
Naruto: Aburame Malaria

Aburame Malaria, the child who was spurned by all because his body was unsuitable to host any sort of chakra bug from birth. As a placeholder until his body could nurture enough chakra, instead of a chakrabug he was infested with the mundane mosquito. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite? Itchy, yes. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite under your skin? Tremendously unbearably itchy. Yes. Multiply the feeling to several hundred to thousands of feeding mosquitoes under your skin. Come and join us as Aburame Malaria is slowly turning insane from the itch, as he follows Danzo and Orochimaru to develop the shinobi worlds first insect borne diseases. _____________ This story will be heavily centered around humor and jokes, where the plot will slowly follow Malaria's descent into scientific madness. Please leave some comments, I'll check them out. Appreciation goes out to Midjourney AI for making it so easy to create a truly amazing Cover Art. Want me to drink a coffee in your honour? Here's how: ko-fi dot com/ThugB

ThugB · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

History Lesson

After another gruelling session about the godlike prowess of Hashirama Senju and the Ino-Shika-Cho, Malaria could basically feel the indigniation radiating out of the Uchiha brats in the classroom. For some reason their clan is never mentioned anywhere in the entire curriculum. Feeling just about ready to pass out, in order to stay awake with his dwindling bloodlevel Malaria figured he had to distract himself somehow.

Looking over at Kakashi to his right, he noticed how the guy was dozing off and not listening to the teacher at all. Poking him a few times to get his attention, he pointed towards the paper and wrote down a few instructions; 'Let's play some hangman. Guess the letters of a technique correctly or this stick figure with the teachers face will get hung one step at a time'.

Thinking for a second, Malaria easily chose the first technique for the gallows and even added a small description; 'It's a very simple technique with an overly dramatic name. It requires the Tiger hand seal to be used, causing constipation, pain and/or severe embarrassment'. Even if the technique hasn't been invented yet, with this hint it should be quite easy to figure out, Malaria thought.

Glancing over at the initially interested Kakashi, he found the guy blushing up to his ears. Not even his mask could hide the embarassment. 'The technique was actually developed at such a young age!? What a cultured man, indeed!' he couldn't help but think. Kakashi quickly scribbled the techniques name down and found it incredible that Malaria even knew about this hidden inheritance technique of the Hatake.

'Konohagakure Hiden Secret Taijutsu Technique: One Thousand Years of Death', with the full weight of their body, the user thrusts four fingers in the Tiger handseal formation between the targets buttocks. Despite being a strong technique that can send your adversaries flying, it doesn't have any effect on unconscious targets. Truly a hidden gem in the repertoire of any Konoha ninja.

As Kakashi wanted to continue the game and write down a technique name for Malaria to guess, he noticed how the guy was sitting ramrod straight looking towards the teacher. Looking over, he noticed the teacher staring right back at him. "I understand that some geniuses won't get much out of my lecture, but you still have to listen attentively, or your report cards will have some comments."

"Oh and who would read those report cards? My parents? More like I'll use them to warm my home in the fireplace." Malaria scoffed. "Senju this, Ino-shika-cho that, what I want to hear is about the Uchiha clan! They're a clan of masters that controlled half of the Land of Fire before agreeing to First Hokage's deliberations." Slamming his desk, Malaria stood up with righteous indignation written all over his face.

"Why do you refuse to accept them, not even giving the slightest honorable mention in the founding history?" Scanning his eyes over his classmates, Malaria waves one hand in the air dramatically; "Because Uchiha Madara couldn't accept the one-sided treatment his clansmen received by everyone except Hashirama-sama! When Madara-sama asked his clan; is this fine? Is this how you want to live?" Malaria slowly sat back down.

"The clan members unanimously answered; we're tired of war. We want peace! The only thing Madara-sama could do, was leave alone and never come back.", with a sneer on his face he continued to quip; "Three generations of Hokage. Over 50 years of constant neglect and little to no respect to be found. Not even a single Konoha elder is representing the Uchiha clan, the arguably strongest family in the world. Laughable!"

Glancing around the classroom once more, he found that everyone was petrified in a daze. Even the teacher couldn't rebute his accurate and devastating facts. 'Hoho, even Obito got gobsmacked about the truth-bomb I just exploded. Future me can probably count on Tobi to call me a good boy.' Smiling in satisfaction, the school bell signaled the end of the day.

