
Naruto : An Uchiha’s Tale

Jin Nakamura was a normal office worker with a boring life. His only hobby was watching anime, which he enjoyed consuming every night. His personal favorite was Naruto, which he enjoyed for many reasons. This story is about how he is reincarnated into the Naruto universe and his journey to the very peak of ninjas! I don't own Naruto in any shape or form, although I wish I did. This is just a fan project. Go support the original if you haven't, by Masashi Kishimoto. Currently: 4 chapters per week. Top 200 rankings: 4 chapters/week Top 100 rankings: 5 chapters/week Top 10 rankings: 7 chapters/week

T0X1N · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Stone Tablet


For those asking, I have taken down all the chapters for editing. Expect a two to three chapter/day release rate.

There will only be minor changes here and there to make it all come together in the new direction I'm taking it.

Please be patient.


After the funeral, Jin remained at the shrine as everyone else left. Goro had told him to do so.

The latter signaled for him to follow, leading him through a secret passage underground, where Jin was greeted by the sight of a stone tablet.

A pair of flames lit up right next to it, adding a spiritual feel to the scene.

'Is this the Uchiha stone tablet from the manga?'

Jin's brain was on full gear, remembering what he could about the tablet when Goro spoke up.

"This is the Uchiha clan's most prized possession, the Stone Tablet. Written on it are the secrets of our clan. Since you have awakened your Sharingan, I'll allow you to have a look."

"I have?!"

This came as a surprise to Jin. Did he really awaken his eyes? He couldn't even remember when.

"Here, take a look."

With a small smile, Goro took out a small mirror and showed Jin his reflection. He couldn't help but gasp in shock, taking the mirror into his hands and looking more closely.

"Now that you say it… I see a lot better than before!"

Jin looked around and realized his vision had drastically improved. He could see even the tiniest details on the walls.

Turning to Goro, he could see the chakra flowing through his body.

"I'll show you something nice."

Not giving him a warning, Goro threw a quick punch at Jin, who immediately evaded it.


Jin was more than shocked at this point. He could see even the smallest muscle movements made by Goro and could anticipate any attack.

"It's like seeing the future!"

Laughing, Goro shifted his attention back towards the tablet.

He had recently awakened his Mangekyō-Sharingan and deciphered a bit more information. Perception wasn't really his strong point, so he felt like there were things he couldn't see.

Sighing, he signaled for Jin to take a look.

Nervous, Jin walked up to the tablet and focused his Sharingan. The only thing he could see was how to unlock the Mangekyō.

'To unlock the heavenly eyes that see the truth of all of creation, one must witness the death of a family member or friend they hold dear.'

No matter how he looked at it, Jin couldn't help but sadden at the cruelty. The Uchiha really was a cursed clan.


Suddenly, a bulb lit up in his head. Jin remembered that Black-Zetsu had tampered with the stone tablet in the past, for Kaguya's benefit.

If he could overwrite what was mentioned on the tablet, then all would be fine!

'That's it! I'll just tamper with it myself!'

Jin had a plan. But he couldn't really put it into motion just yet. He needed to get stronger.

At that moment, Goro cleared his throat, attracting his attention.

"What do you see?"

"Something about the heavenly eyes?"

"Indeed. Jin, do you know what this means?"

Hearing this, Jin immediately tensed up.

"What does it mean, uncle?"

Sighing, Goro explained.

"Normally, kids your age wouldn't be told about this, but I'll make an exception."

"You saw it yourself. The tablet speaks of the heavenly eyes that see the truth of all creation. These 'heavenly eyes' are what our ancestors called the 'Mangekyō-Sharingan'.

'The Mangekyō is the evolved form of the Sharingan and grants it's user unparalleled abilities. The first one to unlock this eye was none other than our ancestor, Madara Uchiha. This eye allowed him to fight equally against the god of Shinobi, Hashirama Senju."


Closing his eyes, Goro crossed his arms before letting out a deep breath. When he opened them back up, his Sharingan rapidly spun and morphed into a spiral shape, with three round dots.

"Uncle… you…"

"Jin, this is the Mangekyō-Sharingan. The heavenly eyes that see all truth behind creation. Take a good look."

Jin gasped. Goro had awakened his eyes? This news came like thunder to him. Looking at it more closely, Jin noticed that it looked very similar to Fugaku's, in the anime.

(AN: Heres a visual of Goro's Mangekyo: https://images3.alphacoders.com/976/976226.png )

Closing his eyes, Fugaku deactivated his Sharingan and looked at Jin.

"I want you to keep this a secret. The only ones that know about this are my wife and you. The reason I told you this was because I truly believe you are the hope of our clan."

"Yes, uncle. I won't disappoint you."

