
Naruto: A Mother's Love [HIATUS]

Uzumaki Kushina survived her son's birth and the Kyuubi's attack. Now she must do everything in her power to protect him and help him reach his dream, to be Hokage. Pairing: NaruXHinaXYugito Note: This Fanfiction is set in AU (Alternate Universe). ————— Follow my Reading List ----------> [My Fanfiction]

Leviackermann · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Academy

He was standing in front of a mirror looking at himself. The body armor felt a little snug like always, but he liked the way it looked.

"You look so handsome my little Naruto-kun" His mother said happily.

He looked at her and hesitated a bit. "Mom," he said. "Is it all right to be scared?

With a gentle smile she went down on her knees and hugged him tight. "My little one, of course it is! I've felt fear many times."

"You?" he looked at her in shock.

She laughed and pulled him into another hug. "Of course! Being shinobi doesn't mean we stop being human. Bravery is not having a lack of fear. It's the ability to do what you need to even in the face of your fear. Always do what you know to be right, even if you are afraid. If you do that I will always be proud of you."

He immediately hugged her back fiercely. "I want you to be proud of me mom!"

"My little one, I have never been anything else." When he finally let go of her she got up to get his coat and help him put it on. Once it was on he looked at himself in the mirror again.

"Mom if I wear this everyone is going to notice me." He looked at her questioningly. "You always say a good ninja should be able to blend in anywhere. Won't this make me stand out?"

She nodded, pleased that he had taken that lesson to heart. Most boys his age were eager to stand out. Naruto wanted to earn peoples respect through his actions. He didn't care about simply being noticed for how he looked. "In this village Naruto-kun there is no avoiding that. When you begin your shinobi career and travel to other places you can try and become invisible. But in Konoha everyone who looks at you will know who you are." Suddenly her face changed and she gave him one of her rare stern looks. Inside he panicked and wondered if he had done something wrong. "Listen very carefully to what I am about to say Naruto." Paling a bit he nodded and gave his mom his complete attention. "People are going to look at you Naruto, and some of them will hate you. Don't ever wonder if it's your fault they look at you with hate. Those people are blind and will never see the truth no matter how many times you show it to them. But for everyone else, try and show them what is in here," She gently touched his chest. "And here." She touched his forehead. Show all of them that you are Namikaze Naruto. You are your father's son and you are my son. In you is all the best of the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans. In you my son is a great man and great leader. Some day you will be clan head and, I have no doubt, you will be the greatest of all Hokages." She shut her eyes and tried not to sob. Oh Minato, if only you could see him how proud you'd be!

"Mom why are you crying?" Naruto felt himself about to start crying as well and didn't know why.

Opening her eyes she quickly wiped her cheeks and gave him a reassuring smile. "I am crying because the world is unfair. Naruto I want you to promise me something."

"Anything mom!"

"Promise me that whatever happens in your life. No matter how you may be hated, no matter what terrible secrets you may learn, and no matter how hard things may become; promise me that you will never forget who you are!"

He put his arms around her and hugged her with all of his might. "Mom I swear to you on my life that I will never forget who I am or who I come from. That's my promise of a lifetime!"

"And you never go back on you word because that is your nindo." She smiled at her son.

He nodded. "Just like yours."

She gave her son a kiss on the cheek and brightened a bit. "Well let's go Naruto-kun or your silly mother will make you late for your first day at the academy."


"Are you all right Hinata-san?" Kurenai asked feeling real sympathy for the poor girl. She seemed very depressed.

"I am fine." She said dully. "Please just call me Hinata." Just a short while ago her father had told her that he was disappointed in her and did not think she was a worthy successor. Since her mother's death two years ago her father had grown increasingly distant and critical. His harsh words not only hurt her they played on her own self doubt. I'm weak, maybe father is right.

"Hey Hinata-chan." Her thoughts lifted when she heard his voice. He and his mother were approaching. She immediately noticed how he was dressed.

"Oh, he… hello Naruto-kun, y… you lo… look very handsome this morning." She felt herself begin to blush as she smiled shyly. Her index fingers were pressing against each other.