In an instant, all the children rose to their feet and ran out of the classroom before the teacher could bring up some more nonsense. When they get back home they have to ask their parents if what Malaria-kun said was true or not. The kids from the Uchiha clan also had an inexplicable amount of respect in their eyes as they passed Malaria by. It's not often they hear someone outside of their clan voice out the particularities of those matters.

Kakashi was still completely knocked out, sitting there staring blankly. The more he got to know about Malaria, the better he understood how he could become shunned all over Konoha in less than 24 hours. Despite being completely unknown like an invisible person prior, he couldn't help but be curious about what made him snap to such an extent.

The teacher finally reacted, scrunching his face like some sort of demon out for blood. 'I must detain this brat or I might get fired by Hokage-sama on my very first day!", in a hurry he looked at the first row to find Kakashi sitting there looking innocent. Quickly doing the seal for the Body Flicker Technique, the teacher rushed out of the classroom into the corridor to find that little devil.

"You can't hide from Me, MaLaRiA-kUn~. ShOw YoUrSeLf sO wE cAn hAvE A gOoD cHaT~." Rushing around the school building like a ghost haunting the place, he simply couldn't find where he was hiding. "Ma-La-Ri-A-Kuuuun, come out so wE cAn tAlK aBoUt oUr pArEnTsSs~ tOgEtHeRrRr~!", the teacher shrieked.

Before any of that, Malaria figured he had to dodge the bullet somehow. Despite going on a pro-Uchiha rant he is perfectly aware that the entire curriculum is designed by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. That guy has a Uchiha complex so thick that only the worlds strongest could stop him from discriminating against the family. The Third Hokage being the Second's student doesn't exacly lower the bar, so the only thing Malaria could do was try to knock himself out on the edge of his desk to avoid responsibility.

As he was cocking his head backwards like a sling prepared to hammer the nail that was his table corner, the Root Anbu grabbed him by the back of the sack and flickered out into the school yard. Raising a finger and waving it back and forth, clearly expressing; 'no no no, bad child', the Root Anbu flickered again and disappeared to who knows where he was surveiling Malaria during the day.

'Great, he is actually here to protect me. Good stuff, Danzo-sama values me!', with little stars in his eyes, Malaria walked to the school entrance to wait for Kakashi. He couldn't wait to consume a sumptuous dinner and try to fill his proverbial Rice Sack with the left overs for tomorrows breakfast and lunch. After his other classmates found him already waiting outside the academy, they didn't know what to think. 'Is Malaria-kun actually a talent? How can he be so fast?', they thought.

In short order, Kakashi also walked out after receiving a slight scolding by the returning teacher. Spotting Malaria scratching himself like a flea-ridden monkey, clearly waiting for himself, Kakashi couldn't help but feel a shiver in his spine. He couldn't understand where that feeling came from so he simply ignored it. As they were walking, Malaria started a conversation about the famous White Fang, the Commander of Konoha's Hokage Anbu.

Apparantly the slander of the people he saved during his last mission were doing a number on him. Knowing that he gave Sakumo a hint just yesterday, Malaria felt that this could be an hilarious opportunity to see how far gone he has become. Scratching his neck and punting his sides to lower the itch, they sped up to the Hatake clan household. Opening the large gate and walking inside, they could see a pretty large training dojo with a number of smaller houses spread around the premises.

Soon, they arrived at Kakashi's house and met a dazed Sakumo sitting around thinking about the meaning of life. "Hey, uncle Sakumo I'm here to 'Hang Out' with Kakashi today. Thanks for having me!" Malaria smirked. "I taught him a new game called 'Hangman' at school today, you guess the letters for a ninjutsu and if you fail, add another stroke to the gallows." He could barely hold is laughter from seeing the increasingly pale face of Sakumo.

"Yes, it was pretty interesting. The teacher got angry at us though, especially at Malaria-kun." Kakashi followed up. "Father, would you like to play hangman later? It could help me memorize different techniques easier." Listening to his son that's spewing out words that hammer at his heart, Sakumo couldn't help but force out a grimace-like smile. "Yes, of course we can. Show it to me this evening, it sounds interesting."

This is my first comedy work, and I hope you'll have plenty of laughs. I've heard rumors about a certain stone. A stone with power. One could call it:

The power stone!

And I have an instatiable craving for some of those. Please leave yours behind on the way out! Oh, and do leave a comment or review while you're at it, or I'll send a quintuple amount of mosquitoes to your area!

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