








"That?" The Fire Nation princess snapped out of her trance-like state, interrupted by the persistent calls of the circus girl. Ty Lee waved her hand in front of Azula's face to regain her attention, and upon succeeding, she flashed a bright smile.

"You had a strange expression. Did you see something you like?" Ty Lee's smile took on a mischievous edge as she lightly tapped her friend's arm. Both of them turned their gazes to the curious scene unfolding.

"What's this?"


"But it's pink... I don't want to use girly soap!"

"Well, you're going to use it! You stink, and I refuse to keep walking next to a stinky brat!"

"Hey! What do you mean, stinky brat?"

"Take off those clothes! I need to wash them. It's disgusting."

"Well, well, well..." Naruto finally surrendered in his ongoing struggle with Mai. She seemed fed up with seeing him covered in dirt and sweat, though it wasn't entirely his fault. They had spent nearly two days in the cave, and he had exerted himself more than he had in recent memory.

Reluctantly, he removed his jacket, shirt, pants, and sandals, leaving himself in just his underwear adorned with frog designs, which elicited laughter from Ty Lee and added to his embarrassment. He could only lower his head in response.

"Okay," Mai remained her usual stoic self. She didn't care that the boy was now naked; having a younger brother meant there was nothing about the male body she hadn't seen before. "Now take this and go for a bath," she ordered, pointing to a water source they had discovered in the cave.

"Hmm... bossy," Naruto grumbled under his breath, but quickly regretted it when Mai shot him a dark, cold look.

"Take them off."

"I've already taken everything off."

"Not everything."

"…" Naruto gulped as she pointed to his underwear.

"I need to wash those too. I don't want to imagine when was the last time you washed them," she said calmly as she collected the rest of his clothes. It was the least she could do for him, considering he had saved her life. Washing his clothes was a good start to making it up to him, even if he was making it difficult.


"If you're a boy, we know. We're all over 15; we know what a penis is," she explained impatiently. She despised seeing dirty people, and this boy was covered in dirt, grime, and sweat, not to mention the stench. "We've all seen one."

"I haven't," Azula was the first to deny. She had never seen one before, not even Zuko's. They used to bathe together until they were four years old, but she couldn't remember seeing anything.

"Me neither," Ty Lee said thoughtfully, flipping herself into a handstand and balancing on a single finger, the blood rushing to her head seemed to help her remember. "But one of my sisters said it's like an elephant's trunk... Can we see it?"

"No!" Naruto instinctively wanted to grab his clothes and get dressed. He didn't feel comfortable with the gleam in Ty Lee's eyes. Even Azula had that look, and it was already unsettling. But before he could reach for his clothes, he received a slap from Mai. "Ouch! What's wrong with you?"

"Stop being a baby. I told you to go take a bath, not to talk nonsense with Ty Lee," Mai threatened with a look that promised a lot of pain. So, begrudgingly, Naruto had to comply. "Now take them off, or I will."


"It's smaller than I thought"

"It's cold and I'm twelve years old!" Naruto wanted the earth to swallow him, taking the towel from Mai's hands, he covered himself as quickly as he could, ignoring the curious glances of Ty Lee and Azula.

"What did you expect to see?" Azula asked curiously to Ty Lee who was still staring at Naruto, with a curious and thoughtful look.

"One of my sisters said that men who have a penis are usually the size of a sausage."

"You expect a 12-year-old to have a 12-centimeter penis? Do you know how stupid that sounds?" Mai's question was enough to make Ty Lee think, "It's obvious that his size won't be big, he's just a twelve-year-old boy, he doesn't even have pubic hair."

"You're right Mai, you are very smart! Congratulations Naruto! You don't have a small penis and it's pretty too!"

"Thank you…" Naruto rarely felt so embarrassed or weird, he didn't know what to feel, "I guess."

"Enough wasting time," Mai didn't understand what the fuss was about, she stood with her arms crossed with a steely gaze waiting for the boy to enter the water and take a bath. "If you don't bathe well, I assure you that I will use a steel brush to wash you myself."

"Hummm" a shiver ran down the Uzumaki's spine at that threat, covering himself. He went to the fountain, but not before looking over his shoulder, "Can I have some privacy?" He asked, somewhat annoyed by feeling the gaze of the three girls staring at him.



Apparently neither Ty Lee nor Azula wanted to miss the show, one out of curiosity and the other because she refused to obey orders.

"..." with a sigh Mai pinched the bridge of her nose, "We'll leave you alone and remember what I told you."

"Use soap and brush well, yes I know..."

"Good," satisfied, the oldest of the group took Ty Lee by the arm and pulled her to give the boy privacy. Behind her, a silent Azula followed them, leaving him alone.

Waiting until the crazy girls were out of sight, Naruto felt calmer to drop the towel and begin washing himself in the water fountain, "Is this what it's like to have an older sister?" He thought with a small smile, he remembered once seeing Hana, Kiba's older sister, drag him home from the academy, because he refused to take a bath for almost a week.

Well, that day everyone saw the furious Inuzuka drag her brother away, promising that she would use a steel sponge to clean him properly.

He couldn't help but smile at that, maybe Mai was just strict because she cared about him.

He almost laughed at himself for thinking like that, just a few days ago she wanted to kill him, no matter how much she wanted it, people don't change that quickly, shrugging her shoulders she threw water in his face, if she had to bathe, she would, even though she had to. look twice at the flower shaped soap.

He hoped none of his friends back home found out about this.

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