Naruto gave her one of his big smiles and scratched the back of his head. "Thanks Hinata-chan, you look as cute as you always do." Hearing that she immediately went three shades darker.

Kurenai offered a formal bow to the woman who was the head of the Namikaze clan. "I am Yuhi Kurenai and am most honored to meet you Kushina-san. I thank you for allowing Hinata and I to accompany you and your son."

Kushina smiled and returned the bow. "Please call me Kushina. And you are very welcomed. Hinata is a dear child and I welcome one more set of eyes to watch out for trouble."

Hinata laughed and the two of them looked at her and Naruto. Kurenai grinned and sent Kushina a questioning look. Kushina grinned and nodded. Two ANBU operatives landed about ten feet from them. One of them approached and bowed to Kushina. "Kushina-san I am captain Tenzo and I am in charge of the two man ANBU squad that will escort your son to the academy and back again.

Kushina acknowledged him with a slight bow of her own. "Thank you captain, with Kakashi out of the village I trust that you will make sure of my son's safety. Kakashi thinks highly of you and I trust his opinion. If he trusts you then I will as well."

"Thank you Kushina-san." He and his partner disappeared.

Kushina turned to the two children. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah! Come on Hintata!" As was his habit he grabbed her hand and led the way. As was her habit she blushed and followed him. Hinata kept a small grin as they walked in public. Though she knew they were only friends she let herself pretend for a bit that he was her boyfriend and they were strolling hand in hand.

As they went down the streets they noticed. As Kushina had warned her son, everyone in Konoha knew instantly who he was. And if by some bizarre miracle they hadn't what he was wearing would have driven it home. The reception was about what Kushina had expected. Perhaps one in ten people openly scowled or looked angrily at them. But no one dared to yell or curse at them, never mind approach them. Kushina's reputation was such that even on crowded streets they tended to be given at least ten feet of space. About one in ten actually bowed or cheered as they past. These were people to whom Naruto was the Yondaime's son not the Kyuubi. To them at least Naruto really was a hero, or at least the son of a hero which would do. To Kushina this minority represented how everyone in Konoha should have behaved towards her son. Seeing them gave Kushina a small hope that things would get better. Actually they had gotten better. There had been no attacks for a year and a half, not even on the last anniversary. Kushina wasn't sure if that meant people were finally becoming more understanding or that she had finally killed enough idiots to make her point clear. Probably a combination of both but so long as they stop attacking Naruto I don't really care why. So ten percent still hated him, ten percent loved him, and the other eighty percent? They got out of the way and kept their faces blank. What were they thinking? A Yamanka might have known but she didn't. Were the majority just better at hiding their hatreds or were they simply accepting of things? Time would tell she supposed.


"So what are you up to foreheads girl?" A loud blonde eight year old girl shouted.

"What do you mean Ino-pig?" A fierce pink haired girl replied.

"I know you're planning to sit near Sasuke-kun! Well go ahead and give it up! No one is getting Sasuke but me!"

"Sasuke –kun is going to fall in love with me Ino-pig! He and I share one soul! It's destiny!"

"Destiny! Let me tell you something I…" she suddenly noticed a small group entering the academy grounds. She noticed one person in particular. An extremely well dressed and muscular looking blonde boy. And he was walking hand in hand with a Hyuga.

"Hellooo earth to Ino-pig." Sakura snapped her fingers in front of her best friend / worst enemy. "What's wrong with you?"

"Hey Sakura who is that?"She pointed. "I thought I knew all the hot boys in Konoha but I've never seen him before."

Skaura took a look. "Hmmm, I don't know. But back to Sasuke, I…"

A dark haired girl who wore her hair in pigtails suddenly squealed. "It's him!" Dellona said.

"Who?" Ino asked really curious now.

Dellona gave them a dreamy smile. "The Yondaime's son!"


Upon reaching the academy grounds they stopped. Checking her watch she saw the kids had five minutes. She put a hand on her son's shoulder.

"Did you bring everything?" She asked him.

