
Naruto:All for One

After Jason does, he meets a Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) who offers him the chance to achieve his childhood dream of becoming a Demon-King. With newfound power, Jason sets out on a journey to conquer the world and assert his dominance as a true demon king. Using power from MHA in the world of Naruto. I do not own MHA or Naruto only my oc

Jesterkeitt · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Anbu Pursuit

Kakashi led the team towards the area of the fight, taking charge as the team's leader. He informed his team that he would summon his ninja dogs to search for a scent once they arrived at the scene. After instructing his team, he focused on moving towards the fight area to pick up the trail at night.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri was still back in the cave, focusing on creating a new medium level quirk for himself and his Nomus. He decided to create six medium level quirks instead of two high level ones. His first creation was Permeation, which made him become intangible, securing his protection. He activated the quirk and sunk into the ground, feeling the quirk instinct. After deactivating the quirk, he shot out of the ground, satisfied with his creation.

Next, he focused on creating his next quirk, called Black, which allowed him to hide and travel through shadows. After finishing, he had a new sense that allowed him to sense the shadows in the area, even within his Nomu. Kurogiri's danger sense went off, alerting him of a group of very strong ninja approaching. He quickly focused on his Nomus, placing his hands onto them to create new quirks for them.

For the Dupli-arm Nomu, Kurogiri gave it Fierce gains quirk, which increased its strength and durability by allowing its muscles to harden. He also focused on the Engine Nomu, giving it the Slide and Glide quirk, which projected attractive and repulsive forces from its hands and feet. The combination of Engine, Overclock, and Slide and Glide increased the Engine Nomu's speed and allowed it to attack using repulsive beams.

Meanwhile, Team Kakashi had just arrived at the area of the fight. Kakashi used a summoning jutsu to summon his ninja dogs, who searched the area for any scents. The dogs found several scents that traveled in two directions.

The team was certain that since the team was dead, the creature would have left the area, so following the scent should lead them to it. The Ninja dogs quickly made their way through the forest following the scent.


After Kurogiri finished adding quirks to the Nomus, he turned his attention back to the two ninja he brought back. He realized that he did not have enough time or chakra to turn them into Nomus, so he killed them to avoid any loose ends. Using the search quirk again, Kurogiri noticed fast-moving animals in the area that were converging on the cave. He figured that they had somehow tracked his location and used animals to follow his scent.

In response, Kurogiri touched the Dupli-arm Nomu and gave it the invisibility quirk, which made it disappear permanently. Since the Dupli-arm Nomu was not very fast, the invisibility quirk made up for its lack of speed. Kurogiri then split the last of his energy for a medium quirk between the Nomus to heal and strengthen them.

Just as this was finishing, Kakashi and his team arrived and saw that the cave was not visible. Kakashi asked his ninja dogs if they were sure that the scent ended there, and Pakkun, the only dog that could talk, responded by saying, "Yes, Kakashi. The scent goes into the hill. To be honest, it smells like a cave, even though I do not see one." Pakkun prepared to dispel himself, confident that Kakashi and his team were capable enough to investigate the area.


Kurogiri, who was in the cave, heard Kakashi and his team outside and quickly made a clone of himself. He ordered the Nomus, using telepathy, to have the Engine Nomu rush out with his clone while using smokescreen to distract the ninja while the Invisible Nomu waited for an attack order. The team was about to investigate the hill when the hill disappeared and revealed the entrance to the cave.

As they got closer to the cave, they were caught off guard when a black blur loudly rushes pass them releasing smoke. Kakashi warned his team not to breathe the smoke, as it may be poisonous. He then lifted the covering on his left eye to reveal the sharingan and saw the blur was the creature they came for riding another unknown creature. Kakashi yelled at his team, telling them not to worry about capturing it, just to go for the kill.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri had the Engine Nomu circle around the ninja while hiding in its shadow. He used the shadow to travel to the nearest ninja and reached out from the shadow to grab their leg. The ninja, feeling movement behind them, quickly jumped up and released insects to attack under them. Kurogiri sank into the ground, using the permeation quirk to escape, and emerged in the shadow of a nearby tree. The ninja quickly warned the rest of the team about their encounter, deducing that the creature was in their shadow or underground.

Kakashi realized that it was time to get rid of the smoke and quickly unleashed the wind style great breakthrough jutsu, blowing the smoke away. As the creature circled them while the Kurogiri clone saw the attacks of wind blades, insects, fireballs, and earth bullets, he released a large iceberg to block the attacks. Kurogiri ordered the Invisible Nomu to rush the ninja while they attacked the Engine Nomu.


Kakashi was caught off guard when the Invisible Nomu struck them from behind with the Dupli arms, scattering the team. He quickly realized that there was an invisible enemy with weird tentacles and large size and told his team to focus on capturing the creature while he handled the invisible foe since he could see its outline.

Kurogiri, who heard the leader mention an invisible enemy, decided to use permeation to travel towards the leader from underground and rush out of the ground with a harden fist for an attack. Kakashi couldn't react in time and was flung away after being hit, breaking one of his arms.

The rest of the team, trying to catch the Engine Nomu, was shocked when they saw what had happened to their leader. While they were distracted, Engine Nomu rushed through the group, attacking with a repulsive blast to the Aburame and wind user. He then used black whip to grab the last ninja and pulled them towards himself to drain their chakra then kill them by snapping their neck.

Kakashi landed on his feet just in time to see what had happened to his team. He remembered the words of his father and friend, Obito, about comrades' lives being more important than the mission, and signaled a retreat. The two ninja who were blasted away by the repulsive force saw the retreat signal and made their way to Kakashi.

Kurogiri, seeing the team trying to regroup, ordered the Engine Nomu to grab the leader for him. The Engine Nomu caught up with the ninja quickly, but the two-ninja nodded at each other and signaled Kakashi with symbols for retreat. The Aburame released all his insects in the form of a sphere, trapping the creature inside to buy time for Kakashi.

Kakashi, seeing his teammates' symbol for retreat, knew they were trying to buy him time and ran as fast as he could. Inside the insect sphere, the Nomu was about to be swarmed by the insects when the clone on its back activated half hot with whirlwind, releasing a large flame and burning the insect dome.


Kurogiri decided not to chase after Kakashi and his team, honoring the sacrifice of his teammates. He and the Invisible Nomu made their way over to the Engine Nomu and clone with the two-remaining ninja brunt from the flames still alive. Kurogiri respected the resolve of the ninjas to die for their comrade and told them that he would let their leader go before draining the wind user of their chakra and breaking their necks.

He then turned to the insect user, who was unconscious due to chakra exhaustion, and killed them because they had used up all their chakra and he didnt need another Nomu yet. Kurogiri dismissed the clone and gathered the bodies of the three ninja he had killed, setting them ablaze.

As he watched the flames burn the bodies, Kurogiri couldn't help but think that it was about time he chose a village to conquer. Knowing that he wasn't able to go against the larger ninja villages yet, he would have to choose one of the smaller ones.


After recalling the different borders he had seen through his clone, Kurogiri chose the village located in the grass field area as his target. He decided he didn't want to live in perpetual rain, which made this village an ideal choice for him.

Kurogiri hopped onto the Engine Nomu and used black whip to carry the Invisible Nomu, quickly making their way towards the village's border. Little did the land of grass know that a disaster was heading towards them in the form of Kurogiri.