

The sun slowly rose over the horizon, casting its gentle light upon the town of Yu Dato. This town, nestled in the Earth Kingdom but ruled by the Fire Nation, enjoyed a unique status of neutrality amidst the war-torn world. The townsfolk were well aware of their privileged serenity, a rarity in such tumultuous times.

Turning our attention to the forest surrounding the town, we find Naruto joyfully pulling a small cart at full speed. A wide grin adorned his face as he engaged in the task, with Mio and Dororo seated in the two-wheeled cart, their modest possessions neatly packed into boxes. As they approached the outskirts of the town, they halted on a hill that afforded them a panoramic view of the city.

"Ufff," Naruto skidded to a stop, his breath labored from the exertion of dragging the cart all night. Ever since he had received the reward from Mio, they had been fleeing the town to evade pursuit, and now, reaching a new settlement, the shinobi finally took a moment to catch his breath. He turned to the girls, a triumphant smile on his face.

"Wow! Are we going to live here?!" Dororo exclaimed, his excitement palpable as he hopped off the cart to admire the bustling town below.

"Yes," Mio responded with a soft smile, disembarking from the cart herself. She then directed her attention to the blonde, her eyes reflecting happiness and hope. "This will be our new home, a place where we can start anew," she uttered, her voice brimming with optimism. With the gold coins at their disposal, she knew they could secure a sizable space for trading fabrics and clothing—crafts that she was passionate about creating. "A place where fear will no longer rule us, and we can embrace our true selves." Turning to the Uzumaki, she approached her "younger brother" to gently untie the string that held the infant's hair.

"Sister~" Dororo groaned in protest as one of her sister's kimono sleeves was draped over her face, adjusting her kimono as it was slightly shaken and tightened around her slender form.

"What are you two doing?" Naruto asked, his confusion evident. He looked to Mio, who responded with a knowing smile. She stood up and rested her hands on Dororo's shoulders, prompting a slight yet noticeable transformation in her appearance.

"Naruto, allow me to introduce my younger sister, Dororo," Mio announced, stepping aside to reveal the transformed girl. Dororo averted her gaze, crossing her arms and snorting.

"Hey?" Naruto's brain seemed to do somersaults at the revelation. Staring at the familiar features that now stood out, he couldn't help but smile. "Again! First Haku and now Dororo!" he blinked several times, the surprise sinking in. "Well, that caught me off guard... but I have to admit, she's a pretty girl," he playfully ruffled the hair of the embarrassed black-haired girl.

"Brother, if you keep this up, I'm going to beat you up!" Dororo threatened, her face flushed with embarrassment, but her words only earned a chuckle from the shinobi.

"Keep dreaming, Dororo-chan," Naruto said, emphasizing the last word. He noticed the girl leaning against him, but her advance was halted by Mio, who wore a warm smile as she observed their playful interaction. Letting out a sigh, Naruto turned his gaze towards the town. "Yes, I'm sure they'll be happy here!" He placed his hands behind his head and grinned broadly. In about an hour, his injuries had already started to get better, thanks to being part of the Uzumaki clan and having the strongest tailed beast inside him.

"Us? But what about you?" Dororo asked, looking at the blond with confusion. Her older sister placed a hand on her shoulder and, looking up, Dororo saw the sad smile on Mio's face. "Aren't you going to stay with us?" she asked desperately, waiting for an answer.

Naruto just smiled softly and shook his head. "I'm searching for someone very dangerous from the Fire Nation, and with that egg man after me, I'm not sure staying in the Earth Kingdom is a good idea... you both will be better off without me," he said. He walked over to the cart, checking that everything was ready. He knew Mio could easily lift the cart and drag it to the town herself.

"Hey, I hope not! But I thought we'd be together! Remember, brother?" Dororo spoke quickly, trying to persuade the shinobi. He shook his head.

"I'd really like that, truly. But I have to follow my path and find my way home..." Naruto knelt down, meeting the hazel eyes of the young girl. He sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Just like you have your sister, I have a family too. I want more than anything to see them again, so I have to go. I want to be with them." He smiled weakly and ruffled Dororo's hair. "Do you understand, really?"

"Yes…" the girl whispered, keeping her head down as she slowly moved away from Naruto, her fingers tightly latching onto her older sister's hand, who remained silent.

"Naruto..." Mio called, getting the shinobi's attention. She took a bag from the cart and handed it to him. "There are some changes of clothes in here... orange ones, your favorite color, right?" She asked, managing a slightly crooked smile while trying to hold back tears that threatened to well up in her eyes. "I didn't have time to cook something for you, but there's some bread and a few gold coins. I know you might not want to take them, but please do," she said, her grip on Naruto's hands firm.

The blonde stood still, uncertain, looking at the teenager who was trying her best not to cry.

"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself. Eat well, bathe, and if there's danger, don't rush into it. Think first," Mio continued, her voice gentle. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. "I just want you to know that if you ever come back, you can be a part of our family. Do you understand, really?"

"Yes..." The Uzumaki nodded, taking the bag in his hands. Before he could say anything else, he felt a warm sensation on his forehead. Opening his eyes in surprise, he saw Mio kissing his forehead.

"A goodbye gift," Mio smiled warmly, stepping back from the shinobi. A soft blush appeared on Naruto's cheeks at the gesture.

"I hope to see you again soon," the girl said, finding the sight of the blushing and restless pre-adolescent boy quite endearing.

"Ye-yeah, me too." With the bag on his back, Naruto took a few clumsy steps backward, then turned around and dashed into the forest, quickly disappearing among the trees. "A pretty girl kissed me!" His exclamation was the last thing that echoed before the blonde was out of sight.

"..." Smiling, Mio shook her head. She walked over to the cart, lifted it, and started dragging it slowly towards the town.

Meanwhile, Dororo looked in the direction where the shinobi had vanished, a look of confusion on his face. "They're so strange... Does that mean Naruto will marry you and become my older brother?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at his older sister, who returned the smile.

"Maybe yes, the idea doesn't sound bad at all"

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