"Yes mom."

"Do you have your lunch?" He nodded. "Do you have your kunai and shuriken?"

"Yes and they're all sharpened."

"I see you have your sword." He wore it on his back like she did. "Is that sharp too?"

He frowned. "Well it's as sharp as I can get it, but it's just a regular old sword. Now if I had a katana…"

"No," she continued. "You have your radio communicator?"

"Of course, and it's preset to the emergency frequency."

"If anything happens just hit the send button and I will be here in less than two minutes."

"I know mom." He said in a bored tone. He loved her but she was treating him like a little kid!

"Now if anyone attacks you for any reason? Even if it's an instructor or someone in ANBU uniform?"

"I hit the communicator and fight with my sword."

"And when the sword is drawn?"

"'When the sword is drawn ready it to take blood, for when the sword is drawn safety comes only in the death of your foes.'"

Kushina nodded, that was the correct answer, she hadn't expected anything less. She racked her brain trying to think of anything that might have been overlooked. "Oh! Naruto-kun did you put on clean underwear this morning?"

Hinata couldn't help herself she started giggling. Naruto put his head in his hands. "Mom please"


"The Yondaime's son!" Ino said excitedly. "I didn't know he was even going to be in our class. Dellona are you sure?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "Look at him for a second! He's practically a younger version of the Yondaime. Plus if that's not enough look who he's talking to. Red haired kunoichi with a sword and a Whirlpool hitai-ite."

Ino's jaw dropped. Of course she was the queen of all gossip and knew about everyone who was anyone. So of course she knew all about... "Namikaze Kushina! I don't believe it it's really her! The Red De… hmph!" Sakura slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Are you crazy!" Sakura whispered to her irate blonde friend. "You know the stories! If she hears you call her that she'll kill you!"

"No," Dellona said with certainty. "It's if you say her name three times in a row in a darkened room."

Another girl spoke up. "I heard that if she catches you alone after dark she'll cut your head off and bring it home with her.

"Well I heard that she comes to cut your head off if you do it before you get married." Another girl spoke up.

"Do what?" Sakura asked.

Ino finally managed to get her surprisingly strong friend's hand off her mouth. "Enough!" Ino turned to rail at Sakura and the other girls. "What is wrong with all of you! You give kunoichi a bad name! She's obviously just a powerful ninja and nothing else! I swear you're all a bunch of chickens! How are you going to be ninja if you're scared of a bunch of wild stories?"

"Oh really?" Sakura asked. "Well I don't see you going up to talk to her. If you're so brave go and say something to her."

"I would but I don't have anything to say." Ino replied.

Sakura grinned. "Sure, Ino-chicken, sure." A couple of the other girls began to make clucking sounds.

Ino's face darkened. There were two things she never allowed people to question. Her fashion sense and her courage. "Fine! I'll show you what a real kunoichi is." She headed to where the Whirlpool ninja was talking to the miniature Yondaime. Ino actually smiled. Maybe I can make a really good impression on him.


"Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked quietly. She was looking at the academy and other children nervously.

"Yes Hinata-chan?"

Looking into his clear blue eyes she found herself wishing she was more like him. He didn't have any weaknesses, she seemed to be nothing but. "Naruto-kun," she hesitated. She would never admit this to her father but she felt sure the Namikazes and Kurenai would not tell him. And she was desperate for some comfort. "Naruto-kun I'm scared." She immediately cast her eyes down. "I know that I shouldn't be but I am."

"It's o.k. Hinata-chan, I'm a little scared too."

Her eyes shot up and she stared at him not believing it. "You!"

He grinned. "Yeah me, but it's all right because even though we're shinobi we're still human too. Being brave isn't about not feeing fear it's about overcoming the fear to do what you have to."

She began pressing her fingers together nervously. "Wha… what if you're not strong enough to overcome the fear?"

Naruto reached out and took both her hands into his. "Hinata-chan, I'm sure you have all the strength you need to meet any challenge. I believe in you."

