
Naruto: A Mother's Love [HIATUS]

Uzumaki Kushina survived her son's birth and the Kyuubi's attack. Now she must do everything in her power to protect him and help him reach his dream, to be Hokage. Pairing: NaruXHinaXYugito Note: This Fanfiction is set in AU (Alternate Universe). ————— Follow my Reading List ----------> [My Fanfiction]

Leviackermann · Anime & Comics
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Sarutobi's retirement and Tsunade's replacement of him was announced early in November to general celebration. As Sarutobi had expected the Council approved the nomination without a mummer. On New Year's Day Tsunade became the fifth Hokage. Kushina had graciously agreed to allow her friend to have the job on the side. She and Naruto had both stood there beside her on top of the Tower as all Konoha cheered their new Hokage. As he stood there Naruto had closed his eyes and pretended, for just a moment, that they were all cheering for him.


In January it finally happened. Hinata beat Sasuke in a spar and rose to be number two in the class standings. People were also beginning to notice her ability with medical jutsus and talk about her as the next Tsunade. She made a medicinal cream she shared with all her classmates (including Sasuke) which worked wonders on any cuts or bruises. Hinata was coming into her own as a powerful medic nin who was also an excellent combat specialist. People began to say that she would make a perfect partner for Naruto who was also a close combat specialist. Sasuke did not miss the talk.

One evening in January he was at a dinner with his mother Mikoto and his uncle Riyuki. Everyone acknowledged Sasuke as both a genius and heir to the clan. Until he turned 16 though Mikoto was the clan head. Technically she was, but many of the clan members felt she was too kind and too soft to be in charge of the Uchihas. However most did not want to offend Sasuke by removing her. The solution had been to have Fugaku's younger brother help and advise his sister in law. In title Mikoto was clan head, but in fact Riyuki held greater sway and his, 'advice' was usually followed. Sasuke understood the reality and was not bothered by it. He loved his mother dearly, but she was not ninja. She was too kind hearted and too gentle to deal with the harsh realities of ninja and Uchiha life. He would never, ever admit this; but a part of him was jealous that his mother was not more like Kushina. A woman who was loving and tender to her son and viciously lethal to any who threatened him.

"I need help with something." Sasuke said casually as he, his mother, and his uncle ate.

"What is it dear?" Mikoto asked.

"I would like Uchiha Ichala to begin giving Haruno Sakura lessons in medical jutsus."

"Oh really?" Riyuki frowned and took a sip of tea. "You expect me to just order her to take an apprentice? And one who is not even of Uchiha blood?" Riyuki shook his head. "Such things are not done."

"Son why do you want Sakura to learn medical jutsus? Has she asked you for help?" Mikoto asked.

Sasuke shook his head. "She's not very powerful but she has excellent chakra control. If she's going to be my partner I need her to be as strong and effective as possible. For someone of her abilities being a medic nin is obviously the best choice. Ichala is the only medic nin in our clan. It would help me if she would give Sakura some instruction." Sasuke tried to smile. "She has learned from Tsunade. So if she teaches Sakura it will be a little like she studied under Tsunade, though at second hand."

Riyuki smiled and took another sip of tea. "Which is not nearly as good as learning at first hand as Hyuga Hinata has done." Riyuki saw the tiny flash of feeling in his nephews eyes at the mention of Hinata's name.

"Naruto will end up with her on his team, I'm sure of it. So he will have a powerful medic nin to heal him and help protect him. I want the same kind of support."

"Dear, does Sakura want to be a medic nin?" His mother asked.

Sasuke shrugged. "No but once I've talked to her she will." He sounded very sure.

Riyuki sighed. "I will tell Ichala what you ask and leave the decision to her. I will not order her to take on an apprentice."

"Thank you uncle." If she didn't agree Sasuke would talk to her himself, he was sure he could win her over.

Mikoto looked at her son unhappily. "Sasuke, do you love this girl?"

He looked at his mother in surprise. "What?"

"What are your feelings towards this girl?"

"I know I can count on her and that she can help me reach my goals. I think she will make a good partner for me." He said simply.

"So you have no feelings for her at all?"

He shrugged. "I've actually started to like her a bit and I trust her to do as I say."

"But you have no romantic feelings for her whatsoever?" His mother said sadly. "Sasuke I have seen the look in her eyes when she is with you. The girl is in love with you."

"I know." He replied coolly. "That is why I can trust her."

His mother stood up from the table, suddenly no longer hungry. "My son you are becoming like your brother."

