
Naruto: A Different Reality

In a Naruto universe veiled by the ominous specter of an alternate past, the legendary rival of Hokage Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha makes a fateful decision. Instead of using izanagi to hide in the shadows, Uchiha Madara uses it a new lifeline against his battle with Hashirama Senju. Desperate to stop the Madara's madness, Hashirama seals his once-friend within the depths of a Shinigami seal but due to black zetsu's interruption something unimaginable happens. Black Zetsu, the cunning manipulator, who now has the bodies of two of the greatest shinobi of all time with all their secrets, orchestrates a plan that threatens to unravel the very fabric of reality. Even the combined might of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha may not be enough to thwart this impending catastrophe. The world stands on the precipice of ruin, its fate hanging by a fragile thread. Amidst this chaos emerges our protagonist, a figure from another realm, transmigrated into this desperate Naruto world. Possessing knowledge of the original Naruto World, they are tasked with a daunting mission—to rewrite destiny itself. As alliances shift like shadows and ancient evils stir, Ryouma Uchiha embarks on an odyssey through the heart of darkness. With the weight of a doomed world on their shoulders, they must navigate treacherous waters, forge unexpected alliances, and confront the deepest shadows of the shinobi world. Join Uchiha Ryouma on an epic journey where the boundaries between worlds blur and the line between friend and foe fades. Will they be the beacon of hope this fractured world needs, or will darkness claim all in its grasp? Prepare for an adventure where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the echoes of a new legend begin to resound.

DRAGONs_layer · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Death, Regret and Rebirth

I have always wanted to do something great with my life, do dedicate it for something greater. You could call it my childish wish influenced by protagonist of various anime I have seen over my life or a desperation of an orphan. I didn't want to leave the world as just another person, I wanted to be remembered forever.

I don't exactly want fame, just to be a part of something greater, to be remembered till the end of the time. One of the quotes I heard quite resonates with me.

"A man doesn't die when he is killed, he dies when he is forgotten."

So it was quite heartbreaking for me when I was lying in the battleground dying just as another soilder.

As an orphan I had not gained much knowledge, so to fuel my ambitions, I had joined army to help my country in the times of war. Completing the training with flying colours, I was sent to frontlines.

I gained practical experience there for a year or so, I was sent to another post to work under a new commander. The main motive of our battalion was to defend a key strategic location.

But after defending about a few months, a very bad news for us came. The defence lines were being shifted back, due to this the significance of our post increased and enemies not only from front but also from flank attacked us.

My ambitions still burned the same but I grew frustrated over my own physical limits. My mind was average, my body was good due to my intense training but it in itself can't fulfill my dream.

My mind often wondered back to the anime worlds where it was possible to grow achieve far beyond your potential.

As days went by, assault became more and more fierce. At last, the commander, who feared for his own life, sacrificed us to protect his hide.

'Bloody coward'

Straining my neck, I looked back to the place I was defending for last few months, the place which would become my grave. I had no hopes of being saved. I had seven bullets inside me and I believe one had broken my spine because I can't even move my fingers. My eyelids felt heavy as I drifted to eternal sleep, my heart filled with unwillingness and regret.


Meanwhile, in hospital a baby was being born. Mother had a expression of intense pain and was gritting her teeth as a female doctor and a nurse was working on her. As the time for birth came near, the pain of women increased. After a last scream, the baby was born.

Nurse cleaned the baby, who had his eyes closed and slapped his butt and the baby began to cry. The mother had loving expression on her still pale face as she saw the scene. Doctor took the baby from the nurse and she placed her hand over him. Her hand glowed green as she concentrated on him.

Doctor then handled the baby to the mother. Mother took it very carefully looked at his face lovingly. Baby had half closed eyes and was wrapped in a white clothes.

At that moment, the door opened and a handsome man with black hair and onxy black eyes entered. He looked as if he was in hurry due to his gait. He was wearing a dirty shinobi gear. The man's eyes brightened as he saw the baby and his mother. He began making his way towards her but was forced to halt as his collar was grabbed by the doctor. Doctor yanked the collar and soon the man was thrown out of the room and the door was closed on him.

Lady and the nurse was stunned a bit but remembering the reputation of the doctor, they nodded as if confirming something. The door was again yanked open again as the same man as before shouted with bit of red in his face.

"Hey Tsunade, what's the meaning of that?"

