
Naruto : A New Shadow Hokage

MC is Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha a year before the Momoshiki attack.

Uchiha_Minato · Anime & Comics
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Back in Konoha

After the Incident with Shin Uchiha we finally went back to the Leaf Village, i did talk to Sarada after the Incident with Shin but i was not really the greatest dad so i kept the conversation short and just tried to know her which worked.

I was now currently walking towards the Hokage's Office to give my report about my investigation, i had already told Naruto to gather people like Shikamaru and Kakashi and send out all the others from his office so that only the important people know this news.

As i entered the Room i saw Naruto, Shikamaru, Kakashi and Tsunade waiting inside.

"What is the reason for which you summoned all of us?, i could have been chilling in some hot spring or in some park reading my books." kakashi said to me as soon as i entered.

"well as you all know i have been investigating the Otsutsuki's for a long time and recently i have found something pretty interesting and i feel its better if you guys know." i said and threw the Scroll which i had written to Naruto.

As he opened the scroll he didn't understand anything and he passed it to the rest and none of them understood anything either, Shikamaru then looked at me and said "You said you will explain what was there in the scroll."

"Yes the scroll states about how a divine tree is created and the requirements for the Divine Tree to bloom and also states how many Otsutsuki's were sent to each planets and it turns out that Kaguya wasn't the only one who came to the Earth she was accompanied by another person they didn't state names but it said they sent two people were sent to out planet. There is also information about some technique called Karma in the Scroll, this technique apparently allows the Otsutsuki to plant some sort of Curse Mark on people and eventually using this they will take over the person's body and be reborn." i said all of them were clearly shocked by the information.

"Do you think there is a chance that this other Otsutsuki is still alive by using this Karma?" Shikamaru asked

I nodded and continued "There is still a few more things that you need to know, the conditions necessary for a Divine Tree to bloom is that an Otsutsuki is fed to the Ten Tails."

Kakashi then interrupted by saying "Is it possible that the other otsutsuki was the one who was fed to the ten tails but he placed this Karma on someone so that he could be reborn later on?"

I nodded and looked at Naruto and said "I may have found out why Kaguya was building an army, from what i have been able to find out i can tell that the Otsutsuki's also operate similar to the Hyuga Clan they also have a Main Family and a Branch Family, and apparently the Chakra Fruit is only meant for the Main Family and the Branch family are not supposed to consume the Chakra Fruit and by th-."

"But how does this relate to why Kaguya was building an army ?" Naruto asked confused

Shikamaru, Kakashi and Tsunade simply stayed quite knowing i wasn't finished and was still explaining my theory.

I looked at Naruto a bit annoyed that i kept getting interrupted, "You remember when we met Hagoromo he said kaguya wasn't all that strong before eating the Chakra Fruit?"

Naruto nodded and said "She was most likely a Branch Family member and since the Chakra Fruit is only meant for the main branch she feared that they may kill her"

"Yes the scroll also stated that the Teams sent to get the Chakra fruit should return within a certain time limit and if they do not the main family will send a back up team to check what is going on and i believe Kaguya knew that other Otsutsuki's will eventually come looking for her and thats the reason she was building an army." i said

"Did the scroll mention about when they will come looking for her?" Shikamaru asked

"No there is nothing in the scroll that mentions when they will come" i said

I then looked at Tsunade and said "That Offer you made me after the war, if it still stands i will gladly take it"

"Alright but i will need a few days to get the surgery setup and we will have to run a lot of tests on you to make sure your fine after the arm transplant so you will need to stay in the village for atleast a month." Tsunade said

"Im fine with that" i replied since i had already planned to stay for a few months before leaving again just before Sarada's Chunin Exams so that i can find Momoshiki and Kinshiki.