"Good. Now for the important part. Do you remember the way of obtaining this eye?"

"Yes, you have to suffer to witness the death of someone close to you."

"Right. Our clan has historically misunderstood this criterion as the user needing to be responsible for the person's death, and for that reason, we developed the practice of killing our closest friends in order to gain the Mangekyō Sharingan"

Hearing this, Jin got flashbacks of the anime. It really was a twisted philosophy.

"Now, what if I told you this wasn't the case?"

Hearing this, Jin crossed his arms and held his chin. He thought for a while before answering.

"Well, it never mentioned that you had to kill them yourself... Only that you had to witness their death in order to unlock the eyes. I guess you could just watch as a family member gets killed and still unlock it?"

Listening to his nephew's clever observation, Gor couldn't help but praise the kid. He was so smart for his age… How many four-year-olds could analyze things in this manner?

"Indeed. Actually, I awoke mine yesterday, after hearing of Inari's death…"

Hearing his father being mentioned, Jin's mood turned gloomy. Goro saw this as a sign not to press him, so he decided to call it a day.

"Jin, tomorrow morning, I want you to come to the lake beside my residence. You and your cousins are going to start training under me, in preparation for your enrollment in the academy."

Jin absentmindedly nodded and headed back to his house. Entering his room, he sat cross-legged on his futon.

In his head, Jin organized his current goals.

He had already reached an advanced level of the Uchiha's Taijutsu and felt like it was time to move on to Ninjutsu. Genjutsu was harder, so he'd rather leave it for later.

"No time to relax... I have to get stronger. The third Raikage died during the third war, which should happen in twenty-five years or so. Also, Danzō isn't going anywhere. Time is on my side."

The day went by slowly, as Jin waited for the next morning's lessons.


The next day, jin got up early and ran to the meeting place.

In front of him was a clear, serene lake. It was surrounded by trees, and one could see the towering mountains in the background. They looked serene under the morning sky.

At a particular spot, Jin noticed a small wooden dock, standing on top of the water. Goro and his cousins were already waiting for him.

Goro skipped the pleasantries and went straight to teaching them.

"Today, we're going to learn the clan's staple technique. This technique is one of the reasons why we stand at the top."

Hearing this, Fugaku and Hideki got excited. Jin already had an idea of what it was.

"Although it's a hard technique, classified as a C-rank, the clan has a tradition of teaching it to our members as a coming of age ceremony. You will never be considered a true Uchiha if you can't use this technique."

"I'll demonstrate, so watch carefully."

Without anyone noticing, Jin's eyes started fiving off a red glow.

Facing the water, Goro started performing hand seals at a rapid pace. When he was done, he filled his chest with air and let out a massive ball of flame.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!)

The flame was so hot, some of the water under it evaporated. The three young Uchiha had to cover themselves from the heatwave.

Dusting his hands off, Goro turned around and faced the surprised children, a smile on his face.

"Now, I want you three to do that!"

"You're so cool, Uncle Goro!"

Hideki could hardly contain his excitement. He saw Goro in a completely different light now.

"Heh, what did you expect from my father. He's the patriarch after all."

Smirking, Fugaku betrayed his usual cool demeanor.

"Now now. I'll teach you the hand-seals. So you start with.."

Goro then went on to explain the jutsu to the three kids. He made sure not to miss a single detail so that they would have an easier time learning.

As Fugaku and Hideki were preparing hand-seals, Jin did so at a speed almost equal to that of Goro. It was as if he had done it countless times before.

Breathing in, He shouted out the words he had wanted to say all his life.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

The words he had dreamed to shout in his past life resounded through the lake as he kneaded and molded his chakra into a raging fire that he blew into the air, taking the form of a round fireball. Although it wasn't enormous, it's shape was almost flawless.

With a combination of his Sharingan and Goro's explanation, he had managed to perform the jutsu on his first try. And he did so to a very high standard.

Goro had his mouth open so wide a fist could fit in it. He couldn't believe Jin had mastered the technique on his first try. Even he and Inari had taken a while.

Hideki's eyes were starstruck as he showered his cousin with compliments.

While Goro had no words, Fugaku looked at Jin with envy and started working harder, achieving a decent fireball on his tenth attempt. It wasn't even close to Jin's in quality, but he was satisfied.

Hideki tried but ran out of chakra on his eighth attempt. He had a sour expression and sulked.

Goro was stupefied, these three had monstrous talent, and were assured the leading spot in their generation. Even though Hideki did not make it, he was sure it wouldn't take more than a few days.

Jin was analyzing his small mistakes when Goro called out to him and had them regroup.

"You three did great. Rest a little and we'll continue in thirty minutes, during this time you can ask me anything."