
Beyond the known.

Aizen just extended his hand and marked chains with specific symbols in specific places and simply applied his horrific reiatsu.


Soul voiding chains shattered and a laugh came " hahaha …. Damn, it is such a refreshing feeling to be free again …"

Slowly a small creature approached Aizen.

"true we are short on time, but according to my deduction it is just enough to make preparations for the journey and before we depart, it is necessary to solve hogyoku`s problem "-enthusiastically Dante looked at Aizen.

"why I certainly love to but I cannot simply defuse with it "-commented Aizen in a calm manner.

"you can't but…" suddenly Dante performed some incantations, Space-time continuum warped and purple light pulsing core appeared in front of him," this tiny heavenly essence crystal will do."-Dante smiled mysteriously.

"By any chance, do you have space-time pocket dimension in your soul or something? I can assume, that crystal is very special, to think you are going to invest in me so much". - articulated Aizen in a somewhat surprised tone.

"As a matter of fact, I do! In our cooperation, you are going to do the most 'heavy lifting' anyway. heavenly essence crystal, you have no idea just how valuable it is. it allows the adaptation of different powers and systems in different worlds. As you have already guessed, this contract that was established by using your world`s power system principles will still be valid in other universes, because I have added this heavenly essence crystal`s power as a foundation to it."

A hint of intrigue flashed in Aizen`s eyes:" I definitely would like to hear more about the power system adaptation part."

Dante, with leisure manner, continued:" while difference certainly is up there, there are worlds which have more similar heavenly laws, making their power systems more easily adaptable to each other."

honey badger slowly scratched his back.

"It is worthwhile to mention, some high evolutionary races` bodies were 'baptized' by heavenly essence crystals at genetic levels, meaning that they could descend directly in different worlds and have extremely high-level adaptability of ability system to that world`s heavenly laws, our race is one of them. unfortunately, because I lost my body and am just soul fragment at that, heavenly essence crystal`s influence is significantly reduced on me ." Dante loudly sneezed with some force, the dust was blown away "uh, that does it, my nose is restarted ….."

"…" -a little bit speechless Aizen asked -"so what are our options then ?"

Dante grinned energetically

"We are going to reincarnate in a different world and here are 2 reasons: " honey badger lifted two fingers " first, we don't have enough heavenly essence crystal power here to just use 'brute ', direct descending method and keeping almost all our power intact, second, even if we had enough, we would still go reincarnation way, cause, even though, it is a lower-dimensional universe and majority of worlds have their consciousness in slumbering state and are just subconsciously functioning as 'drunken' artificial intelligence, it is still extremely unwise to expose ourselves to heavenly will and be targeted, plotted later on.

You know, it is always such a pain in the ASS to directly deal with the one who shoulders the expectation of everyone, the one with the most "freedom", but also the one with fetters attached the deepest, we are talking about the world`s "protagonist" here!

Your firsthand experience with this world`s "Protagonist" makes things clear without my further explanation, right?!"-playful expression was evident on honey badger's face.

Aizen had a pensive look while some past events flashed in his head.

"reincarnation method, named – 'extreme concealment-celestial enigma reincarnation', is based on utilizing that world`s heavenly laws to cleanse/baptism our souls during birth/rebirth times, thus making ourselves seen and accepted as a part of that world`s system.

Listen, this reincarnation method is originally designed for our race use, so while I will only need one-time reincarnation to fully have my soul adopted to the world`s existing principles, you, according to my deduction, will need as much as three times to fully be synchronized. You know, I have already done my best to tweak this technique a little bit here and there for your use in this short amount of time with limited data on hand.

during the birth/rebirth/awakening process be on full alert and try to get as much inspiration as possible so that, after three reincarnations, you can make full modifications, thus granting oneself the onetime need for reincarnation later on in other worlds. "

Dante made a somewhat troubled face while carrying on.

"There is also another troublesome matter– since this technique is not fully adjusted for your use, at a certain stage of life, some body-soul dissonance may appear in your first and second reincarnation, which will result in a rapid aging, if my speculation is correct it should happen in your late twenties."

Aizen slightly narrowed his eyes after hearing that but soon accepted reality`s bothersome aspects.

"after each rebirth, I would be better in control of my soul force and it is safe to say that it is going to be converted into that world`s corresponding spiritual power? is there going to be any loss of power during this transformation? also, in a different world, how will a strong soul affect physical body?"-sharply remarked Aizen.

"Good question" – nonchalantly, the honey badger took a few steps to the side, looking through the narrow window at the charming outside view, the sun was setting, painting everything in a golden hue, a gentle breeze was blowing the grass.

