
Naruto: Aburame Malaria

Aburame Malaria, the child who was spurned by all because his body was unsuitable to host any sort of chakra bug from birth. As a placeholder until his body could nurture enough chakra, instead of a chakrabug he was infested with the mundane mosquito. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite? Itchy, yes. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite under your skin? Tremendously unbearably itchy. Yes. Multiply the feeling to several hundred to thousands of feeding mosquitoes under your skin. Come and join us as Aburame Malaria is slowly turning insane from the itch, as he follows Danzo and Orochimaru to develop the shinobi worlds first insect borne diseases. _____________ This story will be heavily centered around humor and jokes, where the plot will slowly follow Malaria's descent into scientific madness. Please leave some comments, I'll check them out. Appreciation goes out to Midjourney AI for making it so easy to create a truly amazing Cover Art. Want me to drink a coffee in your honour? Here's how: ko-fi dot com/ThugB

ThugB · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


"There's no need to be especially anxious about this matter. I'll take care of it for you, Danzo already left the village and placing the blame on a foreign ninja in these times isn't anything unusual." Narute waved his hand and took another sip of his tea.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded his head and batted his chest in appreciation, promising he wouldn't do anything particular towards Malaria anymore. The last thing both the Akimichi and Uchiha wanted to see was Danzo putting his fingers in their matters.

"After Himawari and Dobito are married, I'll pull all my strings and get them to study under Namikaze Minato, one of Konoha's greatest pillars." Akimichi Narute suddenly crushed his teacup in the palm of his hand, coldness flashing from his eyes.

"However, if your Clans child wrongs my daughter, the Uchiha can expect Danzo-sama having a few extra hands to help with his matters." Narute stared Fugaku dead in the eye, completely serious.

"Of course, he would never dare do such a thing!" Uchiha Fugaku was greatly shocked. This entire ordeal truly was a double-edged sword. He had to reinforce and perhaps even place a continuous genjutsu on Dobito to make sure he doesn't fiddle around with other girls.

As the discussions before the wedding were finishing up, Malaria was sound asleep in his bed, being entirely clueless that all the troubles he had caused were resolved. Tomorrow was another day, one of happy celebrations!


Konoha Mountain Villa was the most extravagant establishment in all of Konoha. Normally used to house guests from foreign villages, it was entirely built with opulence and vanity in mind. All the guests that usually stay in this place are Jonin, Kage of other villages or even the Daimyo of the Land of Fire himself.

Today, the entire hotel was reserved by Akimichi Narute for his daughter's wedding celebration. All the respectable clans and families in Konoha had been invited to the wedding.

As a result, the 7-story building was full of tables, filled with food made by the greatest chefs the Akimichi had to offer. Almost a thousand people were estimated to arrive and give the couple their greatest blessings.

When Malaria observed the various clan celebrities at the gate of the hotel, he had the evil urge of throwing a 'pink-mix' into the center of all the queueing attendees. Imagining the wedding celebrations turning into a spontaneous orgy was a very alluring thought.

Of course, it was just a whim he wouldn't execute. The security today was filled with squad after squad of one Jonin, three Chunin. If even a rat that wasn't invited tried to enter, it would find it impossible even through the gutters.

"Big Brother Malaria!" Someone called out to him merrily from behind.

Malaria turned around, only to see a 5-year-old Mitarashi Anko greeting him in a small yellow dress. Orochimaru, in a white full-body kimono was standing next to her, holding her hand. He was looking at Malaria with interest, as Anko had dragged him over towards him.

"Malaria-niisan, it was so brave of you to catch that evil-genius Minato!" Anko's big eyes were full of admiration. She used to play with snakes together with Malaria before he became 'strange' after he got infested with the mosquitoes.

She was shocked when she learned that Malaria did all those bad things because Yamaha-sensei had told him to do it. It made her respect him even more, perhaps Malaria wasn't so crazy after all and it was just an act?

