
Naruto: A Legendary Path

Chad was a normal yakuza who liked to watch anime in his free time, taking joy in the bit of relief and comfort it provided him despite his hectic life. On a usual day for him, He was killed by his mission target and thrust into the bloody and cruel world of Naruto as an ordinary orphan. Well, as ordinary as an orphan with cheats could get. Watch as he takes the world by a storm and rises through the ranks of the strong with nothing more than sheer ingenuity and effort from him. As someone who knows what’s coming, he will pave his own path and live to survive to the end, even if he’ll have to leave a bloody trail behind. This…Is his Journey of strength and glory. ______________________________________ Yo. Hey guys, Author here. Just wanted to get a few things out first so that we’re all clear: •First of all, this story isn’t really mine but at the same time, it is. I’m using the story the original author already built as an outline or a guide to go about my story. I’m using his characters name, the characters cheats, the general plot of his story and a bit of the characters personality. Of course, all with permission. He’s given me full charge to continue the story however I want since he dropped it and unfortunately, couldn’t continue it. I was a regular reader of his story and despite the inconsistencies and flaws in the original story, I still thought the story had potential. Massive potential. The author just wasn’t able to bring it out due to several things surrounding his situation such as not being that proficient in English, leading to several mistakes occurring. He also wasn’t the best author out there so I guess that’s a reason as well. Anyways, basically, what I’m trying to say is that I have permission from the author to continue the story and due to that, I have made several changes and edits to the story. I’ve removed the several grammatical mistakes, making the story far more understandable and appealing than it previously was. I’ve also added several other things to make the story more engaging and better in general since the original story was way too fast paced and skipped a lot of things that could have been used to add more life to the story. When you combine all that, along with the fact that there were several mistakes every few sentences, then you have an average Fic. And I intend to correct that. So with all that addition and implementation from my part…Then technically, the Fic is also mine as well. No worries, if you ever manage to see the original Fic and compare it with this one I’ve just written, then you’ll understand why I say I can be considered an owner of this fic as well. The changes I’ve made might as well make it a different story from the original. Anyways, that’s it. The title of the original fic was titled, ‘Becoming the strongest in the Shinobi world’ by DarknessAuthor so shout out to him for giving me permission and allowing to continue the story. Some of y’all may have read the story before, so I’ll look forward to seeing y’all here and what you have to say about this. Also check out his new story. Heard it was gonna be a bleach story with a template system. Not a bad premise. Hope you have fun reading the story and I’ll be looking forward to your comments. See y’all there. _________________________________________ [DISCLAIMER: I don’t own anything regarding Naruto. It all belongs to it’s original creator.] [First time writing as well so please take it easy on me and offer constructive feedback. I would appreciate it. Thank you.]

The_Essence_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Pre-Grind

[Ōnoki POV]

'Ren. Currently six years old. Orphan. No known siblings and son of two deceased Kekkei Genkei wielders who had died fighting for the Village.' I thought as I recalled the information I had read about him before the exam.

'He has inherited his parents Kekkei Genkei and mastered it to a level where it can be used effectively in combat, as well as trained his other Shinobi skills to the level of a Chūnin, all at the mere age of six and in a timespan of less than a year.'

I could still feel the remnants of my previous shock coursing through my body, only to reignite at the memory of his battle with Kango.

A child, a mere child still wet behind the ears was capable of displaying a level of skill and power most wouldn't even reach after training for several years.

His mental faculties were also far beyond those of his age, exhibiting a sense of maturity, resolve and reasoning you would rarely ever find in children these days.

He embodies the philosophy of a Shinobi to the point that you would think he was born for the role itself.

He never once let down his guard completely even after the defeat of his opponent. There was always that bit of vigilance always present in his posture even when he was relaxed.

And his talent…

To learn Nature Transformation in less than a year…

And considering that topic isn't taught in the academy, it can only mean that he learned how to do it on his own without anybody teaching him at all…


No, there's still a chance that somebody had secretly taught him. I need to consider all the possibilities.

