
Naruto : Back to the Past

After the final battle with Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto loses his best friend in their fight. But then He gets another opportunity to fix everything. He gets the chance to have everything that he ever lost in his life. He gets the chance to return to the Past and restart everything. But there is a twist, when he travels to the past, he finds that this is an AU World. In this world, some things are very different. In this world, Naruto had died in his birth. Naruto's mother Kushina is the only one who manages to survive. With the system and the memories of his past, this time, Naruto was going to make everything right for him. This time he isn't going to lose the people whom he loves. This time he will live a life without regret. 『Ding! Congratulations!!!! Your bloodline has been purified. You have become 100% Pure blooded Uzumaki clan member.』 『Ding! Congratulations!!! You have learned a new powerful Innate Skill known as 'Crimson Fury Mode'.』 『Ding! Congratulations!!! Your have learned a new powerful Innate Skill known as 'Chakra Stat Transmutation'.』 - - Caution/ Warning - Before you start reading, there is going to be incest between Naruto and Kushina. This is going to be a Harem Anime. Of course, there won't be any Yuri or Ntr. Many things will be different in this novel. - - Regarding the update schedule, I will try to release at least 3 chapters per week if I am not busy. Just know that if I ever stop updating that does not mean that I have dropped this novel. Please know this. I have other novels to write. So there are times when I would need to give those novels more attention. Writing this novel is nothing but my way of finding some relaxation and a way of living my fantasy. ---------- If you want to read advanced chapters or if you want to support the continuation of this novel then you can visit my Patreon Page - patreon.com/Salted_dragon

Salted_dragon · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 48:- Special Chapter [XVI]

"As the team leader, I am going to stay behind obviously. I will hold them back." This was going to be Kurenai's final act. 

 "But...." Kaito was about to say something but Kurenai signaled at him to stop. 

"Look, the success of this mission is secondary. Your lives come first to me. I will use everything that I have to divert their attention and hold them long enough for you all to retreat into Crimson Leaf Village." Everyone looked very unwilling to listen to Kurenai's words but what they could do, right now they were incapable of even taking on a Chunin. 

Kurenai was the only one among them who was capable of taking a fight right now. 

"Kurenai, the enemy still hasn't discovered our location yet. Why don't you stay here with us and wait for reinforcement to arrive?" Daichi asked. Others also agreed with Daichi by nodding their heads while looking at Kurenai. 

"You three don't understand, do you? It will at least take 5 to 6 hours for reinforcement to arrive. By that time, we will be long dead if we all wait for the enemy to discover our location." 


"No But.!!!!! I am the Leader of this team and you all have to obey my orders. I will create a diversion, you three run as fast as you could three can. I will give you all a big signal." 

Kurenai then walked out of the cave. 


Kurenai distanced herself from the cave. She kept heading towards the northern direction. Once she was more than 5 km away, Kurenai stopped. 

"This is where it all begins." Taking a deep breath, Kurenai took out 8 explosive tags from her pouch. 


A loud explosion took place in the area. The black smoke and the sound of the explosion were heard and seen by the enemy shinobi who were looking for Kurenai and her team. All the ninjas in the area began heading in the direction of the explosion site. 

Meanwhile, Kurenai's team understood what their team leader meant by big signal. 

"This is the big signal. Let's wait a few more minutes before we head out of the cave." If they went out now, there was some chance that they were going to meet the enemy who was going to pass by this area to reach the site of the explosion. If they were truly unlucky and a few sensory shinobi happened to pass by, Kurenai's effort would be useless as they would be found out. 



"Let's head in that direction. They must be there." 

Just within a few minutes, 10 enemy Shinobi were already chasing after her. Kurenai knew that she could not take all of them at the same time. Her aim was to keep them distracted for as long as possible so that her teammate could run away. 

"Stop her. Don't let flee." 

"Leave that on me, Captain." 

『Fire Style: - Great Fire Ball Jutsu』

Suddenly a big ball of fire headed toward Kurenai. Kurenai saw this and widened her eyes. This Jutsu was an A-rank Jutsu. 


"Did it hit her?" Asked another Jonin. 

When the black smoke cleared, instead of Kurenai, it was a burned piece of log. 

"She used Substitution Jutsu." Using this chance, Kurenai increased the distance between her and the enemy Shinobi. 

"After her...!!!!!"

Kurenai looked back before she increased her pace. She knew that it was a matter of time before she was caught by the Enemy Shinobi. Kurenai didn't particularly excel in agility. Her speciality was Genjutsu but putting so many Enemy Shinobi under her Genjutsu was nearly impossible if not completely impossible. 

Kurenai was moving swiftly, and soon she was quite a distance away. Up ahead, she spotted two more ninja guards on her path. But before they could even react to her presence, Kurenai swiftly formed a unique hand gesture.

