
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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Chapter 253: Whitebeard, makes his appearance! Uchiha Itachi's Susano'o!

"Ninjutsu·Manda's Array!!!" Orochimaru quickly formed seals with both hands, and spat out one brown snake after another from his mouth, the dense snakes covered the ground in front of him.

It made people shudder at a glance.

Tsunade let out a cold snort, she raised her right foot high, and then without hesitation, she stomped heavily on the ground under her feet.

Only heard a loud noise.

The ground was stomped out a crack by Tsunade, a large number of snakes directly fell into the crack.

This time it was Tsunade's turn to take the initiative to attack.

She appeared in front of Orochimaru in an instant, and a heavy punch was aimed at Orochimaru's face.

Orochimaru hurriedly dodged this punch, because he knew Tsunade's monstrous strength.

This punch, if it hit his head, maybe this body could be declared scrapped.

"Ninjutsu·Snake Limb Hardening!!!"

Orochimaru, who dodged the attack, counterattacked with a karate chop towards Tsunade.

Tsunade immediately raised her arm to block, when she hard-blocked Orochimaru's attack, Tsunade's eyebrows slightly frowned.

After she forced Orochimaru back with a kick, she took a look at her own arm.

Her attacked arm was bleeding a little, it was clearly a collision between fists and feet, but it was like being attacked by a sharp blade.

"Hehe... Tsunade, you've lost."

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru couldn't help but show a triumphant smile, "You, who suffer from hemophobia, after seeing this blood, how much of your full strength can you exert?"

Orochimaru spat out a Kusanagi sword from his mouth.

The Kusanagi sword was covered with crystal clear saliva, but he didn't care and held the hilt.

Orochimaru approached Tsunade step by step.

Especially when he saw Tsunade's somewhat trembling body, the smile of triumph on his face became even more pronounced: "To be honest, I really don't want to kill you."

"As long as you don't stop me from pursuing my goal, I won't make such a killer move on you, after all, I do value the feelings of the past."

After Orochimaru said these words, he swung the Kusanagi sword in his hand, about to slash at Tsunade's body.

But at this critical moment, Tsunade's slightly trembling body suddenly stopped.

Her beautiful eyes flashed with a very sharp cold light.

She dodged Orochimaru's attack with a short stature.

Then she grabbed Orochimaru's wrist with one hand.

This sudden change made Orochimaru's pupils shrink.

But when he wanted to make some reaction, it was already too late.

Tsunade's brute strength pulled hard, causing Orochimaru to lose his balance.

Then a heavy punch landed solidly on Orochimaru's face.

Orochimaru's face visibly caved in.

The facial bones made a "crack" fracture sound.

Bright red blood spurted from his nose and mouth.

Tsunade's punch made Orochimaru's feet leave the ground, and the whole person was like a cannonball flying backwards.

Tsunade quickly approached, raised her foot high and shouted.

"Painful Sky Kick!!!"

Her foot fell like a battle axe, and Orochimaru, who was flying backwards, was smashed down to the ground again.


A huge pit with a diameter of ten to twenty meters appeared under her feet, and the dust raised was like a small sandstorm.

It made Orochimaru vomit a mouthful of blood again.

Although Tsunade's hemophobia is still there, compared to before, her hemophobia has recovered a lot.

The amount of blood that can cause her fear must be at least one-twentieth of the blood of a normal adult.

The small amount of blood flowing from the wound on her arm, although it made Tsunade a little palpitated, did not affect her combat effectiveness.

Orochimaru misjudged Tsunade's weakness.

He had a hard time.


"Samehada·Annihilation Slash!!!"

Kisame held the hilt of the large sword Samehada tightly with both hands, he jumped high, and a heavy blow hit the giant puppet's shoulder.

Under his brute strength, the giant puppet couldn't help but retreat two steps.

But the puppet's other hand was already reaching for him.

Kisame could only step on the puppet's shoulder with one foot, jump back, and dodge this attack.

Kisame, who landed back on the ground, frowned at the puppet in front of him: "Such a hard big guy, Samehada smashed on it, and there was no trace left."

"Moreover, this kind of puppet only has a small amount of chakra flowing in it, Samehada can't eat all the opponent's chakra at once, it's really a bit tricky."

No wonder the guy hiding in the puppet claimed that this was a puppet to deal with Pops.

Not to mention whether this puppet has the power to deal with Pops, just the opponent's amazing defense power, has made Kisame realize that the opponent is not simple.

"Is that what the tailless beast 'Hoshigaki Kisame' of Kirigakure Village can do? And you are so brazen that you want to demolish my artistic masterpiece?"

Sasori's tone was somewhat mocking, he was very satisfied with this puppet.

Although this puppet is not the complete body in his original design, it now has a certain combat power.

And it's stronger than any puppet he made before!

Under Sasori's control, the giant puppet suddenly stretched out a hand at Kisame, and a cylindrical black tube drilled out of the puppet's palm.

The diameter of the tube mouth is probably about ten centimeters.

"Scroll·Inferno Formation!!!"

In an instant!

The black tube protruding from the palm spewed out a surging flame, and the terrifying high temperature of the flame even burned the ground under his feet into magma.