But who could have possibly taught him? And why? If there even is one in the first place.

'I need to send one of my Anbu's to investigate this matter.' I thought, rubbing my beard that was growing longer and longer by the day.

Good, it helps a lot more with my image.

Either way, it doesn't matter whether he has someone teaching him behind the scenes or not.

It doesn't dispute the fact that he's capable of using two Kekkei Genkei's properly and with skill.

That's a simultaneous activation of two Chakra Natures! All that at the mere age of six!! Just that has already ticked off one of the requirements to become a Jōnin of the Village.

I can't stress it enough but that too was done in the timespan of less than a year while less talented Shinobi's take several years. That achievement becomes even more remarkable if he is actually found to have no teacher.

Not to mention his numerous Chakra natures…

And tremendous Chakra reserves for his age…

"Buhahaha!!" I bursted out with a mad cackle, causing me to gain the attention of the two younglings around me, even causing Kango to visibly shiver.

Heh. I always knew I was a fearsome leader.

I eventually calmed myself down.

'There's no doubt about it. He's a prodigy never before seen in the entire history of the Village.'

The only individuals I can remember achieving a similar feat were those two monsters from Konoha.

Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha.

I couldn't help but feel a certain level of chill run down my spine at the thought of that monster, Madara.

Thankfully, he's six feet under the ground, rotting away like the corpse he is.

Just where he belongs. Hmph.

Anyways, with this level of potential and talent shown, I'll have to reevaluate his loyalty to the Village. We can't train him and help him grow stronger only to have him abandon the Village at its time of need.

That would be absolutely disastrous and label us as a laughing stock among the other Villages. We can't have that no matter what.

"Shu." I called out calmly, my deep voice echoing slightly in the surroundings, due to the slight use of chakra aiding it.

And almost immediately, he instantly appeared before me, already on a knee and bowing towards me.

"Yes, Lord Tsuchikage." He calmly responded, making sure to perform the basic etiquette required of all Shinobi's to their Kage.

Those who don't do it are usually frowned upon or looked down on by their peers and fellow Shinobi's.

There was no room for a Shinobi that couldn't even pay proper respects to their Leader.

Only children are exempted from this rule as it was in their nature to be rowdy and forgetful.

Hence, why Ren was never scolded by Shu for not paying proper respects to me. It was overlooked simply because he would learn as he grew older.

I'm also glad I didn't pressure him too much because of that. I can't have him building a negative opinion of me right now. I have to keep him as close as possible to the Village to instill loyalty and a sense of belonging.

Acting overbearing would do the exact opposite of that.

"Tell me everything you can about Ren during his time in the academy when we get back to the Tower. His attitude towards the Village, his reaction towards certain information, mindset, and general behavior. Everything you possibly have on him, no matter how little, I want to hear it all."

Shu remained silent for a second before responding quickly back to me, "Of course, Lord Tsuchikage. I will do my best."

I nodded at him as I glanced at the direction Ren left in, smirking slightly before turning around and heading back towards the Tsuchikage Tower.

'I have high expectations for you, Ren. I hope you won't disappoint me.'



'Well, here it is.'

Ren currently stood infront of a large gate made of stone, leading to the Training Ground he had chosen to be the recipient for the hard training he was about to execute on himself today.

Training Ground 01.

He gazed at the tall metallic fence surrounding the perimeter of the Training Ground, impeding other people, except Shinobi's from entering.

He smirked before walking through the gate unhindered, the guards unable to do anything the moment he flashed his new headband at them.

His eyes widened slightly at the sight of numerous tall mountains welcoming him, spread across the entire Training Ground as far as the eye could see.

Most of them sported cuts and holes in them that told tales of their years of abuse.

Unfortunately, Ren wasn't here to save them from their torture.

His smirk grew wider at this sight, feeling an unusual amount of expectation for his incoming training.

'Let the grind begin.'


Once again, sorry for the late update. I’ll try to do better.

The_Essence_creators' thoughts