He looked at her in outrage as if she had just slapped him. "I'm nothing like him!"

"Are you sure?" Mikoto spoke with rare anger and quickly left the dining room.

Sasuke and Riyuki sat there in silence for a moment. "Don't be upset with your mother Sasuke." Riyuki said quietly. "She is a kind and good woman and she loves you. But she is not ninja and we cannot expect to understand all the truths of ninja life."

Sasuke nodded and decided to let his hurt feelings go. His mother was no Kushina, but he loved her and would not blame her for not understanding.


The ANBU captain connected with a hard punch to his opponent's jaw sending him to the ground.

"All right Naruto, how about we call it a day?" Kakashi tried not to sound winded. Wishing for once that Naruto would want to do something other than spar whenever he came over.

"Aw come on niisan." He was quickly back on his feet. "Just one more time, please?"

Kakashi shook his head and pulled off his dog mask. "The last three spars have been, 'just one more time.' Take pity on your big brother. Not all of us have your energy."

"Fine." The two of them began heading back inside. "Niisan will you be getting a team again this year?"

Kakashi looked at him and sighed, he knew where this was going. "I've had one each of the last five so I imagine I'll get one this years too. And before you ask I don't know what the assignments will be."

Naruto gave him a huge smile. "Wouldn't it be great though if you were my sensei?"

Kakashi smiled. "I would like that Naruto. I would like to try and be for you the same sort of teacher and role model your father was for me. Of course you'd have to pass my test first."

"Oh don't worry! Me and my team will definitely pass!" Naruto spoke with total confidence.

"Oh really?" Kakashi smirked. "How can you be so sure when you don't even know who will be on your team?"

"I know all the strengths and weaknesses of all my classmates. Whoever my teammates are I'll lead us to victory!" His smile slipped a bit. "So long as I'm not stuck with that bastard Sasuke."

Kakashi sighed. "You know Naruto, not all the Uchihas come with horns and a tail."

"You've told me about Obito. I've told you about Fugaku, Itachi and Sasuke. So far none of the Uchihas I've met have been heroes." He shrugged. "If I meet one who convinces me otherwise I'll change my opinion. Until then I'm not trusting any of them."

"Guilty until proven innocent eh?"

"Guilty until proven they're not all out to kill me." He frowned. "I mean how can you ask me to trust such a deceitful bunch? Fugaku supposedly died while traveling in Bear country and Itachi isn't even listed in the Bingo book as a missing nin. The only reason I know the truth is because my mom is on the Council. Why are the Uchihas allowed to just bury the truth?"

Kakashi shrugged. "They're ninjas and as such understand the power information has. Anyway I'm sure you wouldn't begrudge them a few secrets now would you?"

Naruto gave him a sour look. "You know the way you defend them people would think that the clan liked you. Why do you stand up for them when they all try and pretend you don't exist?"

"I owe it to Obito's memory. Besides, it's just a little petty jealousy that a non Uchiha has managed to copy more than a thousand jutsus. So far as I know none of them have gained even half that many."

"Well whose fault is that?" Naruto sounded down right offended. "They should look to you as an example of what they can accomplish with some hard work. But instead they're just jealous of you."

Kakashi sighed. "Even if some of them are jealous that's not the same as having all of them out to get you."

"I never said they were out to get you Kakashi niisan." He shook his head. "Let's stop talking about the Uchiha clan. It's leaving a bad taste in my mouth."


Sakura was staring up at a frowning dark haired woman wearing a Chunin vest. "So you are Sakura?"

"Hai." She said in a small voice.

The woman's frown deepened. "I can tell just by looking at you that you're weak." She reached out and actually took a hold of one of her arms. "No muscle tone at all! How do you expect to survive on the battle field? With looks and wit? Do you think some Sand nin will decide not to lop off that pretty little head of yours because he thinks you're cute?"

She began to feel very scared. "Uhm, no."

"No what?!" The woman said angrily.

"No sensei!"

The woman nodded slightly mollified. But the frown hadn't left; Sakura was beginning to wonder if it ever would. "My name is Uchiha Ichala and from this point on you will address me as Ichala-sensei, do you understand me cherry blossom girl?"

"Yes Ichala-sensei!"

