
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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Chapter 74

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Chapter 74: Kakashi Decides to Take Revenge and Reveal Identity; Double Sasuke's Inner World

Uchiha Fugaku exclaimed, "Mangekyō?! How did a foreigner like him actually unlock the Mangekyō?!"

Senju Tobirama was in disbelief, "Impossible! It's not scientific! I have studied the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. The evolution of Sharingan is triggered by the release of special chakra from a specific part of the brain during intense emotional stimulation, allowing the Sharingan to evolve. Hatake Kakashi is not an Uchiha, how could he do it?!"

Orochimaru marveled, "Kakashi, this kid actually unlocked Mangekyō..." He was enviously itching at the moment. Kakashi's Three Tomoe Sharingan can still evolve! If he had known earlier, would he have needed to scheme so hard to obtain Uchiha Sasuke? He could have just taken Kakashi's eyes.

In the chat room, only Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito knew the truth. Kakashi's Mangekyō had actually awakened alongside Obito more than ten years ago, but it hadn't been able to open since. But now, under intense emotional stress, he finally opened his eyes!

Senju Hashirama said, "If Mangekyō is activated, he must be very sad now, alas!"

Jiraiya lamented, "Did Sakumo take his own life because his will of fire was trampled on... How could this happen..."

Orochimaru commented, "Whether he took his life in pain because his will of fire was trampled on or intended to prove his will of fire through death, it's all the same. But neither is worth it. It is meaningless to die for something illusory like the will of fire."

Senju Hashirama spoke, "That Konoha's White Fang, he was an exceptional Konoha Shinobi who truly lived the will of fire."

Senju Tobirama sighed, "You monkeys are waiting to die. My disciples played political tricks and eventually forced a Kage-level strong man to take his own life! Now that my son has activated Mangekyō, and with Uchiha Sasuke, those monkeys are probably without hope."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought to himself, "Is there any way in this live broadcast room to inform my other self? Kakashi is one of the most outstanding members of Konoha's younger generation. Now, Kakashi has exploded with enough hatred for several of the Konoha executives, even enough to open the Mangekyō with a hatred level of 543!"

Sasuke's whole body was about to feel awful as he watched Mr. Kakashi's Sharingan suddenly change from the three-tomoe form to a new boomerang pattern, which was clearly a Mangekyō.

"No, this can't be right!" Sasuke thought. "I am an Uchiha! Why did Mr. Kakashi, a foreigner, unlock the Mangekyō Sharingan?!"

Kakashi gasped for breath, reaching out to touch his eye sockets. "This eye," he thought, noticing that the power of his pupil had improved significantly, and his insight ability had been greatly enhanced. "Is this the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Sasuke looked at Kakashi's left eye, feeling a powerful threat.

"How did you open your eyes?" Sasuke couldn't help but ask.

Kakashi remembered the intense emotions he had felt – anger, hatred, and the intent to kill. "I can't explain it clearly, but those negative emotions were strong, and then I opened my eyes."

"Emotion?" Sasuke nodded slowly, recalling how the advancement of his own Sharingan was linked to emotions. "On the night of the genocide, I was stimulated by that bastard Uchiha Itachi. That's when I felt my eyes change. Seeing the blood of my parents and the Uchiha land taken, each event led to the evolution of my Sharingan. Perhaps unlocking the Mangekyō also requires emotion, just more intense."

As Sasuke pondered this, his Sharingan began to stir again. "Don't worry. Sooner or later, I will unlock the Mangekyō."

Kakashi, puzzled, thought, "Why does it seem I've activated the Mangekyō and the other party appears stimulated? Forget it, let's not talk about me. Hatake Kakashi, what are your plans now? After knowing all of this, what do you want to do?"

Sasuke looked at Kakashi expectantly. "I have spent so much time trying to sway Mr. Kakashi. Now, I will finally see the result."

After a long silence, Kakashi spoke with hatred in his voice, "I want revenge on Konoha's high-level officials! I want them to reveal the truth about what happened back then, so the truth about my father's incident will come to light!"

"Yes, it looks like we can cooperate," Sasuke said with relief, before suddenly bursting into flames and disappearing in a shower of sparks, leaving Kakashi to wonder, "Why did he just leave? Shouldn't he stay to discuss how to get revenge together?"

Kiba chuckled, "It's happening, Sasuke is going to reveal his identity!"

Uzumaki Naruto said, "Looking forward to seeing Kakashi-sensei's reaction!"

Uchiha Sasuke mused, "I'm afraid Kakashi will feel like dying... or maybe he will face another death at my hands."

Hatake Kakashi thought, "No, let's not play this game anymore." He could already imagine how awkward the next moment would be.

There was a knock at the door. "Mr. Kakashi, it's me," came Sasuke's voice from outside.

