
Naruto : A Magic Warrior

After losing both of his parents and his powers, Naruto was trained by one of the four largest magic clans in the Kingdom of Konoha, the Hyuuga clan. And in order to uncover the truth about what happened to his family, he is determined to become someone who can hold the magical world in his hands.

The_Plagirist · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter no.7

"Naruto, have you reached the end of your training?" Inquire with somebody, someplace, about where I was going when I suddenly found myself in Hyuuga's residential yard.

"Who should I speak with?" Who exactly is unknown to me.

The voice was no longer there, but the person who had questioned me materialised out of nowhere right in front of me.

How are you doing? My attention was gradually drawn to the question.

"Uhm... I don't think it's such a good idea because I have to fight someone who doesn't want to take care of you two weeks from now... yourself?" My question back.

"I am so too. It makes no difference to me if I have to end that person's life. That is to say, in approximately two weeks I will be caught up." It is the answer.

I have just listened to a speech that basically served as a warning, stating that if I didn't retreat, I would suffer as the fight continued. After struggling this far and coming across Kurama, I am sorry to say that I will not retreat.

"I'm not going to go back, Neji." I said sure.

He did not provide a response to what I had to say. Because neither of us actually intended to fight each other unless it was a decision made by the Hyuuga clan, he was too preoccupied with the idea that if he threatened me, I would run away because neither of us actually intended to fight each other in the first place.

"And the same goes for me, Naruto." The response is ice cold.

We both look at each other with our eyes meeting. It's kind of like saying hello before the game starts. When I saw him that night, his eyes were completely frozen, and he had absolutely no doubts about what the clan had told him. In the event that we engage in combat, I will not run away from him.

"I am not going to fail!" We simultaneously addressed one another by saying.....

This is not something that he does regularly. Because I am aware that he frequently followed Hiashi-sama to go to some kind of gathering just to talk and meet the magic clan clan as a future representative of the Hyuuga clan, I thought it had been a considerable amount of time since we had last spoken. A gathering of this kind does not pique my interest. To be honest, all I could do was sit there, sip some tea, and listen to the conversations that the parents were having. Despite this, whenever their conversation has already started to head in a more serious direction, such as the current political state of the Konoha Kingdom or the magic magic that is currently being developed, I become very interested in hearing it. I would even sacrifice my opportunity to get some sleep in order to stay up and listen to that conversation.

Back to my previous problem. At that point, I had seen him again after a few weeks of not seeing him, and I believe that his ability had also improved since the time that we had our most recent fighting exercise together, despite the fact that the defeat was on my side of the ring. As of right now, Per's level of power has progressed all the way up to the Practioner level. And with that level, at the very least according to what I was able to judge and what he should have done, he could have been admitted to the Grand Konoha Academy. Even according to my assessment, there is no other child of his age who can compete with him in the eastern territory of the Kingdom of Konoha. Since his age and mine are not that far apart, it does not make a difference to me if he is one of the soldiers who attends Konoha's Academy with me.

I was making my way towards my room in the house that belonged to Hiashi-sama in Hyuuga. The Hyuuga clan has a large territory that serves as their home, and the Hyuuga residence is like an extension of that territory. When I first saw the residence of Hyuiga when Hiashi-sama brought me here, I wasn't overly surprised because, of course, they were the most respected clan in the eastern territory of the Hyuuga Kingdom. As a result, I knew exactly what to expect.

"Do you have any concerns about anything in particular?"

That being said... I'm nervous about getting into a fight with Neji in two weeks. I responded to a voice that seemed to have no idea where it had come from.

I just became aware that there was an odd sound emanating from some location, but even though it was far away, I was still able to hear it very clearly without any obstruction. At first, I assumed that it was just my delicacy; however, I forgot that now I could talk to the strange spirit that dwelt in my body, and he confessed that he was some kind of Tailed Beast!? I was shocked.

"Are you talking, Kurama?" I asked him in my head without actually opening my mouth to speak to him about it.

Can't you just surprise me once in a while? This is... "Who else is there, boy." That surprised me quite. In my opinion, "I did respond.

I believe that we were both communicating through telepathy. From what I understood, the Yamanaka clan, which resided in the kingdom's central region, was the only one in Konoha with the capacity to telepathically communicate with others. This demonstrates that Kurama does indeed inhabit my body and merges with me to form a single entity. Umm, I'm not sure that I'd go with the phrase "being one;" perhaps a more accurate description would be joining me.

"Would it be possible for you to leave my physical form and speak to me in a way that makes it seem as though I'm having a conversation with another person as opposed to my mind?" When I first entered my room, I questioned who I was, and when I answered that question, I was actually referring to the Kurama that lived inside of me.

After Kurama had taken up residence in my body, I found it difficult to concentrate on other tasks because he was constantly observing my every move, even when I was in the lavatory. When he is in my body and is aware of everything that I do on a daily basis, it is an extremely unsettling experience. But when he was there with me, not only did I feel extremely calm, but he also assisted me in my practise; the only time I found myself feeling distracted was when he did so. As a result, I requested that he leave my body in spirit whenever I was in the lavatory or whenever there was an event with circumstances that were comparable to those conditions.

"Do you long for my very essence?" My body spontaneously emitted the question.

"Not only that... To tell you the truth, I find your character to be a little bit repugnant." Respond to me with the same repulsive look you gave Kurama earlier.

Is there something odd about the way my face looks to you? Or does my body not smell?" Inquire Kurama as he passionately kisses his own body.

Personally, I was perplexed as to why he paid such close attention to his physical appearance despite the fact that he was a spirit and could only be seen by his master, who was none other than myself. Second, why does he kiss his own body and worry about the smell of his body when in reality he does not have a whole being and only has a spiritual body at the moment? I don't understand why he would do either of these things.

"You forgot... You are a spirit." I said lazy.

After a moment of reflection, she pulled away from kissing her body and thought, "That's true too..." Please respond to Relax.

I gave myself a shoulder shrug. From now on, I have the distinct impression that I will spend the rest of my life, up until the day I die, entombed together with a peculiar spirit. To reiterate, it's not that bad. Only at certain points in time did he make me feel distracted, but other than that, he was instrumental in helping me regain my success.

"Is it accurate that I should address you as 'Master' and honour you in the same manner?" When I divert my attention elsewhere, I experience boredom.

The response that Kurama gave was, "Of course... I'm the one who teaches you Blaze Commandment later!"

I only just realised it now, but even just the name is quite different, so that should tell you something. What exactly is the difference between Fire Style and Blaze Commandment? " I just became aware of that fact. "Master..." I uttered those words almost against my will.

"Yes... "What exactly is going on, my pupil?" Make a request for pleasure.