
Chapter no.13

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"We'll find him. As your Sensei I order you to calm down and take at least a ten minute break and hydrate yourself. There's about a large lake not far from here behind you. I think that'll calm you down. Until then, I'll do the search until your rest is finished, Understood?" Kakashi Explained with his calm voice

Sasuke looked down, with a sad face, "I guess you're right Sensei. I'll calm down." Sasuke Admitted with a soft tone in his voice

"Good. Get some rest." Kakashi said, his eye smiling. "Thinking about It It may have been my fault as well why Naruto had left Sasuke." Kakashi Informed, with his revealing eye looking down at the ground In shame.

"Your fault?" Sasuke Asked.

"Yes Sasuke, my fault." Kakashi Replied. "Back when I was going to Inform you I was goanna train you I encountered Naruto when he was goanna visit you. I lied to him that I was sent there to escort him out because of the ruckus he was causing mainly to get to you since you were still unconscious. He then guessed right that I was there to train you, and so I told him It wasn't true. He asked me to train him for the finals of the Chunin Exams… But I refused." Kakashi Explained, with a hint of regret In his voice. "Naruto Sasuke, reminds me of a certain friend, he looks like him, acts like him, be like him, and has the "Will Of Fire" like him… I forget that Naruto… Didn't have a great life… I keep forgetting that he suffered because of the villagers hatred towards him… I forget what a fragile heart he has… It may appear that he's happy all the time, and acts as though nothing phases him, but that's a mask, and behind It Is his true self, a child that Is filled with sadness, one that never should've been treated the way he did. Many people suffer a great amount, but Naruto didn't deserve that suffering." Kakashi Said.

"I… Always believed I had It tougher than Naruto, losing my whole Clan, but compared to the suffering he had endured mine doesn't sound as bad as his does. Losing them was hard, but having nobody with you, and the whole village abusing you Is a thousand times harder than I could ever think of." Sasuke Said.

Kakashi could remember the time, where Naruto asked for his training, only to be pushed away, and for Kakashi to train Sasuke, while Naruto himself has suffered an even greater amount than Sasuke. In fact after the Chunin Exams and during the Tea country mission his team was sent to, he read Naruto's records, many In which Indicated sabotage on his education, which was the main reason his ninja skills were poor. It Indicated that he was kicked out of many classes, and was accused of doing something wrong to get detention, and forcing a whole day of class gone. Iruka was the only one who didn't sabotage Naruto's training, and the only one who supported Naruto, and helped him despite that due to the sabotage lessons Naruto didn't take them seriously. Thinking about It now Naruto actually needed more help than anyone, and Kakashi Ignored that. He couldn't help but feel guilty as he could also be a part of Naruto's suffering, which had driven him away.

Sasuke was the same, e remembered all those time he told Naruto he doesn't understand what It meant to lose your own Clan, maybe not, but Naruto had never had known anyone form his, and he suffered without any parents, Including with the suffering of the villagers. Thinking It over he remembered how Naruto was treated, and how bad It was. For Sasuke he felt horrible, he thought he could understand Naruto's pain, but to the extent at which Naruto had he couldn't Imagine It. Not knowing what It felt to be like him.

Sasuke then turned his Sharingan off, then walked towards the lake where he will have his rest while Kakashi would continue his search for Naruto.

(With Team 8)

Kurenai, Shino, Hinata and Kiba with Akamaru were struggling to search and find Naruto. Even the best Genin team who were known for their tracking skills couldn't find the blond Jinchuriki.

Shino was having trouble, as his parasitic insects were everywhere due to the Kyuubi's amount of Chakra.

Kiba and Akamaru were having the same Issue. The two had located the Kyuubi's Chakra, but because of the Chakra, it was messing with their noses that they could tell that the Chakra was everywhere.

Hinata was having the same aswell, with Byakugan she saw red Chakra everywhere. Naruto sure had made a good job covering his tracks to make sure no one follows him.

The members of team 8 were worried for their young Kuniochi Hyuga teammate, she did not once turn her Byakugan off since they had left the village. They knew of Hinata having a crush on Naruto and knew she would die for him, but they never thought she would go to extreme measure leaving her Byakugan on for a long time for Naruto. Kurenai could tell that Hinata was getting weaker and weaker due to the effects of the Byakugan while channelling too much Chakra into her eyes.

Kurenai was worried for her students, she decided to take action and help her with her depression.

Kurenai walked towards Hinata.

"Hinata, don't you think It's about time you rest?" Kurenai Asked in worry for her student

"No Sensei, I have to keep finding Naruto-Kun! I have to find him!" Hinata Replied, panic in her voice

"Hinata-." Kurenai was cut off by Hinata

"I should've been more helpful to him!" Hinata said in her panic rush voice

"Hinata-." Kurenai was cut off once again by Hinata

"I need, to find Naruto-Kun! I have to find him no matter what! It's very, very important that I find him!" Hinata continued

"HINATA!" Kurenai Shouted

Hinata stopped talking and stared at her Sensei.

"Hinata, I know this isn't easy for us to go through, but you must understand that panicking and putting pressure on yourself Isn't the answer that you're looking for. You have to take thing slowly or otherwise you won't get through anything, alright?" Kurenai Asked

Hinata nodded slowly with a sad expression on her face.

"Good. Now go and get some rest please, you look dehydrated, there's a lake not too far from here at that direction. I think we could all use a break?" Kurenai Guessed, pointing towards the direction of the lake, turning her view towards Shino, Kiba and Akamaru

"Hai Kurenai-Sensei." Hinata nodded, then walked towards the lake