
Naruto: A Reincarnator's Journey (With His All-knowing Library)

A man from earth dies and reincarnates in Naruto universe as an Uchiha. He , as a traverser, of course brought with him a cheat. This story follows Uchiha Inzo as he tries to find a way to get back home while living some crazy adventures in the world of Naruto. ×××××× + I'm writing this fanfic just for fun, so I'm not taking it THAT seriously. + English is not my native language. + If you have any questions, feel free to ask

TheDark_Lord · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: First Day at The Academy [1]

In the bustling and lively village of Konohagakure, a group of energetic and precocious 4-year-old children gathered in a classroom at the academy. Embarking on their first steps towards becoming killing machines.

"First, I will begin by introducing myself. I'm Satoshi Akira." After a while of silence, he continued, "Next, the lot of you are going to introduce yourselves: Your name, likes, dislikes as well as dreams."

"My name is Sarotobi Asuma. I like..." Asuma introduced himself confidently, drawing the attention of the other children in the class. His self-assuredness was remarkable for someone so young. After all, he was the son of the third Hokage.

The next child to introduce themselves was a demure and charming young girl named Kei Kuerinai. "Hello everyone. My name is Kei Kuerinai, nice to meet you all. I like..." She spoke softly and sweetly, projecting an air of politeness and likability that was endearing to the rest of the class.

After more of them introduced themselves. All eyes were on the next child to introduce themselves. It was a striking and mysterious young boy with silvery-white hair. "Hello, my name is Hatake Kakashi. I like..." Kakashi's voice was calm and measured, but there was an air of mystery about him that piqued the curiosity of the other children. He took his time with his introduction, sometimes stopping to think about something.

Sitting beside him were two other boys who were none other than the Uchiha duo, Inzo, and Obito. Despite the seriousness of the situation and the need to maintain a low profile, Obito couldn't resist the urge to poke fun at his friend Inzo.

"Psst, psst, Inzo... Inzooo..." Obito murmured, trying to catch Inzo's attention. Unfortunately for Inzo, Obito was not the type to easily give up, as he continued his efforts to engage his friend.

Annoyed and frustrated, Inzo finally responded in a hushed tone, "Obito, shut the hell up. You'll get us into trouble." He tried to shush Obito, but his efforts were in vain.

As Obito continued, he couldn't help but voice his disdain for the boy sitting beside them. "Hey, what do you think of the dude beside you? He's really arrogant, hmph, trying to seem so high and mysterious." Obito harrumphed, visibly annoyed by Kakashi's demeanor.

Turning towards Obito, Inzo quickly covered his friend's mouth with his hand and shot him an angry look. "We were already late, if the teacher sees us, we'll be in a whole lot of trouble," he warned. Obito clenched Inzo's ear, trying to put away his hand.

Just as the two boys were trying to regain their composure and stay quiet, they suddenly heard a loud, cold cough emanating from the podium where the teacher stood. The sound hit them like a bucket of ice-cold water, sending shivers down their spines and a sense of dread throughout their bodies

Akira stood with crossed arms, his patience wearing thin as the two Uchihas continued to act out in class. "The two of you are beginning to get on my nerves," he said sternly, his voice cold. "You are really fortunate that we are still at the beginning of the year and there are no notes or marks yet. Hmph, introduce yourselves quickly before I lose my patience."

Inzo and Obito exchanged a quick glance, both feeling the weight of Akira's disapproval. Inzo withdrew his hand hastily, and Obito followed suit.

The other children in the class began to snicker and whisper amongst themselves, enjoying the spectacle of the two Uchihas being scolded. The rest of the Uchiha clan kids, however, regarded them with cold disdain. They were simply a disgrace to their family name.

Inzo cleared his throat nervously, standing up and straightening his posture. He took a deep breath before introducing himself. "My name is Uchiha Inzo," he said, his voice strong and clear. "I like training hard and becoming stronger. I strongly dislike annoying and frustrating people." He paused for a moment, glancing at Obito, before continuing. "I dream of... becoming strong." He added with a somewhat heavy tone. After all, he couldn't tell people that he was from another world and that his dream is to return to his family there.

Obito stood up after Inzo finished, his eyes downcast with shame. "Hello everyone," he said softly. "I'm Uchiha Obito. I like to become strong and help people. I dislike unfunny and always serious people." He paused for a moment, looking at Inzo before adding, "My dream is obviously to become the Hokage

Finally, Akira wasn't looking at them anymore. The two sighed in relief, but at the same time, Inzo gazed at him daggers. Obita pretended not to notice him as he looked at the girl who was introducing herself.


After a considerable amount of time had passed, all the students finally had the chance to introduce themselves to one another. Akira, the instructor, swiftly moved from side to side while the introductions were taking place. "Excellent," he stated with satisfaction. "Now that we are all familiar with each other, it's time to begin today's session. However, this will not be a typical lesson. Instead, we will be conducting some tests to assess your strength level." Akira paused for a moment before continuing, "Now, please follow me to the training grounds."

The students obediently followed Akira in an organized row. Inzo, Obito, and Kakashi happened to be at the end of the line. Inzo's mind wandered as he contemplated his own strength level.

Despite being young, Inzo was fairly powerful for his age. At the tender age of three, he had already unlocked his chakra, a feat that was impressive in and of itself. Additionally, he had discovered that he had a natural affinity for two elements: fire and lightning. The former was a trait that he inherited from his Uchiha lineage, while the latter was something he most likely acquired from his grandfather, a skilled Jounin.

In addition to that, Inzo was also fortunate enough to have awakened his Sharingan, the Uchiha clan's pride and supposedly the strongest Dojutsu. Although he had only unlocked one tomoe, it was still a remarkable achievement for someone his age. The night he awakened his Sharingan, he cried himself to sleep, missing his family dearly.

During one of his recent visits to the local library, Inzo stumbled upon some intriguing information about the Sharingan. He learned that the Dojutsu had three levels: one tomoe, two tomoe, and three tomoe. However, Inzo was unable to find any information about whether there were any further stages beyond that.

Obito, who had noticed the pensive expression on Inzo's face, became concerned and approached him. "Hey man, are you alright?" Obito asked, his tone conveying genuine worry.

Inzo was jolted back to reality by Obito's voice and deeply sighed before responding. "Yeah, I'm good man, I'm good," he said, patting Obito's shoulder reassuringly.

Despite his efforts to appear fine, Inzo couldn't shake off his worries about his family.

Sometimes, he could sit and contemplate. If he succeeded in going back to earth, would his family recognize him? Would they even be alive? Could he find a way to return? Would he survive in this world? Could...? Would...?

There were a lot of questions without answers.