
Hiraishin! Part-1

{Valley of Hell, Land of Hot Springs}

{11:17 PM, 7 May 78 Yrs}

[Day 103: Danzo was waiting for you in his office, he waited for you to speak as you briefly explained your predicament, except for the scroll containing the basic theory of space-time fuinjutsu there was no reference material in the library that could allow you to create a barrier that could stop a space-time Ninjutsu. Danzo gave it some thought before he stood up and walked towards the wall right behind his chair, he went through several hand signs as the fake wall behind his chair slid aside. You stayed put for some time and after a minute Danzo came back outside, he was carrying three scrolls with him. "These are the notes of Nidaime Hokage when he created the Hiraishin, these contain all his knowledge on the space-time Ninjutsu. This one contains his personalized formulae for the Hiraishin. Memorize these scrolls before leaving, the scrolls are not going to leave this room."]


'The Hairaisin...'

Hiroshi nearly salivated at just the thought of holding one of the most broken jutsu in the Elemental Nations, just by having this jutsu the 4th Hokage was able to contend with even the most cheat-like bloodlines.

Hiroshi didn't know if he could even learn it, but just having the option seemed like a luxury.


[Day 103: You immediately take a seat in the corner and started going through the notes. Above all else, Tobirama was a genius inventor, and his notes were meticulously arranged, you started by reading through the 3 components that make up the Hiraishin. To better explain the process behind the space-time ninjutsu was that the seal creates a passage through space around two of the seal's components before interchanging the two stabilized spaces with each other. You were not able to understand several concepts of space and several components of the seal matrix were foreign to you, even still you quickly memorized every bit of the seal you could. After memorizing the three components of the seal you turned your attention to the finished seal matrix that Tobirama used. It was a compressed seal but now that you know {Seal Compression} you were able to undo the seal compression and look at the finished formulae.]


'There are still some concepts of space that are different from the blood contract seals... I need to ask Danzo for access to a summoning contract, all the contract seals that I have learned in the simulation till now probably involve summoning of non-organic items that's why the seals were different.'


[Day 103: After memorizing the seal you resealed the scrolls and place them in front of Danzo-sama, he dismissed you but you shook your head and spoke, "There were a couple of elements of the seal that I was not able to understand as I have never come across them before. While for any other seal, I could have figured out some way to work around not knowing one or two elements because of substitutions, the Hiraishin is a chakra-locked summoning instead of the blood-based summoning that normally everyone uses, which means I would have to adapt almost every component of the seal according to how it behaves in conjugation with my chakra, and not knowing even a small part makes everything unusable." After you finish explaining everything Danzo hesitated for a bit before he spoke, "Come back in 3 days, I'll make the arrangements." You bow your head as you went back to your house.]

'Please tell me I would be able to learn the Hiraishin...' Hiroshi pleaded as he focused on the simulation urging it to move faster.

If it was any jutsu above B grade then Hiroshi wouldn't have any thoughts, but Fuinjutsu was different, as long as he was able to understand the seal matrix he was sure he would be able to adjust the seal according to his chakra if given enough time.

'Maybe Gaara's kill switch would even come in clutch when I need more time in the end...'

At first, Hiroshi was even tempted to try and put himself into dangerous situations to try to force himself to lose a few stats in physique but now all those thoughts were gone from his mind.


[Day 104: You wake up in your room once again after going through your morning routine you went back to Training Ground 21 for light exercise. You were training alone when you notice Ren lurking around the training ground waiting for you to finish, you immediately stop and wait for him to come close. The two of you stared at each other in silence before Ren snorted and spoke to you about going to the afternoon meeting together. At your puzzled expression, he sighed audibly and explained that all members of the reserve genin force are to be present today at the academy for a mandatory test. Something about a training program to increase the ratio of medics in Konoha's regular forces.]


Hiroshi hesitated as he read the latest paragraph, another important path opened up in front of him, he didn't know if focusing on both learning medical ninjutsu and Hiraishin was a good idea, but still, he had a trait related to Iryo Ninjutsu in this simulation, and although he was pretty confident in being able to retain the trait this time, learning just the basics wouldn't be soo bad.

[Day 104: You nod and agreed to Ren's suggestion, you invited him to a spar as you both had a short taijutsu battle, Ren definitely wasn't holding back and his strength and speed were now greater than you. Still, you managed to hold on because you were more skilled at your personal taijutsu style. After an hour of sparring you both agreed to meet back here at Noon. You slipped back towards your house where you started making notes about Hiraishin in English. At noon you met up with Ren and walked to the academy, the classes were still ongoing as you could hear the ruckus from several classrooms. You look around as several more members of the genin reserve force started trickling into the academy one by one.]


'Okay so nothing like this was shown in the show, but then again it was mentioned that this reform that Tsunade wanted to pass a long time ago was finally put into effect, even still most of the regular forces won't change their career path just because of a reform so the primary target of this reform could only be the genin in the reserve force, and anyone else who wanted to learn Iryo Ninjutsu.'

Hiroshi quickly calculated the number of genin in the reserve force, most of the genin were simply shinobi who failed the second part of the graduation exam, and in 3-4 years almost everyone could get strong enough to be promoted to Chunin. So most of Konoha's shinobi were chunin level in strength, even in the reserve force there were just around 600-700 genin at a given time.

[Day 104: You waited for an hour before Shizune arrived and herded everyone into the training ground at the back. Everyone was a little puzzled but quickly followed her instructions, you saw your other two ex-teammates as Shizune started explaining the test criteria, and each of you was given a scroll, Shizune explained, "In this scroll is one of the most fundamental medical ninjutsu focused on relieving muscle fatigue. Starting now every one of you have 2 hours to learn this jutsu, anyone who could successfully learn this technique would pass the primary test."]



AN- Well we are at the Hiraishin finally.

P.S.- Read 8 Chapters ahead at:- p.atreon.com/DesMark.

P.S.- The story will be back on 26th July.

Next chapter