"yes, definitely there is going to be a loss in your soul power after heavenly reshaping. how much? Again, depends on the world`s environmental climate.

Even though, your world`s primary battle system`s foundation lies in soul cultivation/ nurturing, no need to be concerned. just so your physical body does not crumble or explode under soul`s power intensity and compatibility problem, our race reincarnation technique has safety measures and will seal most of your soul power and make adjustments accordingly with the body you are born with.

Of course, the seal is adjustable and can be lifted completely only after fulfilling two main conditions: first, the soul has to be completely readjusted to heavenly laws, second, some high-quality physical body that has acceptable vitality potential."

Dante scratched his head while calmy saying:

"After rebirth: first, your brain age has to achieve some minimum critical mass for memory awaken to happen, typically, in your humanoid race, this critical age, at least, occurs at the age of 5 or older. Your experience will be retained but in a dissociated state so you will need time to associate with it, to sum it up, it is a safety measure so your nervous system does not end up burned up from information overloading.

Well, if you take my advice, first, master the existing ability system in the said world and then use your current knowledge as inspiration to further improve it or come up with something cheeky. Lastly, your comprehension capabilities will be retained as a latter is an intrinsic quality of a true-self spirit and true-self spirit is transcendental to time and space. Do not ask me now what true-self spirit is, it is a sophisticated subject, maybe later we can have a little chat about it "

Dante remained silent for a moment, contemplating outside view.

Clouds came floating not to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to the sunset sky.

"Alright, now let's handle the hogyoku problem, or rather I shall say new opportunity"-grinned Dante. "get ready, hogyoku extraction process is going to hurt a 'little', and some of your intrinsic soul power will be nerfed down to some extent but in return, freedom and a new path will be granted "

Aizen with a marvelous smile slowly extended hand, while his palm was facing upward.

reiatsu started to gather to a focal point of his palm.

Honey badger gracefully stood on his two feet while pointing his claws to heavenly essence crystal chanting a magical incantation.

"that which becomes influential enough to be transformative becomes sacred,

While that which is sacred beyond the knowledge is the divine,

Something that lies beyond the shackles of space and time is nothingness.

Transmute nothingness into power,

Transform nothingness into one`s wellspring and refine one`s temperament into the abstract,

A single intent awakens all of heaven and earth,

A single thought awakens all of one`s senses, "

Purple illusory light connected to the focal point of Aizen`s reiatsu, an intense pressure descended.

Outside the dungeon carefree clouds darkened, the sunset was swallowed by the darkness, lightning flashed.

Each sound of flashing thunder manifested the fury of the heavens.

heaven was angry!

Someone actually dared to question its power, someone dared to try to break its shackle.

Inside dungeon.

Pressure started to collect to a single focal point, Aizen was experiencing soul-tearing pain, even someone as robust as him gritted his teeth and a visible tremble was apparent on his body, with each moment his soul power was weakening, hogyoku was being recreated in front of his palm.

Finally, the process had finished. purple heavenly essence crystal dimmed a little.

A little bit panting Aizen made a deep sigh:" it`s been a while since I saw this marvelous thing in concreate form … it certainly feels like something inside me freed "

Suddenly Aizen sensed the celestial phenomena outside. 'Interesting, so when Juha Bach stirred up the trouble, world`s will was quiet, well it was to be expected, after all, the things more or less went the way it desired, but now the situation is developing in unforeseeable and unwelcomed direction, hence such a reaction… hmm, I wonder if the Heaven had any other plans for me?'

"Alright, while I would certainly like to hear your inner feelings out, but we are in a hurry here… let`s proceed to the next step."

In the human realm.

"Did something of a significance happen Ichigo ?"-sweetly asked Orihime while her breasts pressed against Kurosaki's naked back, the latter was holding soul society`s upgraded communication device - Substitute Shinigami Badge.

the image appeared in Ichigo's mind stating:

- Emergency, Aizen has escaped prison, soul society needs your back up, -

Ichigo with a smiling face just assured:" don't worry Orihime, just soul society needs my help with something, I will be right back ."

"Ou, I see… " a little bit of worry flashed in Orihime`s eyes" good luck then…"

That being said, Ichigo left his sexy naked muscular body lying on the bed with Orihime and headed to soul society.

' To think Aizen escaped after all this time, didn't Mayuri and Urahara upgrade that 'chair'? why is it that for some reason I feel that something is different this time? Aizen …. '

Next chapter