the Kusagakure Anbu suddenly made a move,


 The killing intent burst forth!

 No one would be so foolish as to alert their target when assassinating someone. Not a single Kusagakure Anbu made a sound.

 They decisively threw the kunai in their hands quickly.

 One after another, kunai flew out through the air.

 "Ha! Got him! It seems this giant is just taller. This guy is not a ninja!!"

 Just as they were rejoicing,

 The next moment,

 Their faces stiffened.

 The speed at which the kunai flew towards Whitebeard was as fast as the speed at which each kunai was deflected.

 Sparks erupted inconspicuously on Whitebeard's skin.

 It seemed like it was caused by the collision of the kunai with his skin?

 "What? does his body made of iron?!"

 The kunai couldn't break through at all. This was beyond their expectations. The skin on this giant's chest was clearly exposed.

 Why can't sharp weapons break through flesh and blood?!


 A sudden laugh rang out like a death knell in each Grass Ninja Anbu's ear: "Where did these little ninja brats come from? Did they chase me from Konoha?"

 Whitebeard had already opened his eyes.

 He sat up as if every Kusagakure Anbu on the scene couldn't escape his "sight".

 "So annoying!"

 "Little brats!"



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