
Naruto: Aburame Malaria

Aburame Malaria, the child who was spurned by all because his body was unsuitable to host any sort of chakra bug from birth. As a placeholder until his body could nurture enough chakra, instead of a chakrabug he was infested with the mundane mosquito. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite? Itchy, yes. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite under your skin? Tremendously unbearably itchy. Yes. Multiply the feeling to several hundred to thousands of feeding mosquitoes under your skin. Come and join us as Aburame Malaria is slowly turning insane from the itch, as he follows Danzo and Orochimaru to develop the shinobi worlds first insect borne diseases. _____________ This story will be heavily centered around humor and jokes, where the plot will slowly follow Malaria's descent into scientific madness. Please leave some comments, I'll check them out. Appreciation goes out to Midjourney AI for making it so easy to create a truly amazing Cover Art. Want me to drink a coffee in your honour? Here's how: ko-fi dot com/ThugB

ThugB · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Window Shopping

Malaria, in the meantime had no idea the 'creep' that tried to flirt with Yamana and Hikari had become a pumped-up rival for himself. Currently he was researching about some herbs to try and make a blood strengthening mixture to see if he could 're-charge' the Bone Rot in his Eyebrow Mosquitoes.

After discussing the matter with Orochimaru he found out that there was indeed a type of berry that had similar characteristics to the Amla herb. It's a type of gooseberry that has all kinds of benefits to blood and the circulatory system. In short, it's a miracle herb full of selflessness, bringing boons to the entire body of the consumer through the bloodstream.

After receiving another scroll filled with blood-related herbs from Orochimaru to study, Malaria on the by-and-by was informed that his squad would split with the army in two days. It was time to infiltrate into the Land of Grass and find out their standing in this war.

"Are you kidding me?" Malaria couldn't help but grumble and complain. Despite showing stellar results with the Kaguya Bone Rot and giving out the healing medicine formula – he's still forced into enemy territory.

What a waste of his stellar brain power, bloody idiots forcing their scientists to the battlefield. The leadership of Konoha must've been dropped down a flight of stairs as children or had their heads kicked by donkeys.


Malaria sat down on his sleeping bag in the mud hut. Changing to a cross-legged position, he focused with gritted teeth to mould new chakra through his chakra-center, the heart. He was getting ready to advance at least into the reaches of peak-Genin, if not stepping into Chunin in one go.

These days, he has barely had any time to focus on chakra. Either fighting, researching, or planning something to take his mind off the itch. Having chakra course through the pathway system relieved the itch immensely, but he couldn't keep his little amount running for longer than an hour or two.

To rid himself of the itch completely and prepare himself for the infiltration to Kusagakure he needs more chakra. Having already memorised the Insect Clone- and Fireball techniques he received before, all he needs now is more chakra and practice with the hand seals.

The differentiation between ninja ranks is nothing but the amount of chakra within your system, which fuddles it all up by a ton. Technically, it's also related to your ability to use different ranked techniques.

For example, child students at the academy tend to learn E-rank techniques, such as Transformation-, Clone-, and the Substitution Techniques. You're not supposed to graduate without learning those, but Malaria's case is somewhat special.

Sighing to himself, 'With great power, comes great responsibility. I'm the Peter Parker of the Shinobi world. Radioactive chakra mosquitoes...' Malaria thought. To reach D-rank, Genin in other words, it would be best to learn the Body Flicker Technique that everyone seems to know.

Since the Aburame Insect Clone Technique matches rank with the Crow Clone Technique of the Uchiha, which is a C-rank – should he have the chakra to use it, Malaria could call himself a Chunin, albeit the most pathetic one on the battlefield.

Feeling the chakra volume in his body increase every single second, he finally felt the benefit of having superior spiritual strength. The chakra was surging, dowsing his tired and itchy nerves in relief as the itchy liquids were being purified.

After a while, Malaria slowly opened his eyes and released a content sigh. Feeling his body for a bit, he noticed his mosquitoes had entered dormancy as he was meditating. A bad feeling couldn't help but rise in the back of his mind from realising that.

