
Naruto : Back to the Past

After the final battle with Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto loses his best friend in their fight. But then He gets another opportunity to fix everything. He gets the chance to have everything that he ever lost in his life. He gets the chance to return to the Past and restart everything. But there is a twist, when he travels to the past, he finds that this is an AU World. In this world, some things are very different. In this world, Naruto had died in his birth. Naruto's mother Kushina is the only one who manages to survive. With the system and the memories of his past, this time, Naruto was going to make everything right for him. This time he isn't going to lose the people whom he loves. This time he will live a life without regret. 『Ding! Congratulations!!!! Your bloodline has been purified. You have become 100% Pure blooded Uzumaki clan member.』 『Ding! Congratulations!!! You have learned a new powerful Innate Skill known as 'Crimson Fury Mode'.』 『Ding! Congratulations!!! Your have learned a new powerful Innate Skill known as 'Chakra Stat Transmutation'.』 - - Caution/ Warning - Before you start reading, there is going to be incest between Naruto and Kushina. This is going to be a Harem Anime. Of course, there won't be any Yuri or Ntr. Many things will be different in this novel. - - Regarding the update schedule, I will try to release at least 3 chapters per week if I am not busy. Just know that if I ever stop updating that does not mean that I have dropped this novel. Please know this. I have other novels to write. So there are times when I would need to give those novels more attention. Writing this novel is nothing but my way of finding some relaxation and a way of living my fantasy. ---------- If you want to read advanced chapters or if you want to support the continuation of this novel then you can visit my Patreon Page - patreon.com/Salted_dragon

Salted_dragon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 30:- Argument

As the classroom began to fill up just before lessons were due to start, Naruto noticed Sarada making her way in. Today, instead of keeping to herself as she usually did, she actually acknowledged him.

"Good morning," she said, her voice still carrying her usual coldness.

This small gesture caught the entire class off guard. The classmates, who had been used to Sarada's distant nature for years, couldn't hide their astonishment. Some students even did a double-take, wondering if they were really seeing the usually reserved Sarada greeting someone so openly.

"Did I really just hear that right?" one boy whispered, his eyes wide as he gazed at Sarada, not believing his ears.

"Yeah, Sarada really just said 'good morning,'" his best friend confirmed, just as stunned. The room buzzed with quiet murmurs and surprised glances, as more students began to take notice. Some leaned over to ask their neighbors if they'd heard correctly, while others simply stared in disbelief, their morning routine pleasantly disrupted by this unexpected change from Sarada.

"Morning to you too, Sara-chan," Naruto replied cheerfully. He had been in the middle of a lively chat with Shikamaru and the rest of the group. Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Hanabi, Kiba, Choji, and Shino were all gathered around, forming a circle. Naruto had been captivating them with tales of his adventures beyond the village borders.

The world outside the village was a place none of them had really explored due to the rules about leaving the village before graduating from the Academy. It wasn't as if they weren't allowed to go outside or anything. But rather their parents knew how dangerous the outside world was so their parents never really allowed them to go outside alone. Even if they went outside, it was mostly with their parents to nearby villages.

Their world had mostly been within the village's protective walls, and the idea of traveling to other nations was both thrilling and mysterious to them.

So Naruto's stories from beyond the village were met with eager ears and wide eyes.

"Just as I was about to say..." Naruto resumed his storytelling after returning Sarada's greeting, but a sudden shiver ran down his spine. Turning around, he caught Sarada's gaze – it was a mix of a cold glare and a slight blush on her cheeks. It was a look that told Naruto she was not entirely pleased, yet somehow, her blush suggested something more, a hint of embarrassment or maybe even hidden warmth towards him.

Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Hanabi, Kiba, Choji, Shikamaru, and Shino were all taken aback, their faces a picture of sheer astonishment. They simply couldn't wrap their heads around the scene unfolding before them.

'Can this really be the Sarada I've known for so long?' Sakura questioned silently, her mind reeling from the unexpected greeting.

Ino pondered internally, 'She seems different lately, ever since Naruto came into our class.'

The others shared similar thoughts, each lost in their own surprise at Sarada's uncharacteristic behavior.

Meanwhile, Naruto, feigning ignorance to Sarada's intense stare, asked with a hint of mock innocence, "What's up? Did you need something from me?"


With a huff and no words to spare, Sarada just gave a little snort of annoyance and took a seat next to Naruto, maintaining her silence. Her actions left the group whispering and wondering about the sudden shift in her demeanor.