She nodded. "Let me explain something to you right off the bat. I… don't… like… you." Each word was punctuated by a finger poking into her huge forehead. "I never wanted an apprentice, and if I ever had I'd have looked for a student from my own clan. I agreed to take on this burden as a favor to Sasuke. As such I really don't care about your feelings or whether or not you hate me. In fact I can pretty much guarantee that you're going to hate me. But if you do what I say you will become a strong and capable kunoichi and medic nin. Maybe you'll even live long enough to be of some help to Sasuke. From now on whenever I am in Konoha you will come here after class for three hours of physical and medical training. I won't just be teaching you jutsus. It's obvious you need to build up your physical strength and chakra capacity as well. I also wouldn't be shocked if your taijutsu was mediocre. For at least the next couple years I will be training you."

"Years?" Sakura said weakly.

Ichala leaned her face down into Sakura's. "What was that?!"

"I mean, uhm, years sensei!" Sakura answered in a panic.

"That's right! I expect to have the joy of your company cherry blossom for at least the next couple of years."

"But Ichala-sensei I will be graduating come May!"

"I know that." Ichala's tone was icy and her look clearly said she thought Sakura an idiot. "Even after you have been placed on a Genin team I will expect you to still come here for additional training. Now let's start building up some stamina into that weak body of yours with ten laps around the Uchiha compound! Run maggot!"

Sakura ran and Ichala stayed right behind screaming at her to run harder. Sakura tried not to cry and reminded herself that this was so she could be stronger and better help Sasuke.


The last semester passed quickly. Hinata solidified her position as number two within her class. About halfway through she finally managed to finish a full ten hour work out. This in turn made Kiba even more determined to work hard. He eventually got up to eight hours. Near the end of the semester Sakura began to noticeably improve her taijutsu and stamina. She even demonstrated a couple basic medical jutsus, though her skill did not compare to Hinata's. Before they knew it the last official day of class began. One by one they were given the exam. They all passed of course. The exam was really just a formality. Only a very weak ninja would fail it.

Iruka stood proudly looking at thirty smiling faces. All of them had put on their new hitai-ites. "When we began four long years ago there were fifty of you. Now thirty of you remain. I have no doubt that each and every one of you will go on to have a fine career and make Konoha and your families proud. I want you all to know that I am proud of all of you who have endured and reached this day. I am honored to call myself your sensei and want you all to know that should you ever need advice or help my door is always open. You are all ninjas now and you are all adults. But as ninjas you are the lowest of the low. Please keep in mind that as such you will need to continue to work hard and pay attention to your new sensei. Please report back here tomorrow to be assigned to your new teams and to your senseis. Oh and just one more thing." With a smile he began to walk up the steps between the desks. All the students looked at him wondering what was going on. He approached Shikamaru who was taking his usual nap. With a grin Iruka leaned down and put his mouth right next to the boy's ear. "SHIKAMARU!

"Gah!" The boy shouted and dropped out of his seat. The entire class burst into laughter.


"Man what a drag, I can't believe Iruka-sensei pulled such a lame stunt."

Kiba laughed. "Hah! I can't believe I never thought of it."

"You know Shika whoever your sensei is he won't let you get away with doing nothing all the time." Naruto said. "You're going to actually have to put in some effort."

"Don't remind me." Shikamaru grumbled.

"Shikamaru-kun I am sure whoever your sensei is that things will be all right." Hinata said with certainty.

As they approached the door Ino and some of her posse got in front of it to block them and the entire class from exiting. "Hey everyone! I'm announcing a graduation party at my house tonight! All of you are welcome! There'll be food, drink, music, and fun!" She smiled at Naruto. "Will you come Naruto-kun?"

He looked to Hinata. "Want to go Hinata-chan?"

She nodded. "Sure Naruto-kun, Ino's parties are always fun."

"Count us in then." Naruto said with a smile.

"Great! I'll see you all there." She smiled brightly and led the class out.


"I am very proud of you Naruto-kun." She hugged her son tight. "From this day forward you are a Leaf ninja and an adult." She tightened her hug a bit. "But please never forget that you will also always be my little Naruto-kun."

He smiled. "I understand mom, but please don't call that except when we're alone."

"No promises." She laughed at his unhappy expression. "Now I have a graduation gift for you."

"Is it a katana?" He asked eagerly.

She smiled. "Yes."

"What?!" He leapt about two feet into the air.

Kushina opened a cabinet and produced a sword in its scabbard. She held it out to him. "Congratulations my son. You are now shinobi and ready to carry a katana with you."

"Thanks mom!" He enthusiastically took the sword from her and pulled it out to get a look at it. He smiled. It was perfect! It was exactly like hers. That small curve in the blade, the way the metal just shined, and those perfect razor sharp edges!