'Did the mosquitoes also improve…? Does that mean that their itchy liquids… will… I'm going to be itching forever, won't I?' Malaria's face contorted to that of a demon. If things are going to be this way, he must find a method to either make his nerves ignore the itch, or just kill his senses entirely.

Thinking back to why he was so hyped to join Danzo, he felt it was time to cash-in on his relationship and investigate the emotionless-techniques of the Root. He will turn insane if the itch somehow manages to increase in intensity as he strengthens himself with chakra.

Turning to ask his personal Root Anbu, the man simply shook his head and refused to give Malaria the technique formula. In his words, a future commander of the Root should not be missing emotions, for the betterment of Konoha.

Shelving the idea to punch the Anbu in the face, Malaria figured he had to take the question to Daddy Danzo. 'What should I do now? I already found the required herbs for strengthening the disease in theory, but I can't get my hands on them right now…'

Rummaging through his ninja pouch, he soon found the Insect Clone Technique and followed its instructions. Throwing all his newly gathered chakra into the hand seals, he barely managed to make his mosquitoes swarm into the right shape. The only problem is that they didn't take his appearance, looking like an insect-constructed boy.

Sighing, he felt the drain on his chakra and figured it was still too early to be working on this technique. Nothing he can do about it, learning chakra was easy – increasing his total was hard. Especially since he's a child, there's not enough cells in his body for his spiritual power to squeeze out any substantial amounts.

Checking his equipment to pass the time, Malaria realised he has too many scrolls, shuriken, food pills – you name it. The Iwa Chakra Sword was also too heavy to be used with any ease. "I do not need any more weapons, but I think I need some supportive gear like wires, explosive tags and the like."

Malaria gathered up his equipment back into his pouch before leaving the mud hut, pulling his scarf over his face to remain anonymous. It was time to visit the army Supply and Inventory squadron to broker a few trades, but if they knew it was him - he would probably get shunned and shoo'ed away to ask Danzo for equipment.


The army arsenal and logistics supply unit was always detached from the actual Shinobi's going to fight in the war. Leaving the encampment, Malaria soon found a clearing filled with caravans surrounded by almost half of their army's entire retinue.

The Logistical Support and Medical Division was one whole and efficient branch of Konoha, formerly led by Tsunade before she resigned in her depression. In her place, Utatane Koharu of the elder's council serve as its leader and coordinator.

Dealing with specially tempered kunai, sealing scrolls, food pills, bandages, shuriken, and other weaponry the Logistics Support unit was swarmed after that one and a half battles that occurred yesterday.

Malaria was stunned to see Hikari and Yamana when he entered the premises among the circled caravans, looking at different wares. "Hii-chan, my dear baby, we are truly meant for each other! We're destined to be the greatest power-couple in this war, finding each other without looking." Malaria walked up, spitting lines like cupid.

Hikari and Yamana felt awful when they heard his catcalling. Why was this shameless scoundrel everywhere? Hikari shivered when she heard Malaria's greeting. She felt goosebumps all over her body. This scoundrel was acting too disgusting in public.

"Hikari, this is…?" The beautiful woman behind the stand for this wagon asked curiously. She was Hyuuga Kagura, one of the top scouting shinobi, a guard for the logistics department and most importantly, a member of the Hyuuga clan.

Soul-stirring femininity that attract the most primitive desires of any man was radiating from her. It was not an air that little girls like Hikari or Yamana could have. At least, not yet…

"Aunt Kagura, he's just a jerk." Yamana answered Kagura's question politely. Kagura chuckled in amusement. Judging from Malaria's tone and Yamana's casual reply, they must be very familiar with each other, or they wouldn't be so friendly.

"Mother, he is Malaria!" Hikari rubbed her forehead and explained helplessly. Since the moment she came to visit her at the caravan, Kagura had interrogated her about her relationship with Malaria as if she was a prisoner.

After many explanations, her mother was finally convinced that nothing happened between them. Maybe it was her imagination, but she could almost swear that Kagura was disappointed with that. Hikari was stunned for a long while afterward. Did her mother wish for her to be with Malaria? What about the Hyuuga clans bloodline purity!?