Shortly after everyone had settled down in the classroom, Kushina made her entrance, signaling the start of the day's lessons. The students quickly shifted their focus, pulling out their textbooks and notebooks as the class began.

As the morning passed by swiftly, the much-anticipated lunch break arrived. This was the time everyone in the class eagerly looked forward to, a chance to relax and socialize with friends.

Many students were secretly hoping to witness another entertaining argument among the four popular girls of the Ninja Academy – Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and Hanabi. Their lively debates had become a sort of amusing spectacle during lunch breaks.

However, today, to the disappointment of their classmates, Naruto, Ino, Sakura, Hanabi, and Hinata didn't stick around in the classroom. They gathered their lunch boxes and left the room, leaving a noticeable void behind. Their absence made the classroom feel strangely empty and a bit dull.

Sarada, known for her solitude, had already left the classroom. She was not one to join the others for lunch in the classroom. In fact, nobody could recall ever seeing her eat with the rest of the class. Her absence, along with the others, marked a quiet, less animated lunch break than usual.



Scene change___

Today was Naruto's fourth day in the Ninja Academy. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Naruto has settled down in the Ninja Academy very nicely. Thanks to his Mom, he was not behind his studies. Although he wasn't the top student like Sarada and Hanabi were, at least he wasn't at the bottom either. He was an average student. Naruto was more than content with his performance. 

In Taijutsu, he was at the very top. No one could take that away from him. No one was strong enough to defeat him. Even if all the students in his classroom joined together and tried to fight Naruto in Taijutsu, he would still win even though he didn't have one hand. 

His experiences make up for his missing hand. 

Today marked a significant change from the usual lunchtime routine – there was no arguing among the girls, a peaceful calm that was unusual for the group. This change in atmosphere was largely due to Kushina's presence, which seemed to bring a sense of tranquility to the group.

"Sarada, here's your lunch," Kushina said, offering a lunch box and a pair of chopsticks to Sarada.

"Thank you, Aunty," Sarada replied, her voice soft and her smile genuine. After the loss of her parents, Kushina became a very important figure in Sarada's life. To Sarada, Kushina was more than just an aunt; she held a place in her heart akin to that of a mother. Sarada's affection and respect for Kushina were deep and sincere.

The question on everyone's mind was then voiced by Kushina. "So, who's going to feed Naruto today?" she asked a hint of playfulness in her tone.

"I can eat just fine with my left hand," Naruto quickly interjected, feeling a bit embarrassed by his mother's suggestion. His protest did little to dispel the heightened sense of anticipation that Kushina's question had stirred among the group.

Despite Naruto's protests about being able to eat with his left hand, ironically, he hadn't actually had a meal using his left arm since losing his right one. At home, Kushina was always the one feeding him. At school, he had been fed by Hinata, Ino, and even the usually distant Sarada. However, Sakura, who was always eager to help Naruto, never got the chance to feed him. Every time she was about to, Ino would step in to stop her.

Kushina then declared the order to feed Naruto. "Since Sarada has already had her turn, she'll be last this time." Ino, Sakura, and Hanabi all quickly nodded in agreement with Kushina's decision.

Sarada, however, wasn't happy with this arrangement. "I disagree. What happened yesterday doesn't count. I was interrupted, and besides, we're starting to take turns from today. So, yesterday's turn shouldn't be considered," she argued, making it clear she didn't feel it was fair to count her turn from the previous day. Her objection hinted at a desire to have another chance to feed Naruto, a task she had previously seemed indifferent to.

Kushina pondered Sarada's point for a moment and then came up with a new idea. "What if I feed Naruto today?" she proposed with a smile. But the moment she suggested it, all the girls in the group, including the usually quiet and reserved Hinata, unanimously exclaimed, "Absolutely not!"

Sakura, clearly upset, voiced her thoughts. "Why should you get a chance here? You're with Naruto all the time at home. You can feed him as much as you like there."

Ino, who typically disagreed with Sakura, surprisingly sided with her this time. "Yeah, you should stay out of this," she said firmly.

Hanabi, echoing the sentiment, added, "This rotation for feeding Naruto-kun is just for us girls."

Even Hinata, who often spoke softly, chimed in with a sense of resolve. "I agree with Hanabi," she said, her tone more determined than usual.

The group's collective resistance to Kushina's suggestion showed their strong desire to be the ones to care for Naruto. Each wanted her own turn to feed him. It was clear that this had become more than just a task for them – it was a matter of pride and affection.


Once again thank you for reading this chapter. I really appreciate all the power stones that you all have given to this novel. Your comments and your power stones do make a big difference. 

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