"That wasn't a big deal at all!" Malaria said, waving his hand modestly. Smiling, he couldn't help but inspect this little chibi-Anko. Very cute.

Orochimaru chuckled. He wouldn't believe everything he hears, especially after experiencing the 'true' Malaria that he read about in the reports from the academy assessment.

As they were chatting, at this moment, Malaria's eyes were fixed upon a girl in red in front of him. Her slender figure and shapely dress, highlighting all the contours which could make every teenager in the hotel howl.

"Hyuuga Hikari, huh? She attracts wolves wherever she goes." Anko gave the girl a glance somewhat annoyed. She heard that even her Malaria-niisan was interested in her.

Hikari approached Malaria with a smile and gave a curt nod. "It seems everybody is already here."

Energized, Malaria laid his lips on her hand and said, full of affection, "Of course, I'm always here for you." Hikari's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. She was still not used to how brazen this brat could be.

Spotting Anko holding hands with Orochimaru, Hikari got rid of Malaria's hands quickly and said, "I need to discuss something with little Anko here. See you soon."

Orochimaru smiled as Malaria's expression stiffened somewhat. Turning around, Mr. Snake also walked away to see if there was anyone interesting at this meeting before the war would change him forever.

Malaria scratched his head and neck in embarrassment. He at least had little Anko's company a moment ago, but now he was all by himself. Looking around at the seemingly endless queue of arriving guests, he walked up to a waiter and asked for directions to the festivities.

Soon, Malaria was led to an in-door garden full of flowers by the waiter. In the front was a giant stage prepared for the ceremony, and behind was full of seats prepared for the guests. The waiter that led him here said, "Little Sir, this is your seat."

Malaria couldn't help but chuckle. Hyuuga Hikari had intended to flee with Anko, but she ended up sitting next to him anyway. He was also seated next to other 'important' youngsters like the Yamanaka girl, Uchiha's little beauty and others he met during the assessment.

Hikari couldn't help but sigh. Why couldn't she get away from this scoundrel? His hands are sure to start fiddling and pinching her whenever her guard was down.

When Malaria sat down next to Hikari, Anko had such a long face that Orochimaru couldn't help but pull on it a little bit. Apparently, this little brat didn't like seeing Malaria in the company of other girls.

"Malaria, what's your plan after the wedding? Since the war has just been announced, I'm sure we'll all get sent to the battlefield whether we want to or not." Asked Hikari with an undertone of anxiety.

Malaria answered, "It will start getting chaotic from tomorrow, so the students of our Academy must stay united. I need to learn about chakra moulding before I'll probably get kicked out of the school the very next day to join the war effort."

Hikari nodded in agreement. "That's true. Our most immediate fronts are against the Sand, the Cloud, and the Stone. Mist seems to be preparing as well but where they'll strike is unknown. Konoha is bound to be targeted by most, if not all, of the other villages." Glancing at Malaria, she agreed that once he learns how to use Chakra, he'll turn ridiculously strong.

"If possible, do you want to work together with me? My swarms and intellect, your beauty and attraction – we would become the greatest 'couple' on the battlefield." Malaria raised an eyebrow, teasing Hikari every chance he got.

Hyuuga Hikari wasn't just a pretty vase, her Byakugan and clan techniques are a perfect match with his pretty much useless Taijutsu skills. If they could team up, it would indeed be a power play without a match in their age group.

"Humpf!" Hikari just snorted and turned her head away. Malaria smiled, Hikari really did not want to team up with him, but there was little she could do. As both youngsters are being termed 'reconnaissance shinobi', the odds that they'll go to the battlefield together are huge.

Soon, the bride and groom arrived next to the stage. Uchiha Dobito put on a forced smile as Akimichi Himawari grabbed his hand. It was interesting how his Sharingan was constantly active; and it had even improved to three-tomoe without anyone knowing!

"He truly doesn't deserve this fate!" Hikari couldn't help but remark. Using her Byakugan she could tell Dobito was using genjutsu on himself to stay somewhat sane – it was the reason his Sharingan was activated non-stop.

