
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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Chapter 103

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Chapter 103: Sarutobi Hiruzen, Everyone Shouts, The Truth About The Destruction Of The Vortex Country

In the chat room, it is filled with the angry growls of Uzumaki Kushina. Some older Konoha Shinobi fans are recalling the title "Blood Red Pepper." The wife of the Fourth Hokage is really tough.

Uzumaki Kushina: "Old monkey, come out and talk! You dare to plot against my Naruto, but you don't dare to admit it?! Bah! Why didn't I see your real face, old monkey!" 

Thinking of Naruto's childhood experience, Uzumaki Kushina is so angry! It can be said that it was worse than her childhood. Although she also became the Nine Tails Jinchūriki at a young age, it was still much better than Naruto. Before becoming Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Mito took good care of her. Later, when she became the Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Mito was gone, but Tsunade was good to her too.

And Naruto! Since childhood, he was almost ostracized by the whole village. Such a child, no one cared about him in the lonely garden. Thinking of this, Uzumaki Kushina felt like her heart was about to break! She couldn't wait to use Adamantine Sealing Chains to hang Sarutobi Hiruzen on the Konoha gate to let people see.

In the stands, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt chilled in his heart. Now, in the chat room, besides Uzumaki Kushina, there are many other people scolding him. His image has completely collapsed! Before, only the Uchiha clan and Konoha's White Fang were exposed. The Uchiha clan had nothing to do with most people. Konoha's White Fang, many people had no impression of him. But they could not forget the Fourth Hokage's child. Because of his conspiracy, Naruto was treated terribly in the village since he was a child.

The ninjas of Konoha are all angry!

Shiranui Genma: "Damn Third Generation!"

Deiwashi: "It's one thing to plot against a child, but this is the orphan of the Fourth Hokage... Sarutobi Hiruzen is not worthy of being Hokage!"

The three of them used to be the bodyguards of the Fourth Hokage. Once, the Fourth Hokage also taught them the Flying Thunder God Technique. Although they learned it poorly, they still remember his kindness. Now they learned that the reason why the children of the Fourth Hokage had such a miserable childhood was not only because of Jinchūriki's identity but also because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's calculations! Their previous respect for the Third Hokage turned into anger in an instant.

Hatake Kakashi: "Sarutobi Hiruzen... deserves to die!"

Thinking back to the truth learned today, the Sharingan in Kakashi's left eye is trembling!

Jiraiya: "Hey, what you did, old man... you won't be forgiven even if you die."

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent. He once thought that he would be killed by someone seeking revenge. But he never dreamed that what he greeted first was disgrace. This live comparison room exposed all the dirty things he did!

The gold frame on screen continued playing.

"By the way, there is one more question," Sasuke asked Sarutobi Hiruzen with his Sharingan. "The Fourth Hokage should have performed quite a few tasks. After all, the Flying Thunder God Technique is so fast, and the task execution efficiency should be very high. Then, where is his inheritance? Have you given it to Naruto?"


"So, where did the legacy of the Fourth Hokage go?"

"I moved it and made it the property of the Sarutobi clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied calmly.

The crowd of Konoha Shinobi fans cursed,

"Bullshit! You deserve to be Hokage too?!"

"The Sarutobi clan deserves to be wiped out! Good job!"

"It's time to exterminate the clan! The Uchiha clan has been wiped out, and the heritage of the Fourth Hokage has been embezzled. Instead, the Sarutobi clan is growing stronger and stronger!"

"A bunch of bastards! Blood-sucking moths lying on Konoha's body!"

"There is nothing good about this group of high-level people! Everyone deserves to be killed!"

The scolding continued nonstop.

Gradually, someone got too angry and couldn't control it anymore. He rushed up and started fighting Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Seeing someone start, others followed immediately!

A group of Konoha Jōnin surrounded Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, punching and kicking them!

No one tried to stop it at all!

Even Jiraiya wanted to rush up and kick a few times!

Damn it, my teacher, what have you become?!

Minato's son is suffering because of your plotting. Are you even human?!

After a while, the first group of people who started to attack got tired and vented enough, so they retreated.

Another group of people continued to join!

After a long time, the anger of the Konoha Shinobi fans finally vented.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō were almost unrecognizable.

"Come, get a medical ninja to treat them. We can't let them die now," Sasuke waved and said.

He suddenly thought of something and asked Naruto beside him,

"Naruto, why didn't you go up and hit him a few times? I remember you didn't have enough money for living expenses when you were young, right? It's all thanks to your Grandfather Hokage!"

Naruto's face looked very ugly.

Today's events had a big impact on him!

Originally, he learned that his father was the Fourth Hokage, which stimulated him a lot.

Now he also knew that the reason his childhood was so miserable was that the Third Hokage was plotting behind the scenes!

He used to say "Grandpa Hokage" all the time!


Sarutobi Hiruzen was full of schemes!

Naruto even recalled when he was very hungry as a child, he went fishing in the river and met Sarutobi Hiruzen for the first time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen even asked him for a grilled fish!


If his father's legacy was still there, why would he have to suffer like this?!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who messed with his fate and devoured his father's inheritance, how dare he approach him again?!

Naruto couldn't understand at all!

"... No need, I want to be alone," Naruto said with a very complicated mood and lowered his head.

Uzumaki Kushina: "Is there such a thing?!"

She felt like she was going to pass out!

Conceal Naruto's life experience, spread the rumor that Naruto is a demon fox, and let no one approach Naruto!

These were not enough!

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even spare Minato and her legacy!

Naruto was so hungry that he had to go fishing in the river!

But Sarutobi Hiruzen, a bastard, took this opportunity to get close to Naruto, and took this opportunity to let Naruto get close to him!


Uzumaki Kushina: "Orochimaru! After you bring me out of Impure World Reincarnation, I can teach you all the sealing techniques I have mastered, as long as you help me kill that bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen with my own hands!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "...."

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