In an instant, the two guards found themselves unable to move. They were as still as statues, trapped by Kurenai's Genjutsu. Without hesitation, Kurenai moved closer and used her kunai — a small, sharp blade — to take them down swiftly and silently. She aimed for a vital spot on their heads.

Continuing her escape, Kurenai leaped with agility from one tree branch to the next, never once touching the ground. She was using her chakra, to enhance her jumps, allowing her to leap higher and farther than an ordinary person could ever manage. Her feet barely grazed the branches as she sped through the forest, a blur among the leaves.

From the distance, another two Shinobi (One Jonin and one Chunin) spotted Kurenai running in their direction. "Be careful of her genjutsu. On my signal, prepare to use your strongest attack." 

Just when Kurenai was in front of them, the Jonin gave a signal to his subordinate.


『Earth Style - Earth Spikes!!!』

『Wind Style - Wind Cutter!!!』

Kurenai didn't notice the two shinobi as both of them had been hiding behind the trees from the beginning. She widened her eyes as the two attacks suddenly hit her. 


"That should do it...!!!" The Jonin cheered with a smile on his face. 

 When the black smoke cleared, everyone was happy to see Kurenai lying on the ground. However, there was something wrong with her. There wasn't any blood coming out of her. The next second, Kurenai turned into a white burned log. 

"Dammit, Substitution Jutsu...!!!!!" 

"After her....." 

The two Shinobi were about to chase after Kurenai when stepped on something. They heard a clicking sound. 


When they looked down, they were horrified to see multiple explosive tags under their foot. 



Both of their bodies were blown into pieces as a result. 

Meanwhile, the real Kurenai appeared one hundred meters away. She didn't stop even for a second. Seeing the two shinobi, for a few seconds she put them under her genjutsu and that was enough time for her to set a quick trap. 

"Maybe at this rate, I will be able to survive." Kurenai had taken out 4 Shinobi by now. Although she kept this distance, the chances of her surviving were only going to increase. 

This continued for another 5 minutes. Kurenai was chased by more than 40+ Shinobi right now. She was already a few hundred meters ahead of them. This much time was more than enough for her team to safely escape. By the time, they will realize that Kurenai was nothing but a diversion, it will be too late. 

『Water Style - Water Dragon』

Out of nowhere, Kurenai was startled to see a Dragon Water heading in her direction. She didn't get enough time to locate the enemy or use substitution Jutsu. Kurenai tried to dodge as she was in midair, she couldn't dodge, and the water dragon ended up hitting her. 


Kurenai's body was sent flying. From the impact, she flew back more than more than 10 meters before her back hit the trunk of a tree. 

Despite the pain, Kurenai tried to stand up as fast as she could and search for the enemy who attacked her out of nowhere. However, before she could do that, from her right corner, she saw a huge fireball heading in her direction. 

Seeing this Kurenai rolled to the ground to dodge. However, just then a shadow jumped above her. Before Kurenai could stand, a sharp object pierced her right shoulder. 


As a result of the pain, Kurenai was forced to get on one knee. Half of Kurenai's face was covered in blood. 

"Well...well....!!! Isn't this the current strongest Genjutsu user that Konoha has? Kurenai Yuhi!!!!" Kurenai raised her head and looked around. She widened her eyes to find that she was surrounded by more than 20 Shinobi. It seemed while one group was chasing her from behind, another group ambushed her by taking a detour. 

"It seems you used your life to allow your teammates to escape. How noble!!!!" Kurenai didn't know why at this moment, she felt her whole body was beginning to slowly burn from inside. Her whole body was getting hotter. 

"You guys won't get away with this. The village will hunt you down." As long as her teammates returned to the village, she believed that the Hokage was going to take immediate action to eliminate them. 

"HAHAHA!!!!! As if we are going to stay in the land of Fire and wait for the Hidden Leaf's shinobi to come." 

Another Man kneeled before Kurenai and looked into her eyes. He was grinning. "We already knew that Konoha was keeping an eye on us. We just needed a few days to prepare everything before leaving the land of fire. After disposing of your body, we will leave the land of fire for the next few years." 

"Actually we can claim 19 million Ryo after killing her." Another Jonin said as he flipped through the bingo book. 

"But before we kill you, it would be a big shame to not play with your body." Seeing the lustful grins on their faces Kurenai felt afraid. 

'I would rather end my own life before letting these scums touch my body.' Kurenai was ready to end her life. 

Kurenai was about to take her own life but then she suddenly noticed that her head was starting to feel heavy as if she was getting drunk. 

Seeing this she looked at the rogue Shinobi. 

"Hahaha!!!! Ever heard of aphrodisiac Drug?" Kurenai widened her eyes hearing this. She looked at the Kunai that was stabbed in her shoulder. She finally understood why her body was getting hotter every single second. 

Just before they could touch Kurenai, a strong wave of Chakra hit everyone. 


Once again thank you for reading this chapter. I really appreciate all the power stones that you all have given to this novel. Your comments and your power stones do make a big difference. 

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