

This is a work of Fan fiction. All of the original characters, organizations, techniques, and events portrayed in this fictional literature are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. The majority of the events and most characters take place in and are a part of manga artist Kishimoto's world Naruto.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or any other manga or stories. I do have ownership of the techniques, the originality of this plot, the story I created, and some other things in this story. But the elements from manga artists, etc I do not own.

Normal speech: "What the hell is this?"

Thoughts: 'How should I know?'

Written Text: '''You're over a millennia years old! Shouldn't you know this stuff?'''

Demon/Summon/Inner Voice: "I only pretend to know everything! I look more badass that way."


{Konoha Hospital, Konohagakure}

{1 1/2 Year before Graduation of the Rookie 9}

There were three people present in the room. A young boy who looked barely 12 years old was sleeping on the bed. A bandage covered his scalp and his torso, and even though the other two couldn't see it, the damage done to him looked quite extensive. 

There were two other people in the room, an old man dressed in white and red Haori, the color selected to match the hat with a symbol (火) etched onto it. The second person in the room was a lot younger, he looked to be in his prime as he stood tall. Yet his hunched shoulders showed a sharp contrast as he leaned down. His hand glowed blue as he pressed it against the young boy's forehead.

With a defeated sigh, the blond man with green eyes looked at the fragile look of his nephew with distress. Inoichi Yamanaka was an important man, he was the head of the Analysis team of the Konohagakure Intelligence Division. A powerful man capable of peaking through the fragile barrier that hides someone's memories, in the end, he was helpless right now.

"Inoichi?" Hiruzen questioned, the air in the room was heavy as the burden of failure stabbed both men making them feel a little sluggish.

"He's alive... but the torture was too much. His mind is broken, memories scattered." Inoichi spoke, his voice hitched a little as he quickly apologized, "Apologizes Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen merely nodded, under normal circumstances he would have assured Inoichi that everything was okay, that he shouldn't worry about it and suppress his emotions. But the news was somber enough that he didn't say anything. Yamanaka Ren wasn't an important and integral part of Konoha, someone who couldn't be replaced. He was a genin, one from the reserve force, the bottom of the barrel, when it came to Konoha forces.

He had graduated just 6 months ago and had been out on his first delivery mission, a harmless C-Rank task that was quite close to the village... Something like this shouldn't have happened.

"It was Iwa wasn't it, just because of his hair color?" Inoichi questioned. He hadn't been involved in the healing procedures but he could guess from the injuries that marred the young boy's chest. His yellow hair and eyebrows were burnt away, his chest a barrage of kunai wounds, nothing lethal but done to prolong his suffering.

'It wasn't done to extract information, this was done purely to cause harm, to torture as a form of revenge or malicious pleasure.' Inoichi thought, his face grimacing at the thought of his daughter, barely a year younger suffering the same, or maybe even worse fate. The urge to vomit was suppressed by the seasoned Jonin as he turned to address Hiruzen.

"There aren't enough memories left that his psyche would be able to hold it together," Inoichi spoke, his voice stoic. He bled out all of his emotions as he made a final report to the Hokage before putting forward his request, "For all intent and purposes he would have to relearn a lot of stuff, maybe some things would even be impossible to learn. According to my professional insight, Yamanaka Ren is unfit to perform his duties as a genin for the foreseeable future. I would like to take him home. His body is already healed, and Karui and I will make sure that Ren recovers from this..." Inoichi swore but held himself back from making any promises about his recovery.

Hiruzen looked back at Ren once again, his eyes burning the damaged face to memory as he nodded to Inoichi, "Yamanaka Ren's files would be temporarily sealed. If he manages to recover and wants to join, a desk job at any department in the village is available to him."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," Inoichi bowed. He continued looking at Ren's face as he waited for Hiruzen to walk away. His burnt eyebrows and scalp had already been healed, with time his hair would return but the real damage had been done. He sighed and focused on controlling his emotions once again, the dread he was feeling was difficult to push back. He leaned forward and carefully gathered Ren's body into his arms.

The thought of Ino seeing the broken boy caused him to pause but his sense of duty toward his late brother won as he continued walking out of the hospital room. He had coddled Ino too much and she had grown up a little spoiled, maybe after looking at Ren she would start to grow up too. Inoichi thought he controlled himself not to squish Ren as he clenched his hands.

'She had to grow up, no way I'm going to allow her to be anywhere near in a situation like this.' Inoichi thought. With firm footsteps, he walked home. The small seed of resentment that he had toward Iwagakure bloomed little by little.



{Ino's Home, Yamanka Clan Compound, Konohagakure}

{2 Days Later}


'Ugh... who the fuck left the blinds off.' I thought as I woke up. I shifted slightly and immediately pain jammed through my senses, screaming at me to stay away. My eyes snapped open as I looked at the blurry ceiling.

"Dad, he's awake. Ren-nii-san's awake!" I could hear someone screaming in the background but I closed my eyes in order to stabilize myself. Fragmented memories of a young boy and his struggles to train to become stronger, even though I was pretty sure I didn't know where and who he was. 

Before I could think about the absurdity of it all, a blue translucent screen appeared in front of me.


[Congratulations on your successful transmigration into the Elemental Nations.]



AN - Attempt #2

The MC is Yamanaka, this is an SI story with a nerfed gamer system! The system is styled towards progressive gains so MC would take some time to become someone strong, with exploration of Chakra and Ninjutsu!

Next chapter