"Look at yourself, you look like you came out a sewer and smell like you live there. How can you even think of entering the room where a child is born. Leave now, or I will be treating you next, Ryu."

The man's face reddened at the insult but he knew she was right but still protested.

"Do I have lost the right to see my own child now. Hey Minami, Shizune say something to this she-gorrilla too."

Both the mentioned women stilled again as they saw another rumour concerning the doctor came true and now both of them are worried for the man.

The man who now realised what he has said took a careful step back as he saw the twitching brows of the doctor. He activated his sharingan and watched the women carefully and on his toes. Many would think he was overreacting but he knew his life was in danger right now and he needed to use every thing he got.

He ducked under the first punch which blew the doors and stepsided the next punch, then leaned his body backwards to dodge a roundhouse kick and jumped backwards to dodge the next upcoming punch.

The floor of the hospital unfortunately couldn't dodge the footwork of kunoichi/doctor and cracked.

The nurse behind her quickly came forward to stop her from destroying the building.

"Please stop Tsunade-sama, we are in third floor and their are patients being treated in lower floor. Not to mention destroying the hospital is itself as crime."

The man had to extra dumb to say these next words but he said it nonetheless.

"Yeah, listen to that Gorrilla Senju. Even if you don't have one, atleast pretend you have one or they are soon gonna put you inside a zo--"

As the man's words resounded the doctor's expression underwent a change as she just picked up and threw a chair at the man. Man who was in his own world was hit by it and lost conciousness.

The nurse was just reliefed that this was over and went to pick up the man and placed him in another room.

Doctor returned to the room where the lady was blushing at his own husband's sillyness.

But as soon as she saw Tsunade looking at her, she immediately lowered her head and apologized.

"I am sorry for my husband's rudeness. Please don't think much about it, I am not sure why he was so rude but I believe he didn't mean it."

The women herself was astonished at the man's behaviour, she had heard of such rumours concerning her husband but it was her first time seeing that. Her husband had a playful and mischievous side unlike his other clansmen. His sense of humor and love for goofing off are part of what makes him endearing to her. But it never went to calling names to others or being rude to others.

Tsunade sighed and said in weary tone.

"Don't worry about it, I would be more suprised if he suddenly stopped calling me that."

"Umm, could you please tell me why he calls you that, if it isn't a problem?"

"Hmm, well he was not like that in academy, we were even close friends back then. But your and my clan didn't approve of our friendship in name of rivalry. This was the method he choose to continue his friendship and not oppose the clan elders."

'So it's like that.' Minami Uchiha thought.

'Still the clan elders should do something about the stick that is stuck in their asses not get comfortable with it.'

Minami herself as a child of clan Uchiha had experienced just how stuck up clan elders are. She never liked being shinobi because being a shinobi had stolen her parents from her yet she was forced into being one. After that they forced her to keep up with their rising expectations. This broke her and she decided to quit it when she became 20. This has bought some disappointment from the clan but she endured it till it ended.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts she looked at Tsunade who was now being lectured by her assistant Shizune about not breaking things in hospital.

The same who was cowering with her when she was breaking things.

"So have you decided on a name yet?"

Tsunade cutoff Shizune just as she saw the opportunity. Shizune stopped lecturing as she sighed and looked at the baby.

Baby had his eyes open but unfocused as he wore a peculiar expression.

"Yes his name would be Uchiha Ryouma." Minami said with a joyful and soft voice.


Meanwhile with the baby:

'Who the fuck slapped my butt, wait I have one. No, obviously I have one but how can I sense it. Did I live? Why is my mind feel so hazy and why does it feels like I am being carried around.

I don't feel any pain so maybe I was treated when in coma or something.'


'I try to open my eyes but they feel blurry the noises feel blurry, even the noises from blasts or something. Wait the fuck, who is blasting something in a hospital.'


'I feel sleepy, why, I don't know. I believe I am hallucinating because the blurry people near me feels too big or are they even human, not like I can see them clearly. My motor nerves are shit because I can't move anything other than my middle finger.'

I try showing them middle finger to gain their reactions, they don't react.

'I should feel worried, no? Maybe but I feel sleepy for sure. Well sleep is important, so, goodnight.'

(A/N: Obviously there would be changes. This is au, which is changed from its core.

There would be various other changes too.

Did you liked the father's personality,?

And what is title abbreviation?