"Now remember son, a katana is not just a weapon it is a part of you. You must name it and give it just a little bit of your soul."

"I know mom!" He was so excited. Something suddenly occurred to him. "Hey mom you know I never asked you. What do you call yours?"

She smiled and took her sword out. "I call mine Homeward. I always believed that no matter how much trouble I was in it would always help me find my way home again. Have you chosen a name for yours?"

He nodded and placed his left hand over the blade. "You are Defender, because you will help be to defend and protect all the people of this village." He let the sword cut into his palm. "Taste of me and know me, for you are part of me now."

Kushina nodded, proud and sad at the same time. "Well son I have to go somewhere but I'll be back before you leave for your party."

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, I just have to take care of a little something."


Ino rubbed her hands together eagerly. "This is the night! Tonight I'm getting Naruto's very first kiss!"

"Oh give it up Ino!" Sakura said. "I mean the way those two are he must have already kissed her." Sakura said.

"Nope!" Ino replied with conviction. "Hinata admitted over lunch that they've never kissed.

"But even if that's true what makes you think tonight will be any different?" Dellona asked. "I mean you've had four years and nothing! What makes you think tonight will be special?"

Ino grinned. "I have a secret weapon! My folks just got in some of these." Excitedly she pulled out a small jar with a flower with white and red leaves.

"Oh! Is that a Vermala?" Sakura asked.

Ino nodded happily. "It sure is! The red leaves symbolize love and the white ones mean purity. This flower is a symbol of pure love!"

"And any girl can kiss any boy who stands underneath one!" Dellona said.

"Exactly!" Ino cooed. "All I have to do is get him to stand underneath it and he'll have to kiss me. And I just know once he kisses me he'll realize how much he loves me."

Sakura looked at the little plant and wondered if there was any way she could maneuver Sasuke underneath it. "There's one small problem with your plan though. Do you really think Hinata is just going to stand there and let you kiss him?"

Ino's grin turned evil. "Well that's where you girls come in. Let me explain my plan and how we can make operation, 'get Naruto's first kiss' a success. To begin with…"


Iruka sighed. He should have known that this is what it would be about. He had actually thought that when the Hokage summoned him to her office it might have been to discuss a new assignment. But no, it was all about…

"Now I want to assure you Iruka that this has nothing to do with the team assignments." The Hokage said to him with a smile. "You are afterall the instructor and that decision is fully in your hands. I would never order you to do something you did not wish to." She assured him.

"However we are a bit curious as to where you will be placing our children." Kushina said in a light tone.

"Indeed," Hiashi said.

"Well my intention was to place Naruto on a team with Dellona and Kiba." He frowned a bit. "By all rights Shikamaru should be on that team as he was the weakest student and Naruto the best. But the heads of the Nara, Yamanka, and Akimichi clans were all insistent that their children serve on the same squad. Hinata will be on a squad with Loram and Ronto."

"I see." Tsunade said flatly.

"Interesting choices." Hiashi said neutrally.

Kushina nodded. "Yes very interesting. Have you considered however that given Naruto and Hinata's lifelong friendship and special relationship that they might excel were they allowed to work together?"

"Indeed." Hiashi said. "Hinata has grown strong since working beside Naruto. I see no reason to believe she would not continue to do so for as long as they were partnered."

"I recognize how strong their bond is." Iruka stated. "But given that Hinata is second in the class I thought she should be on a separate team. Putting her on a squad with Naruto would overbalance them."

Kushina smiled. "Too much of a good thing huh?"

"Well I certainly find no fault with your logic Iruka." The Hokage spoke with a polite and pleasant tone. "But I think you will agree that there are times when exceptions should be made."

"Were you willing to see your way clear in this case the Hyuga clan would be in your debt." Hiashi said plainly.

"Namikaze already considers you a friend." Kushina said cheerfully. "If you could just grant us this tiny favor we would consider you an even better friend!"

Well they're at least polite about it, which is better than the Uchiha clan. And they aren't as annoying begging like the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi. Like most times in Konoha the clans held the real power. Iruka supposed he should be glad he was at least allowed to do as he saw fit with most of the students. "I understand." He said simply and nodded.

"Wonderful!" Tsunade said.

"I thank you." Hiashi said

"Great!" Kushina replied. "Oh, and by the way we'd like Kakashi to be their sensei."

Iruka sighed and nodded. He decided not to bother telling them Kakashi was always slated to be Naruto's sensei.

Thank you for reading...

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