Malaria was slightly dazed. He did not know that the Arsenal was partially being run by Hikari's family members. He wondered if he could get a discount, or trade his overabundance of weaponry for something good.

"So, you must be Malaria-kun!" Kagura's eyes glittered as she observed Malaria. It was definitely that infamous brat, even if he hid his face behind a make-shift mask. Kagura had a good impression of Malaria, whose talents in chemistry were unparalleled.

Also, Malaria was clever, smart and nobody could take advantage of him. Others are happy not running into him, in case he drugs or sells them in an alleyway somewhere. If he turned out to be a loyal little devil, she would definitely go behind the backs of those useless Elder's and give Hikari to him.

As Kagura was eyeing Malaria's still-too-young goods, a slender young man came to the stand. Hikari thought for a moment after she saw the guy, he felt terribly familiar... Then, she remembered that his name should be Sarutobi Kazuma…

"Miss Hikari, do you still remember me?" Kazuma asked, staring blatantly at Hikari's face.

Hikari nodded with a smile, "I remember you. You're Sarutobi Kazuma, aren't you?"

Kazuma was thrilled and felt that his entire being was enshrouded by happiness. Goddess Hikari remembered his name! Today is truly a blessed day, full of good fortune.

Yamana pulled at Malaria's sleeve and whispered in a low voice, "Isn't he the cat-summoner you bullied to the ground yesterday? Why is he here?"

Malaria snorted, "You need to ask? He must've been captivated by my Hii-chan, being a stalking creep he must've been following you two in secret. Want some more repellent? I got a few extras right here." Presenting two additional bottles, Yamana didn't decline and put them in her ninja pouch.

Thinking over Malaria's words, Yamana threw a disdainfull look at Malaria. "I think you are the last man in the entire world that Hikari would like to go out with." Speaking with Hikari after the last time this Kazuma-guy showed up, Yamana confirmed that if anything, Hikari would rather meet up with an Akimichi over Malaria.

"Who knows?" Malaria shrugged his shoulders and looked for the suportive gear he wanted on the wagon store. Hyuuga Kagura asked with a smile, "Malaria, what do you want to buy? We accept Ryo and Explosive tags as currency."

"I would like some supporting gear, wires, traps, auxilliary stuff." Malaria responded softly. Interested, Kagura presented a few items from her wagon warmly. Aggressive weapons like Chakra Swords and Fūma Shuriken are powerful but require the corresponding strength to be used.

Supportive and auxilliary gear, on the other hand, did not have such demands. They could be used anywhere by anyone. Wires to trigger a trap? Explosive tags, set up in advance to kill the enemy? Stuff like that are always in demand as it could be used by even the weakest of Genin.

Of course, because of their convenience and usability, supportive gear was particularly expensive. It's a hot market where stocks never last, usually being one-time-use also made it even more excruciating for any Ninjas wallet.

"This right here is a specially made ninja-wire created by the Uchiha clan for use with their shuriken jutsu. It's lightweight, almost invisible to anyone without a bloodline eyepower, and very sturdy to coordinate kunai and shuriken mid-flight." Kagura showcased the best stuff on her wagon in a heartbeat.

"These are my assortment of strengthened undershirts, also made with a special type of wire doused in a hardening solution. With this under your jacket, you will never fear a thrown kunai or shuriken again." Kagura continued.

"And here is my assortment of smokebombs and explosive tags, with this new creation that's a mixture of both. Not sure if your trap can finish the enemy? Blend in one of these tags in the trap and they'll be blinded by the raging dust cloud appearing after detonation." Her sales pitches kept getting more and more heated.

"This is… That right here… Have you got one of… You must have…"

Malaria's eyes glowed as he listened to Kagura's introductions. Malaria gulped a mouthful of saliva in greed, but he felt heartbroken when he heard the prices listed for these top-of-the-line auxiliary equipment.

I've heard rumors about a certain stone. A stone with power. One could call it:

The power stone!

And I have an instatiable craving for some of those. Please leave yours behind on the way out! The stones increase visibility for other readers to come and have some fun.

I read all your comments and take them into account, feel free to leave some - even if I don't respond, know that I have read them.

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