Kakashi, in a daze, went to open the door. "Sasuke, what is it? Today might be inconvenient..."

Before he could finish speaking, Sasuke forced the door open, walked in, and shut it behind him.


Why is Sasuke behaving so rudely today!

"Ahem... Mr. Kakashi, allow me to introduce myself. I had to do this due to certain reasons earlier."

As Sasuke spoke, he cast the Transformation Technique and reverted to his prior appearance.

It was his Shadow Clone who had spoken to Kakashi earlier; his real body had been waiting outside for news. Just moments ago, the Shadow Clone had informed him that the deception was successful and that Mr. Kakashi was preparing to take revenge against the Konoha executives. Now, they were ready to speak openly.


Kakashi stood there dumbfounded, staring at the figure before him. How did Sasuke know about that mysterious man? Wasn't that a Sunagakure ninja? No, maybe the other party made him think that. I may be a bit biased...

"... Mr. Kakashi, the one who talked to you before, and the one who reached out to you in the Land of Waves, was me."

Sasuke managed to maintain a controlled expression as he spoke.

Phew... I'm not embarrassed! It's Mr. Kakashi who is going to feel embarrassed!

"...that's who you were pretending to be?!"

Kakashi started feeling unwell, his emotions swirling. He felt disbelief at the truth, doubt over how much Sasuke knew, and the shame of having been deceived. Thankfully, he was wearing a mask to hide his unstoppable expressions.

Uzumaki Naruto said, "Mr. Kakashi is so weak; he was fooled by Sasuke!"

Nara Shikamaru commented, "It's that Sasuke is just too cunning. If he hadn't come clean, who would have known what he was thinking?"

Aburame Shino added, "And he has been leading with his words, making people believe he was a Sand Shinobi, skewing Mr. Kakashi's thoughts."

Iruka exclaimed, "It's so terrible. To find out the mysterious person I thought was an outsider is actually my student... I can feel the shame just watching this!"

Kakashi, visibly flustered, pointed at Sasuke, his mind a whirl of thoughts. That mysterious person was Sasuke in disguise... Sasuke had been so smug! And to think, he had previously underestimated Kakashi's intelligence! This was infuriating!

Kakashi recalled the conversations with the "mysterious person," a wave of embarrassment washing over him. Sasuke, the sneaky guy, had been grinning under the mask the whole time!

"Mr. Kakashi, please calm down. I had no choice. If I had approached you as myself, and you reported to the Third Hokage, I would be branded a traitor. I'm not saying I can't trust you, Mr. Kakashi; it's just that caution is necessary in life-threatening situations."

Sasuke defended his actions while Kakashi just rolled his eyes.

Finally, Kakashi composed himself, his mind clearing as his humiliation and shame subsided.

"Wait! How did you vanish earlier? Did you develop some kind of space-time ninjutsu?"

Kakashi asked, a frown on his face. His being duped was partly because of that reason. Sasuke had burst into flames and disappeared, an act that so closely resembled space-time ninjutsu.

"Oh, that. I utilized my Shadow Clone earlier, then released Fire Style Chakra at specific acupoints, ignited myself, and made the Shadow Clone explode. It looked as though I disappeared."

Sasuke explained calmly.

Kakashi's face went numb.

"You young man! You're so inventive! You actually surprised me!"

"Phew! Let's get down to business... how do you know all this? And why are you telling me?"

Kakashi rubbed his face, looking more serious now.

Silent for a moment, Sasuke said, "Mr. Kakashi, do you remember when we first met? I told you that my dream is to kill the person responsible for destroying the Uchiha clan."

"Is it Uchiha Itachi? I had many interactions with him."

Kakashi remembered their past discussions.

"Mr. Kakashi! Do you really think Uchiha Itachi was behind the Uchiha clan massacre all by himself?"

Sasuke asked with a cold laugh. Now that he had confirmed Mr. Kakashi's intentions aligned with his own desire for revenge, he felt free to reveal his true thoughts. Over five years since the night of the massacre, Sasuke's inner world, so long sealed away, was exposed.

"...You mean to say you think this was also a conspiracy involving Konoha's higher-ups?"

Kakashi's expression shifted, considering the implications.

"I can still recall that on the night of the massacre, there were unexpected extra classes at the ninja school. When I returned home, the Uchiha clan was reduced to corpses. Since then, I have wondered about the reason for those extra classes. What does Konoha know about the Uchiha massacre? And what involvement did other figures have?"

Sasuke continued to look intently at Kakashi.

Kakashi couldn't help but swallow hard and regard his former student anew.

So this is what Sasuke had been hiding all along...

"Now that we've both become Avengers, come on, Mr. Kakashi, tell me everything you know about the Uchiha clan. There must be some clues to the truth."

Sasuke looked at Kakashi, full of expectation.