
Naruto: A Reincarnator's Journey (With His All-knowing Library)

A man from earth dies and reincarnates in Naruto universe as an Uchiha. He , as a traverser, of course brought with him a cheat. This story follows Uchiha Inzo as he tries to find a way to get back home while living some crazy adventures in the world of Naruto. ×××××× + I'm writing this fanfic just for fun, so I'm not taking it THAT seriously. + English is not my native language. + If you have any questions, feel free to ask

TheDark_Lord · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Obito Uchiha

As the sun rose above the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Uchiha District, a young boy, whose face wore a sleepy expression, was stepping out of his humble house. This boy was none other than Inzo.

As he walked down the street, Inzo's grandmother, Akino, stood in the doorway, her kind eyes following him as he made his way toward the Academy.

"Goodbye Grandma Akino, I will see you after school," Inzo called out to her, turning to wave goodbye.

Akino smiled warmly, her hand raised in a gentle wave. "Good luck, Inzo," she said softly, her voice carrying through the still morning air.

With lazy steps, Inzo strode towards the Academy. Though it was quite a distance away, he knew that arriving early would give him time to prepare for the day ahead.

In the quiet, peaceful morning air of the Uchiha District, a voice pierced the silence. "Waiiiittt! Inzooooo," the voice exclaimed, enthusiastic and full of energy.

Inzo sighed inwardly as he recognized the voice. 'Ah, right. I forgot that moron,' he thought, mentally facepalming at the prospect of spending his walk to the Academy with the annoying boy. He turned around, reluctantly acknowledging the approaching figure.

The owner of the voice arrived just behind him and hit his back playfully. "Ay, ay, ay... why did you do that, you moron?" Inzo asked, rubbing his back in annoyance.

"Hehehe. Man up Inzo. I just touched you," the boy replied, his voice full of amusement.

"The hell? You hit me as hard as you could've," Inzo retorted, frustration evident in his voice.

"Ok, Ok. Chill man. Instead of being angry, you should be glad that I, the future Hokage, hit you," the boy said, somewhat jokingly, his tone light and carefree.

Inzo rolled his eyes at the boy's comment, feeling a sense of exasperation bubble up within him. "Whatever, Mr. Hokage wannabe," he muttered under his breath.

Obito and Inzo were orphans, so they had some chemistry. Their personalities were also quite similar except in some areas; the two of them are hardworking, prone to provocation, and at times lazy. The difference was that Inzo was easily frustrated while Obito was carefree and very optimistic.

Despite these differences, the two of them had become friends over the years - in fact, Obito was Inzo's only friend. Living in the same neighborhood, they had grown up together.

As they walked towards the Academy on the first day of classes, Obito couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up within him. "So..." he began, his voice brimming with anticipation.

"So, what?" Inzo replied, his tone annoyed.

"What do you mean by what? It's our first day at the Academy. In other words, the first step of my path to becoming the Hokage," Obito said loftily, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.


"So, what?" Obito prompted, confused.

"You... ugh, forget it. Let's just walk. At this rate, we will be late," Inzo said, his frustration evident in his voice


After walking for a few minutes, the boys spotted an elderly woman struggling with her groceries. Her arms were full of bags, and several items had fallen to the ground, scattering across the sidewalk. Obito immediately pointed her out, a look of concern on his face.

"Hey, look. It's an old woman that needs help," he said, his voice urgent.

Inzo groaned inwardly, knowing what was coming next. "But, we will be late," he protested weakly.

Obito didn't even acknowledge Inzo's words - he simply dashed towards the woman. Inzo begrudgingly followed, resigned to the fact that he would be late for class.

'I swear that he will frustrate me to death someday,' Inzo thought to himself as he approached the woman.

Without any other choice, he knelt down beside Obito and began to help gather the fallen groceries.


The two boys continued to make their way towards the Academy, their footsteps echoing loudly on the pavement. Inzo's frustration was palpable, and he cursed under his breath, his face twisted up in anger. Obito, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed by his friend's anger.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Inzo muttered under his breath, drawing the gazes of the people around them.

"Fuck you, Obito," he cursed again, his voice growing louder.

"But what did I do?" Obito replied innocently, a look of confusion on his face.

"If it wasn't for your out-of-necessary sense of righteousness, we would've been in class already!" Inzo snapped back, his voice rising in frustration.

"What? We just helped an elderly women," Obito protested, his tone defensive. But there was definitely something wrong with his sentence.

"You moron! It wasn't just one or two... it was ten women for god's sake," Inzo shouted, his face turning red with anger.

"You can't blame me," Obito said with an angelic expression, increasing his speed to a jog. "I'm too righteous, kind, and innocent to see someone in need and not help them."

Inzo nearly exploded from anger, his hands balling up into fists at his sides. He could feel his blood pressure rising with each passing moment. "Just shut up and run," he muttered under his breath as he picked up his pace to match Obito's.


The sounds of heavy breathing echoed through the hallway as Inzo and Obito struggled to catch their breath. "Huff... Huff..." they gasped, trying to regain their composure.

"We... huff... finally... arrived..." Inzo managed to say, his voice strained and tired.

"Huff... yeah," Obito agreed, nodding in agreement.

As they approached the classroom, Inzo reached for the doorknob, but before he could turn it, the door swung open. Standing in the doorway was a man with black hair and piercing brown eyes.

"You are finally here... Uchiha Inzo and Uchiha Obito," he said, his voice cold and uninviting.

Inzo's heart sank. He knew that they were late, and he dreaded the lecture that was sure to follow.

"Teacher, please understand. We were late because we were helping some grandmas," Inzo explained, his voice barely above a whisper. Obito nodded in agreement, hoping to back up his friend.

But the teacher was not convinced. "The excuse is old and overused," he replied sternly. "Seeing that it's the first class, I will let it slide. But there's no second time."

Inzo and Obito nodded solemnly and entered the classroom. They scanned the room for empty seats before finding two beside a white-haired boy who was covering half his face. Inzo couldn't help but wonder why he was hiding his face, but he didn't want to pry. He took the seat between the white-haired boy and Obito, relieved to finally be in their seats.

"Now that all the students are here, we will begin our class by introducing ourselves," the teacher announced, his voice still cold and unwelcoming