Just as Kisame was about to be swallowed whole,

"Hey hey! Are you serious about using Fire Release Ninjutsu in front of a ninja who is good at Water Release? Or are you so arrogant that... you want to use Fire Release to take me down?"

Kisame felt seriously provoked, Samehada was propped up by him, his hands quickly formed seals.

"Water Release·Explosive Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!!!"

A huge water dragon rushed towards the raging flames.

The collision between the water dragon and the flames was difficult to resolve for a while.

"Hmph! Ninjutsu·Needle Hell!!!"

With a cold snort from Sasori, the mouth of the giant puppet suddenly opened.

One by one, poisoned needles flew out under the cover of the flames, heading straight for Kisame!

Each needle was extremely poisonous, even if it was grazed or touched, it was enough to take a person's life.

At this critical moment, Samehada suddenly sprang out.

Samehada swelled up quite a bit, like a shield blocking in front of Kisame.

All the poisoned needles fell on Samehada, and couldn't even break Samehada's defense.

After all, Samehada's body is harder than ordinary steel!

Kisame looked down at a needle stuck next to his foot.

The poison eroded the soil to "sizzle" and emit green smoke.

"Ha! Puppet control, poison..." Kisame thought, "You wouldn't happen to be from Sunagakure Village, would you?"

"Tsk!" Sasori didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

Just as he was controlling the puppet to continue attacking Kisame.

Suddenly, a dazzling thunder light lit up behind him.

The crackling sound made Sasori turn his head and look.


Before Sasori could react, the dazzling thunder light behind him suddenly fell on the right leg joint of the giant puppet.


The right leg joint of the puppet suffered severe damage.

The amazing power of "Raikiri" caught Sasori a bit off guard.

"This puppet is really hard..."

Kakashi's palm was a bit numb, he opened his dead fish eyes and complained, "A full-strength Raikiri, can only make it a little damage."

Kakashi thought that his strike could take off one of the opponent's legs, it seems he thought too much.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan." Sasori squinted his eyes, the damage to the artwork made him a bit annoyed, "If I put your Sharingan on my puppet, it should be able to take my puppet to the next level, right?"

Kakashi's mouth twitched, "Isn't there Uchiha Itachi in your Akatsuki organization? Why don't you go to him for Sharingan?"

Why do so many people want his Sharingan?

Is his sharingan some kind of "rare treasure"?


"Shisui, you've become weaker." After Uchiha Itachi dodged Shisui's attack, he said expressionlessly, "You, who have lost the Mangekyou Sharingan, do you have half the strength you used to have? Although I don't know why you can still catch my position after losing your eyes, but you are indeed not as good as before."

Then, Uchiha Itachi dodged Izumi's attack again. 

He glanced at Izumi lightly, "Izumi, you've improved a lot. My impression of you is limited to when you first opened a single Tomoe Sharingan, you could faint due to excessive chakra consumption."

Izumi's face was frosty, she snorted coldly, "Don't talk to me in this condescending, self-righteous tone. Who do you think you are? You're just a beast who killed your own clan and your own family."

"Fire Release·Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!!!"

Uchiha Izumi quickly formed seals, and five groups of raging flames spewed out from her mouth.

The flames engulfed Uchiha Itachi's body.

But a familiar voice rang out from behind Uchiha Izumi, "Three Tomoe Sharingan will never surpass Mangekyou Sharingan."

"Don't you understand yet? From the moment you and I made eye contact, you were already under my Genjutsu."

Uchiha Itachi was about to strike Izumi's neck with a hand knife.

The next second, a cane sword suddenly appeared crosswise.

Itachi's hand knife paused, because if he continued to strike down, his hand would be cut open.

"I have indeed become weaker without Mangekyou."

Shisui also had an expressionless face, he said, "But I'm not so weak that I don't even have half of my previous strength."

Uchiha Itachi looked sideways at Shisui, "But you are still not my opponent, Shisui, you should know better than me what Mangekyou Sharingan really means."

"Me with Mangekyou Sharingan, and you without Mangekyou Sharingan, one in the sky and one on the ground, are worlds apart."

A layer of red chakra surged around Uchiha Itachi.

Shisui's Observation Haki vaguely sensed something, he frowned and immediately pulled Izumi to hide behind him.

"Big Brother Shisui! This seems... to be Susano'o!" Izumi looked at Uchiha Itachi with a shocked face.

In her line of sight, a red half-body skeleton appeared next to Uchiha Itachi.

The skeleton enveloped the entire Uchiha Itachi.

"You should see it clearly, right? This... is the power that is worlds apart." Itachi's voice was very calm, "The Uchiha clan's Mangekyou Sharingan is an invincible existence."

Under his control, the two skeletal arms of Susano'o clenched their fists and smashed towards Shisui and Izumi.

Shisui and Izumi each dodged in two different directions.



The skeletal fists of Susano'o smashed into the ground.

Two huge pits were smashed out on the spot.

"Damn it!" Izumi gritted her silver teeth, "Is the gap between Three Tomoe Sharingan and Mangekyou really that big?"