Those were the kindest words she'd heard since her mother had passed. And they meant much more to her than Naruto would ever guess. "Naruto-kun I fe… feel…" I feel courage when I look at you. She swallowed; she wasn't quite that brave… yet. "I feel strong enough now, arigato."

Kushina smiled. "My Naruto-kun you've grown very wise! Maybe we shouldn't even bother with the academy after all. Maybe we should just give you the graduation test right now."

He looked at her excitedly. "If I pass it will you give me a katana?"



They all turned to look at a young blonde girl in a purple dress and leg wrappings. "Hello." Kushina answered.

The girl immediately bowed to her. "I am Yamanaka Ino. This is my first day at the academy. I am hoping to make some new friends." She sent Naruto a huge smile. Hinata got the feeling that Ino didn't even see her. Ino looked at Kushina and spoke carefully as though she were treading a mine field. "Am I mistaken in believing that you are Namikaze Kushina? And that this is your very handsome son?"

Kushina gave the girl a slight nod. She didn't miss the way she was eying her son or the nervous way Hinata was pressing her index fingers together. Kushina let out a small sigh. Well I wanted him to interact with his peers. He was bound to meet a girl besides Hinata sometime. I didn't expect the very first one to be quite so… friendly. "I am Kushina and this is my son Naruto, Hyuga Hinata, and Yuha Kurenai. I am pleased to meet you Ino."

She offered Kushina another bow. "I am greatly honored to meet you Kushina-san." She turned her full attention to Naruto. "I am also very happy to meet you Naruto-kun."

Kushina raised an eyebrow. Very friendly.

Hinata stood there and simply pressed her index fingers together even more nervously. Kun? She's just met him and she is already calling him Naruto-kun She's very pretty and very sure of herself, not like me.

Naruto gave her a very wary smile and a slight bow. He wasn't sure what to make of her but he didn't want to offend anyone on the first day. "I am very happy to meet you as well Ino."

She laughed and put a hand on his arm. "Oh please call me Ino-chan!" She gave Hinata a quick glance. "And is this your friend?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes Hinata-chan is my very best friend."

Ino turned her full attention on Hinata now. She was still smiling, but the smile was not the same one she had given Kushina or Naruto. This one had something a bit predatory in it. "Oh Hinata-chan I hope we can be friends too! It's so sweet that Naruto-kun thinks of you as his best friend. Most boys aren't comfortable having girls as just friends. It's nice that Naruto doesn't have trouble seeing you that way. Well I have to get to class I'll see you inside." She reached out and touched his arm again. "Bye Naruto-kun." As she walked away she put just a little bit of sway in her hips.

Hinata looked down at the ground. In about half a minute that girl had managed to make her feel completely ugly and plain. She obviously wasn't someone Naruto-kun would ever choose to be with.

"Weird." Naruto said. Without a thought he grabbed Hinata's hand and began leading her to the academy entrance. "Come on Hinata-chan we don't want to be late." He was looking at the academy so completely missed the look of relief on Hinata's face.

Kushina watched the two of them go with a shake of the head. It suddenly occurred to her that of all the lessons she had given her son on history, ethics, math, taijustu, weapons, chakra control, and other subjects she hadn't spoken to him even once about girls and how to deal with them. She shook her head not believing she had completely forgotten something so vital. Great I've sent him into battle completely unarmed. Well if he survives today I'll start explaining about girls tonight. After all they're at least as dangerous to him as assassins


"Wow! I can't believe you actually talked to her Ino! What did she say?" Dellona was pulling on her pig tails excitedly.

"Forget her! What did he say, the Yondaime's son?" Another girl asked.

"Oh, you mean Naruto-kun?" She said indifferently.

"Naruto-kun! You actually called him that!" Dellona practically screamed.

"I sure did." Ino sounded as though it were the least important thing in the world. "Let's get to class, I'll tell you all about talking to Naruto-kun in there."

"Hey Ino-pig! Don't think I didn't see what you did! You were flirting with him! How dare you do that to Sasuke-kun!"

Ino sent Sakura a self satisfied little smile. "Sasuke who?"