
Naruto: A Reincarnator's Journey (With His All-knowing Library)

A man from earth dies and reincarnates in Naruto universe as an Uchiha. He , as a traverser, of course brought with him a cheat. This story follows Uchiha Inzo as he tries to find a way to get back home while living some crazy adventures in the world of Naruto. ×××××× + I'm writing this fanfic just for fun, so I'm not taking it THAT seriously. + English is not my native language. + If you have any questions, feel free to ask

TheDark_Lord · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


The warm rays of the sun shone brightly upon the bustling village of Konohagakure, casting a golden glow upon the vibrant surroundings.

In the outskirts of the Uchiha District, amidst the flurry of activity and chatter, a young boy could be seen perched upon a sturdy trunk, lost in thought. As the gentle breeze rustled through his jet-black, slightly long hair, which was elegantly tied in a neat ponytail, he took a slow, deep breath and let out a low murmur.

"It has been 4 years already, huh?" he mused, his voice barely above a whisper, as he absentmindedly threw a rock into the air and then caught it.

Despite his tender age, the boy's features were strikingly mature and distinct, with sharp, chiseled cheekbones, a pointed chin, and a slender nose that perfectly complemented his pale, unblemished skin.

However, it was his piercing, darkness-like black eyes that truly captured one's attention. All of his features were a sign of his lineage - a supposedly proud member of the legendary Uchiha clan.

He let out a deep sigh, feeling a bit nostalgic as he gazed out into the distance.

The boy before you was none other than Uchiha Inzo, a resilient orphan who had been raised by his beloved grandmotheronn the outskirts of the Uchiha District.

Inzo wasn't originally from this world, having come from a highly advanced and more civilized planet known as Earth. In his -urmm...- previous life, he had been a man who reveled in the simple joys of existence. He cherished his family deeply - his parents, wife, and children - and would go to great lengths to ensure their happiness, even if it meant enduring the monotony of a job he loathed with every fiber of his being.

However, as it often does, happiness proved to be fleeting. One fateful day, Inzo had been attempting to cross the street when a speeding truck appeared out of nowhere, striking him with a tremendous force that sent him hurtling through the air. His lifeless body tumbled several meters before finally coming to a rest in front of a woman.

Even now, the memories of that harrowing incident were seared into Inzo's mind. He could still feel the excruciating pain that had wracked his body, and the look of sheer terror on the woman's face as she gazed upon him in utter shock.

As he stood there lost in thought, the weight of those memories caused him to shudder involuntarily.

He never expected to die in that way, and he never expected to die so young. At only thirty years of age, he felt as though he still had so much life left to live, so many experiences yet to be had , and many memories to make. But fate, it seemed, had other plans for him.

In a twist of events that Inzo never could have anticipated, he found himself reborn in a world he had only ever heard about from others -especially his children- a world of anime, specifically the one called Naruto.

Reincarnation was a concept that Inzo had always viewed with skepticism, never truly believing that such a thing was possible.

After his death, he didn't remember what happened after, only some hazy scenes of him talking with someone. He simply opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital room, surrounded by the friendly smile of an elderly woman. As he looked around, he couldn't help but notice that his body was much smaller than he remembered.

At first, the reality of what had happened was hard to accept. Inzo mourned the loss of his family deeply, shedding tears as he grappled with the reality of his new existence. He told himself that he cried because he was just a baby, not because he missed them so desperately. But deep down, he knew that the pain of separation from his loved ones was an ever-present ache in his heart.

Even now, the thought of returning to his old life and reuniting with his family remained a distant hope in the back of his mind. It was a hope that drove him forward, fueling his every action and motivating him to continue.

'I will definitely return to you.' He thought as he looked at the blue sky.

His only wish was to return to his own world. And apparently, it didn't seem impossible at all.

The world he was in now -Naruto- was a fantasy world. Here, the main profession -if you could call it that- was being a ninja. This world has a hierarchy based on the strength of a ninja. Simply put, the strong feeds on the weak.

There are no countries, republics, kingdoms,..., etc. The political system was strangely based on villages. Ironically, the villages are by no means villages.

What gave him hope though are the Ninjutsu they are using. One of the affinities is Space. This might help him return to his world, or at least it might hold the key to that.

"Inzo! Dinner's ready." A voice came out from the house nearby. One can conclude that it was that of an elder just by hearing it.

Inzo's thoughts were jolted back to reality as he heard the sound of his grandmother's voice calling out to him. With a sigh, he rose to his feet and made his way back to the small house where he currently resided.

The house had once belonged to his grandparents, and his parents in this world had lived there as well before their untimely deaths. Despite its small size, the home was cozy and welcoming, with a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

As Inzo settled down to eat his meal, his grandmother Akino hovered nearby, her watchful gaze fixed on him.

"How is it?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"It's delicious, Grandma Akino," Inzo replied with a small smile. He appreciated her cooking - it was one of the few comforts he had in this new life.

"I wish your parents were still with us," she sighed before continuing, "They always wanted to see their child go to the Academy," Akino sighed, her voice wistful.

Inzo knew that the Academy was the first step towards becoming a ninja - a path that many children in this world aspired towards. He had already determined his goal; to find a way of going back to earth. To do that, he should enroll the Ninja Academy and become a ninja.

As he finished his meal, Inzo couldn't help but think about his parents in this life. Inzo's parents in this world were dead. His father had died in the war about five years ago. As for his mother, she died giving birth to him. So, his only relative was his grandmother.

Another thing was the guilt he felt. The guilt that Inzo felt was almost unbearable. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was taking something that wasn't his. The idea that he was living someone else's life was a constant weight on his shoulders. But what choice did he have? He couldn't simply leave this body and go back to his old life. That was impossible, or maybe kill himself, could he?

Despite these thoughts, Inzo was determined to make the most out of his new life. He was going to take care of this body and live up to the expectations of the parents. In a way, it was the least he could do for them. He owed them that much, especially the mother who had died giving birth to him.

As he finished his meal, he looked at Grandma Akino who was staring back at him with a warm smile. He couldn't help but feel grateful for having her in his life. She had taken him in without hesitation and had treated him like her own grandchild. He knew he couldn't ask for more.