She also desperately wanted to have a pair of Mangekyou Sharingan, but Izumi also knew that it was not so easy to awaken Mangekyou Sharingan?

She threw several Shuriken at Uchiha Itachi with a backhand.

But they were all blocked by Susano'o.

It didn't break the defense at all!

"If it weren't for Naruto's help... the amount of chakra in my body would not be enough to support my eyeless Susano'o. But in the course of the battle, Itachi will definitely not let me get close to Naruto."

Shisui frowned.

"It's troublesome."


"What... what's going on? Why would the Whitebeard Pirates fight with the Akatsuki?"

Five Kumogakure Village Anbu ninjas who had lost their combat power could only try their best to get away from this place as soon as possible.

At least they can't be affected by the battle.

The intensity of the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Akatsuki was beyond their imagination.

Looking at their state of being heavily injured, if they don't get away from the Whitebeard Pirates and the Akatsuki as soon as possible, I'm afraid that any battle aftermath... could take their lives!

Although they are not afraid of death.

But they have to pass this information to the village.

To pass on the information, they have to survive first.

The Kumogakure Anbu who could still move, pulled their fainted companions, and crawled hard and slowly.

After climbing for several minutes, they finally reached a relatively safe area hundreds of meters away.

They looked back, their faces full of disbelief, "Kakashi of the Sharingan, Seven Ninja Swordsmen Hoshigaki Kisame, Konohagakure Sannin Tsunade, Shisui of the Body Flicker... Are all these people members of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

They found it hard to believe.

Because every person they could see in front of them was basically a famous figure in the ninja world.

What kind of magic does the Whitebeard Pirates have to attract these people to join? And let these people choose to become a group of pirates?

Suddenly, a faint sound of footsteps came from behind them.

They hurriedly looked back and found a few little devils.

"It seems that we have five more prisoners." Karin's mouth curled up.

Neji ignored several severely injured Kumogakure Anbu.

He was watching the battle scene in front of him, "Is this the battle between Jonin and Kage-level?"

Hinata looked at Naruto worriedly, "Naruto-kun, be careful!"


"Gurarararara! It's really noisy!" Whitebeard sat on the bow of the Moby Dick, watching the various Ninjutsu taking off in the distance with interest.

How could Whitebeard not notice the movement in the distance?

Whitebeard is neither blind nor deaf.

He had been watching the battle over there a long time ago.

During the watching process, Whitebeard kept making sharp comments, "Tsk, this is a stupid son who hasn't practiced 'Rokushiki'! That puppet took a punch, and Kisame actually had to dodge? If he learned 'Tekkai', he could easily take it!"

"Kakashi is the same, if he had learned 'Soru', a hit and then another 'Soru', wouldn't he be able to take off that big guy's leg?"

"Shisui's Observation Haki has awakened, but he still hasn't practiced Armament Haki. A so-called Susano'o can make him helpless, this won't do!"

"Izumi, this stupid daughter, doesn't know Armament Haki or Observation Haki, and doesn't know Rokushiki, she still needs to practice more!"

But Tsunade was quite good in Whitebeard's eyes.

Especially Tsunade's monstrous strength, placed in the New World of the Grand Line, is a not bad power.

Whitebeard found that Tsunade's monstrous strength is more suitable for practicing Rokushiki, she is also suitable for practicing Armament Haki.

It's a pity that this little brat has always been unwilling to be his daughter.

Seeing that the situation in front was at a stalemate.

Whitebeard had seen enough.

In his eyes, the battle in front was like a few kittens fighting.

The first few minutes were interesting.

After a long time, he got a little impatient.

Whitebeard, who was sitting on the ground, slowly stood up, he didn't even take his Murakumogiri.

Whitebeard, with bare hands and slightly bent legs.

Whitebeard had a smile on his face, then he jumped.

Just in the blink of an eye.

He disappeared from the Moby Dick.


"Cough... Hehe, it's really killing me!" Orochimaru spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling that countless bones in his body were broken, and Tsunade's kick almost took his life.

Orochimaru looked up at Tsunade in front of him, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, "I didn't expect that you really want to kill me, it's really hurt my heart, Tsunade!"

Tsunade snorted lightly, "Hmph, it's you who wanted to kill me first, right?"

Then, Tsunade coldly said, "I can't let you do as you please anymore, I will stop you today! you can't hurt Children like Kimimaro in the future!"

Orochimaru did not retort.

A dangerous meaning flashed in his golden vertical pupils.

"I think you can't stop me." Orochimaru said ominously, "Tsunade, you have the determination to do it to me, but do you have the determination to do it to Nawaki and Dan?"

Tsunade: "!!!"

"Hehe... Although I'm not very skilled in using that forbidden technique, I think I can still summon the two of them from the underworld."

Orochimaru made hand seals, "Ninjutsu·Edo Tensei..."

But at this moment, Orochimaru found himself enveloped by a shadow.

There was a round shadow under his feet.

Orochimaru hurriedly looked up, his eyes gradually widening.

A few traces of shock and fear flashed in his eyes.

In Orochimaru's line of sight, a man he least wanted to see, descended from the sky!






(End of Chapter)

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