
Naruto : Alexithymia

After the genjutsu cast by Sasuke, Sakura felt something break and lost within herself, including her feelings for him, now she will have to deal with the consequences while Sasuke faces the remorse, at the same time they all face a new threat.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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Chapter no.4

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune exclaimed. "How can you say that? I don't think it will happen, Sakura loves him. She and Naruto spent years trying to rescue Sasuke."

"Yes, and that almost cost both of them their lives. As far as I'm concerned, that Uchiha owes both of them a lot."

Kakashi, only hearing Shizune's replies, refrained from commenting further, and even less from telling his predecessor what his former student had done with his former student, because if he found out, she would surely sentence Sasuke before a court.

But if in any case it was true and Sakura was no longer interested in Sasuke, or in what happened to him, he would have no choice but to accept that things had changed.



"You're really annoying"

Sakura's eyes opened in a start and her breathing became agitated.

Again the memories that now presented themselves in the form of dreams were present every time she closed her eyes, and that blow to the heart felt so real, that when she woke up she always took her hand to her chest to make sure there was no serious injury.

"That damn dream again." She muttered, trying to calm her agitated heart, while trying to locate where she was.

She was in her small office, recognizing it as nothing more than a small room that barely had a gurney for the patient and a desk for herself.

She looked at the clock and saw it was 3:36 p.m. and was frustrated to see that only one minute had passed since she last looked at the clock, one minute in which she apparently had dozed off only to have that horrible dream or rather memory again.

It was almost time to carry out the mission, just thinking about it made her stomach turn. Having the image of Uchiha piercing her didn't help much.

"Calm down, nothing will happen." she said to herself, but her mantra didn't work and the nausea increased.

In an attempt to distract herself, she went to the medicine area to request both the sedative and something for her nausea.

"Here you go, sensei." The pharmacist gave her what she had requested. "The sedative and nausea medicine."

"Thank you." she thanked, checking that everything was correct.

The short trip from her office to the pharmacy had calmed her down in some way, but when she turned towards the clock in the room again, she felt tension within her, there were 15 minutes left until 4 p.m., it was time to remove Sasuke from his resting place.

She only hoped that Naruto was not awake and that the other person would not resist, making everything simpler and she could go home early.

However, as always happened in her life, nothing she hoped for became a reality, as soon as she opened the door she was met by a very happy Naruto who was devouring fruit that someone had apparently brought him in a basket, while the other person just looked at the ceiling with his usual seriousness.

"Oh, Sakura-chan! You finally show up!" Naruto greeted her. "Look, Shikamaru came a few minutes ago to bring me this, from Hinata or something like that!"

"Or something like that?" Sakura questioned, walking towards her friend, who was in the bed that was next to the window, while the other person was in the bed that was next to the door.

Of course he felt like he drilled his eyes on her, when she chose to go straight towards Naruto without even looking at him.

"And Hinata didn't come?" Sakura asked, removing the basket a bit to begin reviewing it, before taking the other one.

"No, Shikamaru says that there are many people who want to see me, but for the moment they are not letting anyone into the hospital."

"Oh, that's right." Sakura remembered, lowering her mood at having to deal with that crowd too.



"Is something wrong?" Naruto asked, seeing her serious.

"Something wrong like what?"

"Mmm ... I don't know, you don't look like before."

"How was I supposed to look before?"

Naruto swallowed saliva, sensing that he was getting into dangerous territory if he continued, and more because as he spoke he could see how his friend seemed to be getting more and more gloomy.

"Mmm I don't know, cheerful? Enthusiastic?"

"Cheerful and enthusiastic?" she repeated with sarcasm. "Inside a hospital?... 'Inside a hospital there is only pain'" she thought this last thing to herself, letting out a sigh that indicated tremendous annoyance.

Naruto was scared and prepared to receive some kind of rebuke or even a hit, but neither of them came. His friend continued reviewing it as if she had not said anything.

"Sakura-chan? Are you...

"I'm tired, Naruto." she interrupted, silencing the blonde. "They have been very difficult days... please."

"There are many wounded, dead, complaints... I'm tired!"

"Oh, right... how silly, I should have imagined it." he justified himself with a laugh. "I guess grandma must be exploiting you to the fullest."

Sakura did not comment.

"But you'll see Sakura-chan when I'm Hokage..."

"Naruto." a third person's voice was heard.

Sakura tried not to tense up when that person spoke, and as if she had not heard it, she continued reviewing the wound on her friend's arm.

While the blonde, just by hearing his friend, understood that for the moment it was better for him to keep his mouth shut.

"Well Naruto, I'll do a test." Sakura ignored everything else. "Please, lie down on the bed on your side, facing the window. Stay there for at least 15 minutes without saying anything."

"But you'll see Sakura-chan when I'm Hokage..."

"Naruto," a third voice was heard.

Sakura tried not to tense up when that person spoke, and as if she hadn't heard it, she continued to check her friend's arm wound.

Meanwhile, the blonde, just by hearing his friend, understood that for the moment it was better to keep his mouth shut.

"Okay Naruto, I'll do a test." Sakura ignored everything else. "Please lie on the bed on your side, facing the window. Stay there for at least 15 minutes without saying anything."


"It's a test to measure your current resistance." She lied.


"Yes, so shut up and do it."