
Naruto: A Different Power

Born in Ninja World and granted the power of Ope Ope no Fruit, Kawano Naoki tries to utilise it's power every way possible to reach the apex and live freely. AN:- It is a non harem book. chapters ahead on my P@treon.com/Yuki7145

Sato_Yuki_4787 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

4 Troublemaker Jiraiya

Ninja Academy.

In the library,

The library was quite deserted at the moment, only one kid present, sitting on a chair, a book about human anatomy resting on the table in front of him.


Only the sound of one page after another turned was heard from time to time, the black eyes of the kid locked on the book.


Though at this moment the sound of footsteps spread in the quiet library, Naoki despite hearing the sound not caring much, he wasn't the only one allowed in the library after all.


The footsteps approached Naoki, eventually a shadow hovering over him, a bang heard in the library next moment.

"Hmm... what's the matter?"

A small white fist landed on the table in front of Naoki, breaking his focus from the book, with a somewhat annoyed look, raising his head and questioning, eyes on the blonde girl standing before him.

"What acting skills, not even a single flaw" Said Tsunade inwardly, she was angry at his prank, but his ability to act innocent really surprised her.

But she wasn't here to evaluate his acting skills, as in response to Naoki's confused gaze, holding her anger back, she brought out the squash paper ball.

"Do you understand now why I'm here?"

Said Tsunade with a grim look on her face, hands clenched into fists, her tone strong and full of danger.

"Oh...I don't know where Jiraiya is... though knowing him... he'll probably be there where most girls are"

Giving the paper ball and Tsunade each one look, Naoki immediately understood why she was here, earlier Jiraiya's prank didn't escape his senses, though it didn't affect him so he ignored it.

Now seeing the angry Tsunade with the same paper ball, he concluded that probably she had confused him as a close friend of Jiraiya as they were sitting together and was now asking him about Jiraiya, the culprit's whereabouts.

Telling what he knew, Naoki once again focused on the book, eyes full of interest on the book.



But at this moment, the sound of strong wind approaching fell in the ears of Naoki, his danger instinct kicking in.


Like a second thought, Naoki flexibly leaned back on the chair, his right foot using the table in front as a platform, the whole person doing a backflip, next second a small white fist landing on the chair where he just sat.


With a boom, the chair broke immediately, rubble flying everywhere, cracks appearing on the wooden floor as well.

"Are you in your right mind?"

At some distance from the broken chair, stood the unharmed Naoki, questioning Tsunade, looking at her like he was looking at a lunatic, a frown on his face.

He clearly told her about the culprit, so that she leaves quickly and doesn't disturb his studies anymore, but he never expected a punch out of nowhere.

"Hehehe...you are really good at acting, let's see how long can you keep this act"

The anger of little Tsunade increased at his words, laughing menacingly she shared what she had in her mind.

Words fell as once again Tsunade raised her fists, Naoki before her becoming alert, a mad look on the face of the former.

"Woo!!! Is that Lord Third?"

"He looks so strong!!!"

But just when Tsunade was about to lung at Naoki, excited voices came from outside the library, in the corridor kids running, everyone rushing towards the playground to see Lord Hokage.

"Hey form a line, be disciplined and give Lord Third a good impression"

The voice of teachers guiding the kids could also be heard from the outside.

"Hmph! Count yourself lucky today but it's not over yet, not till you apologize at least"

Said Tsunade in a haughty manner to Naoki, her face kinda red from embarrassment as well, the words on the paper ball still in her mind.

Finishing her words, Tsunade turned around and walked outside the library, leaving a somewhat speechless Naoki behind, still confused at what just had happened.


But at this moment, Naoki spotted the paper ball beside the broken chair, probably fell when Tsunade had attacked him.

Though what piqued his interest more was some words on the edges, Naoki stepping forward to pick it up and open it.

"Hmm...no wonder...a simple yet effective trick against 6 year old brats, that Jiraiya is truly a trouble maker"

Saying that, Naoki sighed and kinda regretted sitting next to Jiraiya today, bringing him unwanted trouble.

The mess created by Tsunade in the library made it impossible for Naoki to stay anymore for today, he didn't want to be fined for property damage, so with nothing much to do, he also arrived at the playground, where everyone was gathered for Third Hokage.