The Yamanaka girl that had a crush on Dobito couldn't help but scorn from Malaria's left side, "I wonder if the person guilty for this can sleep soundly at night!" Stretching out one hand she shook Malaria back and forth by the shoulder. Malaria twitched a little as his mosquitoes were 'lamenting their fate' and dousing him in another batch of itchy fluids.

"Yamana-chan, Dobito is looking at you." Anko couldn't help but pat Yamanaka Yamana on her outstretched hand in excitement. Everybody in their class-year knew that Dobito had a slight like towards Yamana. She couldn't help but wonder if Dobito would do anything shocking.

"Wow how incredible, Yamana-san, do you want me to cut Dobito's feelings for you?" Malaria raised an eyebrow, wanting some revenge on her, and ready to strike down any delusions Dobito might still carry.

"And how would you do that? I too do fancy him, just a little bit." With a slight blush, Yamana snorted.

"So, you're on board with the idea? Alright then." Malaria rose to his feet and stood right in the line of sight of Dobito that was staring at Yamanaka Yamana.

Yamana couldn't help but glare at Malaria, "Is this your idea of cutting his feelings? It's just obnox…" Before she could finish her sentence, Malaria suddenly held her face and kissed her on the lips.

"Wuh… Wah…" Yamana widened her eyes as her mind went completely blank. A brat, 6-years her junior just took her first kiss! Even worse, it was in front of Uchiha Dobito and everyone from her class!

Hyuuga Hikari and little Anko were also gobsmacked. They looked at Malaria in disbelief. How shameless of him to have kissed a girl before the ceremony could start in front of so many people!

It caught the attention of many of the guests, who were impressed how open-minded the Ninja Academy students are nowadays. It's a good thing to create bonds and prepare to replenish the future generations, especially during war-time.

Akimichi Boruto couldn't help but sigh. If only that little asshole could feel shame, everything that's happening today would've never occurred. His chance to get Himawari was entirely gone with the wind.

Uchiha Dobito covered his chest as if he was about to get a heart attack, his Sharingan was spinning and looked like it progressed quite a bit on the road to Mangekyou. Malaria had destroyed his life and now he would even take his little crush.

"Bastard, how dare you do this to me!" Yamana pushed Malaria away in fury and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. In pure rage she started printing hand seals for the mind-body-technique of the Yamanaka clan to make him dogeza and beg for forgiveness on the floor!

As the technique connected in an instant, her mind almost broke into pieces. 'hOw cAn sOmEoNe bE sO iTcHyYyY~~!' was the only thing she could think of. Before she managed to leave his body by herself, she got kicked out by a monumental-sized consciousness.

Once she came back to her own body in less than 3 seconds, she finally realized why Malaria was so unhinged and crazy all the time. With that sort of body condition, anyone would try to kill themselves every second of the day.

Looking at the brat who was staring at her in a daze, she couldn't help but blush. 'I guess I will forgive him this time. Poor guy already has it so bad every waking moment of his life.' Yamana thought. Thinking back to that incredible spirit-power he had, she felt amazed.

'Since he is basically under constant torture, his minds strength is simply monstrous. I would never be able to act like a (somewhat) normal person like he does, with that sort of body.' What Yamana didn't know is that Malaria's spirit power is a fusion between the previous body owner and his transmigrated self.

Little Anko hurried to try and stop Yamana from using her technique on Malaria. But before she could try and wake her up, she noticed Yamana's already wide awake.

Looking at the somewhat blushing senior in front of herself, Anko couldn't help but pout in annoyance.

This is my first comedy work, and I hope you'll have plenty of laughs. I've heard rumors about a certain stone. A stone with power. One could call it:

The power stone!

And I have an instatiable craving for some of those. Please leave yours behind on the way out! Oh, and do leave a comment or review while you're at it, or I'll send a quintuple amount of mosquitoes to your area!

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